Updates: Ofqual Handbook: Performance Table Qualifications
Interpretation and Definitions (Condition PTQ13)
Ofqual has made minor amendments to the interpretation condition in the Qualification Level Conditions for Performance Table Qualifications (which apply to Key Stage 4 Technical Awards), Technical Qualifications (in T Levels), Functional Skills Qualifications (English, maths and digital) and Essential Digital Skills Qualifications. These amendments are intended to clarify this aspect of the regulations and to bring greater consistency across Ofqual’s regulatory framework. These are minor changes, and awarding organisations will not need to take any action as a result of these amendments. The changes will have no practical impact on students or any other user of qualifications.
About these rules and guidance
First published
Applying our general rules to Performance Table Qualifications (Conditions PTQ1 and PTQ2)
First published
Assessment strategies (Condition PTQ3)
First published
Performance Table Qualification Review (Condition PTQ4)
First published
Qualification purposes (Condition PTQ5)
First published
Describing Performance Table Qualifications (Conditions PTQ6 and PTQ7)
First published
First published
First published
Specified levels of attainment (Condition PTQ10)
First published
Standard setting (Condition PTQ11)
First published
Withdrawal from Performance Tables (Condition PTQ12)
First published
Interpretation and Definitions (Condition PTQ13)
First published