Oil and Gas: 2015 UK Government-funded seismic project
WesternGeco was awarded the contract in early July and the acquisition of the data was completed on October 11th 2015. The data was released to industry, academia and the public at large on March 31st 2016.
Following a competitive tendering process WesternGeco was awarded the contract in early July and all three seismic vessels - Vespucci, Tasman and Regent - were in the field by mid-July. The acquisition of the data was completed on October 11th 2015. The data was released to industry, academia and the public at large on March 31st 2016 via the UKOilandGasData portal.
Data delivery survey : 2015 Government funded seismic surveys over Rockall and greater Mid North Sea High
In the time frame of the 29th Round covering UKCS under explored areas, data packages have been made available to the industry, academia and the public at large. Data packages less than 20 GB in size may be downloaded, and larger data packages are available for order on physical media.
The data packages include: processed seismic data from the latest 2015 OGA surveys as well as from legacy data, data base of released well data, Gravity and Magnetic data. Raw data is also be available on request (a media and handling charge will apply).
Data packages, and details on how to order larger packages, are available from OilandGasData portal
Rockall Trough
The Rockall Trough area, in the Outer Hebrides is under-explored, with just 12 exploration wells since 1980. It does have a proven working petroleum system - Benbecula discovery in 2000 - but prior to the government funded seismic survey most of the seismic data was pre-1998.
Mid-North Sea High
In the Mid-North Sea High area, new advances in seismic acquisition broadband technology, longer streamer length and advances in processing technology can now improve deeper imaging. We targeted deeper Palaeozoic penetration and also acquired data close to shore to transfer critical onshore knowledge.
Project seismic deliverables
The project delivered approximately 40,000 km of new and legacy data. It became available for download from March 31st 2016.
Rockall Trough
8896 km (“full fold”) PSTM</span> | Broadband data acquired as part of the UK Government-funded seismic project acquired by WesternGeco in 2015 |
1117 km (“full fold”) PSTM | Broadband data acquired in 2014 by WesternGeco and part of the UK Government-funded seismic project |
5485 km | Legacy data from WesternGeco data library and part of the UK Government-funded seismic project |
1660 km | Reprocessed (2015) Legacy data from WesternGeco data library and part of the UK Government-funded seismic project |
Mid-North Sea High
10849 km (“full fold”) PSTM | Broadband data acquired as part of the UK Government-funded seismic project acquired by WesternGeco in 2015 |
9637 km | Legacy data from WesternGeco data library and part of the UK Government-funded seismic project |
1956 km | Reprocessed (2015) Legacy data from WesternGeco data library and part of the UK Government-funded seismic project |
Project Gravity & Magnetics deliverables
Rockall Trough
10,237.4 km Gravity 7,427.9 km Mag |
WesternGeco 2015 data acquired by the UK Government-funded seismic project |
Mid-North Sea High
11,788.4 km Gravity</span> 11,520.3 km Mag |
WesternGeco 2015 data acquired by the UK Government-funded seismic project |
- Geological Tops
- Post Well Analysis sheets (PWAs), - using the same template as those created in the frame of the Moray-Firth –Central North Sea Post Well analysis 2015 project, have been done for the Rockall wells located within a 500m radius from the WesternGeco 2014 and OGA 2015 released seismic lines. Due to variable information availability and quality, all these new PWAs are not filled with the same completeness
If you have specific question about the UK Government-funded seismic project, Please email oga.correspondence@oga.gsi.gov.uk
Maps & GIS Shape files
In addition to the data obtained and released by the OGA, there are a number of commercial datasets available. Access the map portal for details.
2016 Seismic Campaign
A further UK-Government seismic campaign was announced in January 2016. Details about this campaign, and other support provided to the sector, can be found here.
Updates to this page
Published 30 October 2015Last updated 15 April 2016 + show all updates
Post Well Analysis sheets - (added)
Joined Digital Well Logs- (added)
Oil and Gas: UK Government-funded seismic project - (added)
First published.