
Participation Survey

This page introduces the Participation Survey and links to all relevant documents.

Applies to England

The Participation Survey

The Participation survey is a continuous push to web survey of adults aged 16 and over in England. There are paper surveys available for those not digitally engaged. Verian is carrying out the survey on behalf of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). Fieldwork started in October 2021 and will be a main evidence source for DCMS and its sectors by providing statistically representative national estimates of adult engagement with the DCMS sectors. The survey’s main objectives are to:

  • Provide a central, reliable evidence source that can be used to analyse cultural, digital, and sporting engagement, providing a clear picture of why people do or do not engage.

  • Provide data at a county level to meet user needs, including providing evidence for the levelling up agenda.

  • Underpin further research on driving engagement and the value and benefits of engagement.

Update to the Participation Survey

In February 2023, there was a Machinery of Government change and responsibility for digital policy now sits within the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology. This will not affect the content of the Participation Survey for 2023/24 and 2024/25 - digital questions are still part of the survey.

As a result of a partnership between Arts Council England (ACE) and DCMS, in 2023/24, we boosted the Participation Survey to be able to produce meaningful estimates at the Local Authority (LA) level. The questionnaire for 2023/24 was developed collaboratively to adapt to the needs and interests of both DCMS and ACE. In 2024/25, the survey is not boosted and therefore estimates will be available at the international territorial levels 2 (ITL 2: groups of counties and districts in metropolitan areas). Looking ahead to 2026/27, our aim is for a LA boost to happen every three years, as outlined in the below table, and will absorb ACE’s planned ‘cultural and creative lives’ survey, providing better value for money and providing users with a more detailed evidence base.

Survey year Approximate sample size Lowest geographical breakdown
2021/22 33,000 ITL 2
2022/23 33,000 ITL 2
2023/24 175,000 Local authority
2024/25 33,000 ITL 2
2025/26 33,000 ITL 2
2026/27 175,000 Local authority

The questionnaire for 2023/24 has been developed collaboratively to adapt to the needs and interests of both DCMS and ACE.

What the survey covers

The Participation Survey collects data on adult engagement in:

  • The cultural sectors: arts, libraries, heritage, museums & galleries, and tourism

  • Major events: cultural and sporting events

  • Sport and gambling

  • The digital sectors: internet use, 5G, digital or online skills training.

It includes information on frequency of participation, reasons for participating, barriers to participation and attitudes to the sectors. The survey also gathers information on demographics (for example, age and education), and related areas including wellbeing, loneliness, and use of digital technology.

What we publish

Survey data will be available in three forms:

  • Quarterly releases will give a high level summary of the key measures
  • Annual releases will give a more detailed summary of the data.
  • Annual datasets will be archived on the UK Data Archive.

Statistical releases

Statistical releases for the Participation Survey can be found here.

Statistical releases are Official Statistics publications. Dates of upcoming releases are published in the DCMS Official Statistics Release Calendar

Ad hoc statistical releases

The ad hoc statistical releases for the Participation Survey can be found here.


The methodology for this series of statistics can be found here.


The questionnaires for the Participation Survey can be found here.

Record-level data

Record-level Participation Survey datasets will be accessible via the UK Data Service, University of Essex. Please note that these datasets will only be available for not-for-profit educational and research purposes only.

Information for survey participants

Participants in the survey are randomly selected from addresses from the Post Office’s list of addresses in England. This ensures results reflect the experiences and views of the whole population. You can find more information for survey participants on the Participation Survey: survey participants page.


We are always interested in hearing your views on the Participation survey. The latest publication releases include data to a higher level of granularity, which should aid those looking to conduct more in-depth analysis. Please contact us with any suggestions or feedback by email at

Updates to this page

Published 26 August 2021
Last updated 29 February 2024 show all updates
  1. DCMS is considering the current evidence needs of the department and our stakeholders, ensuring meeting user needs and achieving value for money is at the forefront of any survey design. Therefore we invite views from interested stakeholders about their current use of the Participation Survey and Community Life Survey and priorities for future design. A link to the consultation has been added to this page.

  2. Updated with information about changes coming in the 2023/24 survey year.

  3. Added new link to the ad hoc statistical releases page.

  4. Edited feedback paragraph to reflect latest publication

  5. First published.

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