
Policy and strategy for all

Browse these courses designed to help civil servants master policy and strategy - irrespective of whether they work in the policy field or not.

Understanding policy

Policy 101 (coming soon)

A course to ensure all civil servants understand the policy profession standards across its three pillars of strategy, democracy and delivery.

Understanding the UK outside the EU 

This free online course is useful for all civil servants.  It explains how the UK’s position relative to the European Union (EU) has changed, the opportunities of our changing relationship with the EU and the UK’s new position as an independent actor.

Climate and the environment 

 This free online learning provides an introduction to climate change, the Government’s response to it and its implications for working in the Civil Service.

Policy and strategy skills

Understanding and accessing science and engineering advice 

 This free online course is designed to upskill civil servants outside of the professions in using science and engineering advice.

Applying strategic thinking in Government 

This course is designed to help public servants to see problems from new perspectives, navigate complex systems and think strategically about the future.

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Published 23 August 2024

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