
Personal effectiveness

Explore these learning opportunities recommended for improving civil servants' personal effectiveness.

Asserting yourself positively 

This course provides you with ways in which you can recognise different behaviours and have strategies to deal with them to develop greater confidence to communicate your ideas and develop greater influence around the workplace.

Collaboration across departments, government and beyond

This free online course introduces you to the value of collaboration and the practical skills and techniques that you need to work across government.

Emotional intelligence

A series of bite-size learning modules aimed at helping civil servants build productive relationships, make better decisions and motivate your colleagues.

Introduction to coaching

This introductory course outlines the circumstances when a coaching-style  approach can be beneficial and describes some of the key skills involved.

Presenting confidently 

This course will give you tools and techniques to deliver presentations with greater confidence. Whether you are presenting at internal meetings, briefings and public events to large or small groups of people, the techniques will enable you to get your message across more effectively and confidently.

Resilience and wellbeing

This collection of learning aims to build personal resilience in order to maintain wellbeing and improve effectiveness in the workplace.

What are your values?

A tool to help identify the personal values that may impact the approach someone takes to their work and environment.

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Published 23 August 2024

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