Oil and gas: environmental alert notices
Published environmental alert notices issued in order to raise awareness of any environmental issues on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS).
The Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment and Decommissioning (OPRED) regularly issues environmental alert notices in order to raise awareness of any environmental issues on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS) so companies can respond appropriately. They are issued directly to Oil and Gas operators and published below.
Reporting of offshore installation movements
Partial relaxation with regards to the required range for fog signals on Offshore Installations
Over report of oil discharges to sea during OPPC non-compliances
Note to Duty Holders, particularly those who utilise ATEX call point activation switches
Phase down of F-Gas in 2022
MET Office out of hours incident reporting number change
Phase Down of F gas in 2020
Construction and commissioning of chemical storage tanks
Note to Industry of the requirement to inform United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO)
Lower BOP annular and implications for capping stack
OPEP Guidance revision
Investigation findings into EIA decisions, Marine Licences and survey consents
Incorrect co-ordinates being recorded on a PON1
Environmental permits - Operator name
Inspection and monitoring of BOP control lines
Bunkering Operations during the hours of darkness - PON1 reports
Incorrect calculation of oil on sand concentrations
Energy Act 2008, Part 4a - Consent to Locate
F-Gas Regulations
Emergency Deposit Consents
PON1 reporting requirements
F-Gas reporting awareness
Emergency chemical permit variations
Risk assessments for temporary equipment
Oil sample handling
Late submission of PON1s
Composition of releases to sea
Procedures for environmentally critical tasks
Cargo offload systems
Bunkering of bulk products/chemicals
Lost or dropped objects from offshore installations
Oil pollution incident response training
Inclusion of subsea infrastructure in OPEPs
New emergency chemical permit variations procedure
Permit applications/non-compliances/investigations
Emergency contact numbers
Closure of isolation valves
Environmental risk from drainage pump
Updates to this page
Publication of Environmental Alert 002/2024, Reporting of offshore installation movements.
An Environmental Alert (001/2024) is added which advises a partial relaxation with regards to the required range for fog signals on Offshore Installations.
A new environmental alert has been published by OPRED.
Note to Duty Holders, particularly those who utilise ATEX call point activation switches to control systems with the potential for environmental release.
Addition of Environmental Alert 001/2021
Explanation of use for ‘Known Third Party’ option on PON1 reporting form removed due to change in Guidance.
Addition of Environmental Alert 001/2020
Addition of Environmental Alert 001/2019
First published.