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Advanced learner loans: other approval criteria

Criteria that qualifications in the advanced learner loans offer need to meet, alongside the common funding approval criteria.

This section sets out:

  • the principles that only apply when we approve qualifications for the loans offer
  • how you can ask us to approve a qualification for loans
  • the information you need to send us for that review, and when you need to send it

We will only approve a qualification for the loans offer, if the qualification meets all the common approval principles and these specific principles here.

You can find more information about how advanced learner loans work.

New criteria in scope for 2023 to 2024

From 1 April 2024, to keep the offer stable, there will a moratorium on new level 4 to 6 qualifications entering the advanced learner loans offer ahead of the introduction of the lifelong loan entitlement (LLE).

For any new qualification approved between January and April 2024, there will be 2 additional requirements:

  • the qualification’s purpose and outcome statements must support student progression into employment and higher education and training.
  • there is clear employer endorsement for the qualification

Where the qualifications are technical in nature, we will work with the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) to draw on their existing processes for approval and keep these under review.

This means that from January 2024, awarding organisations submitting new qualifications for advanced learner loans approval will need to meet these new criteria. The process for doing this is detailed in Step 2 of How to transfer qualifications funded in Advanced Learner Loans.

The same additional criteria will apply to any qualifications in scope to transition to LLE. This means that by 31 March 2024, awarding organisations with qualifications already approved for loans and in scope for transition to the LLE, will need to evidence that their existing advanced learner loans approved qualifications meet these new criteria. The process for doing this is detailed in Step 3 of How to transfer qualifications funded in Advanced Learner Loans.

You can ask us to consider adding a qualification in the advanced learner loans offer by completing the level 4 to 6 notification form.

To be approved for loans offer, a qualification must be:

  • at least 150 guided learning hours (GLH) in size, as shown in the regulated GLH value in Ofqual’s register of regulated qualifications – we will consider some exceptions to this size threshold
  • one of the following qualification types:
    • Access to Higher Education diplomas
    • GCE A levels and AS levels
    • an Ofqual regulated qualification approved by IfATE as a higher technical qualification (HTQ) and available for delivery from September 2022 and not funded through higher education student finance
    • technical qualifications that support clear routes into and through employment, and progression to higher level skills
    • core maths qualifications

From January 2024, a qualification must meet 2 additional requirements:

  • the qualification’s purpose and outcome statements must support student progression into employment and higher education and training
  • there is clear employer endorsement for the qualification

We will automatically approve Access to Higher Education diplomas, GCE A levels, GCE AS levels, core maths and Ofqual regulated approved HTQs for delivery in 2023 to 2024 for the loans offer. You do not need to ask us to approve these qualifications for the loans offer.

During the moratorium, we will only approve a qualification at level 3 in the loans offer if it meets the criteria to be an exemption in the moratorium.

For loans, we define technical qualifications as those that support one of the following learning outcomes:

  • progression to and through higher level technical skills in the context of skilled employment, by:
    • having a clear focus on a particular occupational area
    • being clear about how it supports progression into that occupational area through skilled employment, and progression to higher level skills
  • direct entry to a specific job role
  • continuing professional development in a specific occupation
  • upskilling or reskilling in an occupational area

Exceptions to the qualification size threshold

We will consider exceptions to the qualification size threshold of 150 GLH, to include certain qualifications at level 4 to level 6 in the loans offer. To be an exception, a qualification must:

  • be at level 4, level 5 or level 6 – we will not consider exceptions at level 3 or below
  • be between 45 GLH to 149 GLH
  • relate to an occupation listed in an occupational map published by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education

The exception qualification must be in a particular occupational area, and support one of the following occupational outcomes:

  • it is a particular requirement for a specific occupation
  • it supports specialisation or the need to upskill within an established profession
  • it meets a specific higher-level skills gap in a named occupational area

You must make sure that your approved centres have the necessary occupational capacity and capability, enough resource, and the assessment experience and expertise to deliver the qualification. They must also have appropriate quality assurance processes and policies in place.

As part of this exception process, we will not normally consider qualifications that are smaller in size, and that share the content of another larger qualification already in the loans offer.

If you want to replace the larger qualification in the offer with a smaller one, you must provide the details of the larger qualification, including its reference number and title. We can then remove the larger qualification and replace it with the qualification below the size threshold.

The only exception will be where the smaller qualification serves a distinct purpose and, for instance, confers occupational competency or allows entry into an occupation in and of itself.

We will not consider the following as exceptions:

  • qualifications at level 3
  • qualifications that only support progression to higher education, and that do not lead into skilled employment

Information about the qualification

We will not ask for evidence that other organisations recognise or endorse the qualification, but it will help students to see a clear reference to any organisations that support the qualification. You may want to make students aware if a qualification:

  • will lead to professional body membership
  • is endorsed by a major employer in that occupational area
  • is recognised by an HE institution for progression purposes

The table below sets out the information you should include in published information for students.

What to include Value to student
The qualification’s content, structure and outcomes They can see the knowledge, skills and behaviours they will develop and competences they will be able to demonstrate
The qualification’s assessment structure and approach They can see what they will be assessed on, how they will be assessed and at what points they will be assessed
An explanation of how the qualification supports the identified outcomes They can see the progression opportunities in the job roles or occupations, or the subjects, qualifications and apprenticeships they can go on to study at the next level
Comparison to similar qualifications you offer They can decide which qualification is appropriate for them
Other ways to achieve the same outcome They can decide which route would be best for them, for example a qualification by taking out a loan or an apprenticeship
Reference to organisations that support the qualification They can see that the qualification will support their entry into HE, into employment or to gain membership status with professional bodies
The UCAS points tariff the qualification attracts if it has them They can see how it will support a HE application

Where you intend to also submit the qualification at level 4 or 5 to IfATE for approval as an HTQ, you need to notify us of this in the level 4 to 6 notification form, including which application cycle you intend to submit the qualification for.