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What to do if you only have 24 hours

This section is a step by step guide for running a workshop in 24 hours. It includes the tools and techniques needed to run through diagnosis, discovery and idea generation.

Sometimes it is necessary to develop policy ideas in a very short period of time. This is by no means ideal, but it happens. To help you with this common problem Policy Lab have created “Policy Lab in a day”, which helps you to quickly make sense of available evidence, focus on the user and generate creative solutions in a workshop setting or on your own.

Download the guide: Download the guide

If you have any questions, or feedback on this prototype tool, please contact us at or @PolicyLabUK

Day plan

  1. Set the challenge 30-45 minutes
  2. Understand the policy landscape 60-90 minutes
  3. Understand the user 60-90 minutes
  4. Generate and prioritise ideas 60-90 minutes
  5. Plan next steps 45-60 minutes

4-7 hours in total (a day’s work)

What you will need on the day

  • Space to work creatively
  • Wi-fi to access the Open Policy Making toolkit and check facts

  • Post-its
  • Marker pens
  • Flip chart paper
  • Open Policy Making toolkit
  • A camera/smartphone