Offer-specific funding approval criteria: 16 to 19 offer

Funding approval criteria that qualifications will need to meet for the 16 to 19 offer alongside the common approval and qualification-type criteria.

This section describes the funding approval criteria that will determine if alternative academic and technical qualifications will be approved for funding for the 16 to 19 offer.

16 to 19 offer

Qualifications do not need to meet any additional funding approval criteria to be included in the 16 to 19 offer for:

Where the qualification meets the common funding approval criteria and qualification-type specific funding approval criteria, it will be included as part of the 16 to 19 offer.

There are certain qualifications that will automatically be included in the 16 to 19 offer if they meet the common funding approval criteria, including:

  • AS and A levels
  • access to higher education diplomas
  • advanced extension awards
  • core maths qualifications
  • extended project qualifications
  • International Baccalaureate diploma
  • performing arts graded examination at level 3
  • technical qualifications in T Levels
  • GCSEs
  • higher project qualifications
  • performing arts graded examinations
  • English and maths functional skills qualifications

Access to higher education diplomas prepare adults without traditional qualifications for study at higher education level. We only approve these qualifications for funding for young people aged 16 to 19 by exception.

We will automatically approve technical qualifications for T Levels in the 16 to 19 offer if they are approved as a T Level programme. We will not approve technical qualifications for standalone delivery. Providers of education and training cannot deliver these technical qualifications to learners outside a T Level programme.