Oil and gas: licence data
Look up original licences and licence reports for UK onshore, offshore and gas storage by block, company or licence number.
Getting a licence
You can go to the UK Oil Portal to apply online for onshore and offshore petroleum licences - and for changes to licences eg assignments and relinquishments (login required).
All the offshore licences have been migrated to the new portal licensing system
Licence reports
- Offshore licences by licence number
- Onshore licences by licence number
- Offshore licences by block
- Onshore licences by block
- Licences by company and block
- Licensee company information
- Company group lookup
- Offshore sub-area operators
- Licensing Offshore/Onshore Export Reports
Scanned licence documents
You can search for recent offshore, onshore or gas storage licences and licence reports by block or part block using our look-up menu (no login required).
N.B. If you are using IE10, please view the page above in “Compatibility View” found on the tools menu.
Licence Relinquishments
- Relinquishment/surrender reports: Seaward Production Licences
- Licence relinquishments 2003 to present
Additional licensing data
Updates to this page
Updated Recent and current Exploration Licences document
Oil and Gas: Updated document for Recent and current extant exploration licences.
Oil and Gas: Update of extant licences pdf
Oil and Gas: Update of current extant licences pdf
Oil and gas: Exploration Licences - (updated)
Oil and gas: Recent and current extant exploration licences - (updated)
Oil and gas: Recent and current extant exploration licences - (updated)
Oil and gas: Recent and current extant exploration licences - (updated)
Oil and Gas: recent and current extant exploration licences document updated
Oil and Gas: licensing offshore/onshore export reports link added
Oil and gas: 2013 Licence relinquishments - (updated)
2013 Relinquishments updated
2013 relinquishments - updated
2013 Oil and gas licence relinquishments - updated
2013 relinquishments - updated
2013 Relinquishments updated
2013 Relinquishments updated
First published.