
Preparing for the Civil Service Work Strengths Test

Guidance for job applicants who have been invited to complete the Civil Service Work Strengths Test.

Why we use online recruitment tests

The Civil Service uses psychometric tests alongside other assessment methods (such as application forms, evidence of technical skills, and interviews) to decide whether a person meets the requirements of a particular job.

Using tests can:

  • allow candidates to demonstrate their strengths
  • provide recruiters with objective assessments against relevant criteria
  • identify where candidates could develop their skills

Provided that they are used appropriately, our tests are fair and free from bias or discrimination. As such:

  • they offer robust and effective measurements
  • there is no advantage to having additional educational qualifications or work experience
  • they can predict candidate performance in later selection stages

About the Civil Service Work Strengths Test (Work Strengths Test)

The Civil Service Work Strengths Test is an online test of your strengths - what you do regularly, what you do well and what motivates you.

Depending on the job level you have applied to, you will get one of two different versions of the test. Strengths are arranged in pairs during the assessment to ensure fuller coverage.

Strengths are one of the five elements in our Success Profiles Framework. The Civil Service uses Success Profiles to provide a flexible means of recruiting, giving the best possible chance of finding the right person for a job.

The strengths measured in the test for the range of Administrative to Executive Officer level include:

  • Analytical/Problem Solver
  • Relationship Builder/Team Player
  • Adaptable/Explainer
  • Organiser/Decisive
  • Service Focussed/Focussed

The strengths measured in the test for the range of Higher Executive Officer to Grade 6 level include:

  • Analytical/Problem Solver
  • Relationship Builder/Team Leader
  • Adaptable/Resilient
  • Explainer/Influencer
  • Organiser/Strategic

Test structure

There are three parts to the test.

First part

You will be asked about your typical behaviour and preferences at work, such as “I find it frustrating when others don’t understand my ideas”. You should then rate your level of agreement or disagreement with the statements, which could range from ‘very strongly agree’ to ‘very strongly disagree’.

Second part

You will view various workplace scenarios, along with a range of possible actions. You must read the scenario, then provide an effectiveness rating for each action.

You will only be presented with scenarios that are relevant to the job level you have applied for.

There are four rating options:

Counterproductive Ineffective Fairly Effective Effective
An unacceptable action that would make the situation worse. A poor action that would not help the situation. A useful action that would be of some help to the situation. A good action that would help to resolve the situation.

There are 10 scenarios and each scenario asks you to rate four actions. When reviewing an action, look at it independently from the others. You can give the same effectiveness rating to more than one action.

Third part

The third part is similar to the second part, but instead of providing an effectiveness rating on each action, you need to state which of the four actions you would be most likely to take, and which you would be least likely to take. You will be presented with 5 scenarios in this part.

The test is not timed, however most people take between two and four minutes to answer one scenario.

Example questions are included at the beginning of each test, and no specialist knowledge or experience is required.

Taking the test

The test is taken online. You will be sent an invitation, which provides full instructions on how to proceed.

Your test answers should be your own; you must not ask for input from anyone. Hiring managers may require candidates invited to interview to retake the test under supervised conditions. You will learn whether you need to do this if you are invited to interview.

Tests work on most modern browsers and operating systems, and while they should work on smartphones or tablets, we recommend using a device with a larger screen. If your browser is not supported, the test will alert you to try an alternative.

Try not to close the browser while taking the test. If you do, you will be able to re-open it where you left off. If you lose internet connection, once you are back online you can continue the test where you left off. If you lose the test page, go back to your application centre to re-open it.

Some questions may be presented as videos. Each video includes:

  • subtitles
  • British Sign Language translations of the speech

Alternative written transcripts of the video content are available within the test, and each video can be replayed as needed.

Some workplaces block test access - if this happens, you will need to try an alternative device.

If you need any workplace adjustments, or if you experience accessibility issues, contact the recruitment team or point of contact in the job advert.


When you are invited to take the test, you should try to do so as early as possible, so you have time to resolve any technical or access issues before the deadline. All queries or help requests should be submitted at least two working days before the test deadline, to ensure a response.

Before you start:

  • find a quiet place with no distractions
  • make sure you read all test instructions carefully
  • answer every question
  • you will need a stable internet connection throughout the test
  • try and take the test when you feel calm, although it is natural to feel a little nervous

While the test is not timed, we recommend allowing at least an hour to complete it.

Practice test questions

Before taking the Civil Service Work Strengths Test, you should get used to what the test looks like by taking the Civil Service Work Strengths practice test so you are fully familiar.

The practice test is not scored. It is designed to show you the look and feel of the real test while keeping the questions easy to respond to. Taking a practice test can be particularly helpful if you use assistive technology to access web content and want to know if it will work on the real test.

The real test also includes example questions at the beginning of each section.

You can also watch this short video on the Civil Service Work Strengths Test

Test results and feedback

Your pattern of responses to the test questions is used to produce your score, which is compared to a representative group of applicants who have also taken the test.

Your score is presented as a percentile, which tells you how well you performed relative to this group. For example, if your percentile is 44, you scored better than 44% of the group.

After taking the test, you will receive your score and automatically-generated feedback. This will be available from your application centre in Civil Service Jobs. For security reasons, we cannot provide feedback on answers to specific questions.

All Civil Service jobs are advertised at a particular level. If you pass the test at the minimum required standard for that job level, you will receive a message informing you.

Where any additional tests are needed, you will be sent an invitation to complete them.

After the test deadline, the recruiter will look at all applicant scores to decide what the job’s pass mark will be. They will consider the impact on protected groups, and the number of invitations to the next stage.

The recruiter may decide to raise the pass mark for the job - if so, you will be informed, and you will be told if you have passed or failed at the raised standard.

Meeting the minimum test requirements for a job level is no guarantee of an invitation to continue the selection process.

If you do not pass at the minimum required standard for a job level, you can retake the test during any future applications.

Banked scores

If you pass the Civil Service Work Strengths test at or above the minimum required standard, your score will be “banked” and you will not need to retake the test if you apply for future jobs in the same grade grouping (see grouping explanation, below). This is because your score will be re-used.

If you don’t pass, your score will not be banked. You can take the test again for any future jobs you apply for.

When you apply for a job requiring you to take a test, Civil Service Jobs will check if you have an applicable banked test score.

  • If you do - you won’t be invited to the test
  • If you don’t - you will be invited to the test, and must take it

A banked score will expire when any one of the following conditions is met:

  • Six months has passed since the banked score was obtained
  • A new score benchmark is applied to the test
  • Technical work on the test platform takes place which affects banked scores

In these instances, you will need to take the test again.

You can only bank a score for the grade level group of the job you applied for. For these tests, the grade levels are grouped as follows:

  • Administrative Assistant (AA) and Administrative Officer (AO)
  • Executive Officer (EO)
  • Higher Executive Officer (HEO) and Senior Executive Officer (SEO)
  • Grade 7 and Grade 6

This means, for example, that if you apply for an SEO-level job and pass the test, your banked score will also be applicable for any HEO-level jobs you apply for while the banked score remains valid.

Where a Government Department does not have these grades, they will select an appropriate level of test for their vacancy.

If you bank a score on a test, it will not transfer between tests.

Getting help

If you lose access during the test, sign in to your application centre to relaunch it. You can launch the test as many times as you need, and this doesn’t have to be on the same device.

If you have concerns about the test or you have technical problems, contact your recruitment team - their contact details are in the job advert, or you can use this general contact form. Questions about the advertised job should be directed to the contact on the advert.

When you apply, you will have an opportunity to tell us that you need help with your application, such as needing a reasonable adjustment. You can also contact the recruitment team if you need any further help, or you experience accessibility issues. We have a legal duty to provide reasonable adjustments, so please don’t be afraid to ask for help if you think you need it.

How we use your data

Personal information is held securely in Civil Service Jobs - the test supplier cannot see it, and will only know your name if you choose to share it.

Your information will only be used to support your job application, and evaluate test effectiveness.

For more information, see the Civil Service Jobs Privacy Notice.

Updates to this page

Published 1 September 2020
Last updated 9 June 2022 show all updates
  1. Added section on banked scores

  2. Updated practice test wording

  3. Removed banked scores section as they do not apply to this test

  4. First published.

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