
Indonesia: notarial and document services guide

Documents, certificates, letters and notes available at the British Embassy and British Honorary Consulate in Indonesia.


The British Embassy Jakarta and British Honorary Consulate Bali provide a limited range of notarial and document services for British nationals in Indonesia.

Most notarial and document services can only be provided if you entered Indonesia using a British passport stating you are a British citizen. If you entered using another British passport, for example a BN(O) passport, or another country’s passport, or a Home Office travel document, contact us to check if we can provide the service you require.

Where local notaries can provide services, the British Embassy Jakarta and British Honorary Consulate Bali will not provide them. In many cases, local notaries or lawyers can provide services more cheaply, quickly and conveniently.

Access to the embassy and honorary consulate is by appointment only. Use the booking links to make an appointment. If you require more than one service please book one appointment only.

Services we provide in Indonesia

Before applying for one of our services contact the relevant Indonesian authority to find out what you need. This could be the civil registry office, religious affairs office, immigration office, or another authority either in Indonesia, the UK or a third country. Check that the document(s) we are able to provide will be accepted by the relevant authority and make sure you select the most appropriate service.

Consular staff can provide the following services only:

If you require a document not listed above, see services provided elsewhere.

What supporting documents you need to provide

See the individual services below for details of supporting documents you need to provide. Make sure you have acceptable proof of address and identity, and payment for all fees.


We accept payment by Visa, MasterCard and Maestro debit and credit cards issued worldwide. When making a payment online we also accept Apple Pay.

A third party can make a credit card payment on your behalf if you do not have access to a card.

Payment links are provided within the individual services listed below.

See our full list of consular fees.

Proof of address and identity

Under Money Laundering Regulations you need to provide acceptable proof of your identity and residence for all notarial services.

As proof of your identity we accept British passports.

As proof of your address (residence), we accept any one of the following documents:

  • mortgage statement
  • tenancy agreement
  • Housing Association rent card or
  • DVLA issued photocard driving licence

If issued in the past 3 months:

  • bank statement
  • letter from your bank
  • utility bill
  • council tax demand
  • Inland Revenue tax demand or
  • a self assessment statement

We also accept Indonesian issued ITAS/KITAS when the document incudes your address.

Documents can be in English or Indonesian and should contain your name as it appears on your passport and your address.

You must provide originals, copies of these documents will not be accepted. We do not accept mobile phone bills or documents printed off the internet.

If you do not have documentation containing your name and address, you will need to show evidence of relationship to the person named on the document, for example your original marriage certificate.

How to apply for a notarial or document service

Affidavit or Affirmation for the purpose of marriage under Indonesian law

You should apply online and then attend an appointment, either at the British embassy in Jakarta or the British Honorary Consulate in Bali. It costs £50.

See getting married abroad to check what documents you must provide and to make an affidavit or affirmation application.

Letter of no objection for adoption in Indonesia

This service is available by booking an appointment to attend either the British Embassy in Jakarta or Honorary Consular in Bali. It costs £50.

This letter is issued to accompany an application for adoption in Indonesia. Issued when an Indonesian authority requests a letter of no objection from the British authorities.

Further information is available from application pack for no objection letters for Indonesian Adoption applications (ODT, 212 KB), which includes instructions on how to apply for this service.

Letter of no objection for an Indonesian citizenship application

This service is available by booking an appointment to attend either the British Embassy in Jakarta or Honorary Consular in Bali. It costs £50.

This letter is for British nationals making an application for Indonesian citizenship.

Further information is available from application pack for no objection letters for Indonesian Citizenship applications (ODT, 212 KB), which includes instructions on how to apply for this service.

Services provided elsewhere

Information on services provided elsewhere, including:

Birth, death and marriage in Indonesia

Birth, marriage and deaths should be registered according to the regulations in Indonesia. There is no requirement to register these with the UK authorities.

What to do after a British person dies in Indonesia.

The British Embassy Jakarta and British Honorary Consulate do not provide a search of local documents service. If you need a copy of a local birth, death or marriage certificate you should contact the relevant local civil registry office where your document was issued.

Once you have a birth or death certificate issued locally, you may choose to register the this in the UK. You do not need to do this and there is a fee for these services. There is no requirement, or facility, to register a marriage that occurred abroad in the UK.

Apply online to register a birth that occurred abroad.

Apply online to register a death that occurred abroad.

UK birth, death and marriage certificates

To order a certificate of a UK birth, adoption, death, marriage or civil partnership, contact the General Register Office.

To legalise or obtain authentication of a UK issued certificate, contact the Legalisation Office of the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. They are the only UK authority permitted to provide authentication of these documents. The British Embassy Jakarta suggests you get your UK certificates legalised before you travel to Indonesia.

Legalising a signature or a seal

Legalisation is the official confirmation that a signature, seal or stamp on an official public document is genuine. Also see UK birth, death and marriage certificates.

Some UK public documents can be legalised in the UK (this is also known as an apostille). These include documents issued by a UK court, public registry, Companies House, a government department or a registered doctor. There are also other documents you can get legalised. For further details, contact the Legalisation Office.

More information on how to get your UK document legalised for use in Indonesia can be found on Steps for legalisation (PDF, 8.03 KB, 1 page).

Please note that the UK does not require foreign documents to be legalised prior to use in the UK.

Life certificate

We do not provide life certificates for British nationals claiming a British pension abroad. Someone in a recognised profession can witness your life certificate if you are claiming State Pension abroad. They do not need to live in the UK, or have a British passport. The list of people who can sign the form are the same as those who can ‘countersign’ a passport photo.

Power of Attorney

The British embassy and British Honorary Consulate are not able to provide advice or act as a witness for powers of attorney (POA). You should seek advice from a qualified lawyer. We provide a list of English speaking lawyers in Indonesia.

If you have been requested to obtain a document from the British Embassy Jakarta or British Honorary Consulate Bali which is not listed above, please contact us for advice using our contact form.

Services we cannot provide

Any form of affirmation, affidavit or statutory declaration to confirm identity, address, family relationships or marital status.

Unless it is to marry in Indonesia, then follow the steps above for an Affidavit or Affirmation for the purpose of marriage under Indonesian law

The British Embassy and British Honorary Consulate is not responsible for any costs incurred through booking an appointment for a service that we cannot provide. If in doubt, contact us for advice.

Data protection

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office holds and uses data for purposes notified to the Information Commissioner under the Data Protection Act 2018. Such personal data may be disclosed to other UK government departments and public authorities.


This information is provided as a general guide and is based upon information provided to the Embassy/Honorary Consulate by the relevant authorities and may be subject to change at any time with little or no notice. Accordingly the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, the British Embassy Jakarta and British Honorary Consulate Bali will not be liable for any inaccuracies in this information.

For all notarial and legalisation services, it is the responsibility of the customer to ascertain the precise requirements of the person requesting the notarial or legalisation service and to satisfy themselves that the service provided by the British Embassy Jakarta and British Honorary Consulate Bali will be accepted.

Updates to this page

Published 22 April 2013
Last updated 9 October 2024 + show all updates
  1. Complete rewrite of page, adding details of each service available

  2. Removed announcement about consular section not taking appointments for notarial requests because the information is no longer suitable.

  3. We added important announcement regarding COVID-19.

  4. removed services we don't provide anymore

  5. Updated.

  6. Changes to notarial services for Bali updated

  7. First published.

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