R-Cloud: marketplace for defence science and technology research
Suppliers of science and technology research can sign up to R-Cloud to access opportunities from across the Ministry of Defence (MOD).
Join R-Cloud to gain access to security and defence contracting opportunities across all the MOD’s science and technology research areas (capabilities).
We welcome applications from:
- all types of supplier: non-traditional defence supplier, micro business, small to medium-sized enterprise (SME), academic institution or large organisation
- UK and international research suppliers
How it works
R-Cloud is different from traditional procurement frameworks, enabling suppliers to:
- apply quickly and easily using the online application process
- join at any time during the R-Cloud term, because it’s a dynamic agreement
- receive targeted invitations to bid for opportunities tailored to your key capabilities and skills
- access opportunities to contract directly with MOD
- retain intellectual property rights
- efficiently take up opportunities using R-Cloud’s smooth online tasking process that includes standardised terms and conditions and tasking forms
Everything is managed using the online R-Cloud service at https://rcloud.dstl.gov.uk/ - from applying to join, to responding to relevant opportunities.
Joining R-Cloud
To join R-Cloud you’ll need to:
- create an account at https://rcloud.dstl.gov.uk/
- choose the research areas relevant to your capabilities and skills
- complete the main application including company details
- provide a technical narrative (statement) to explain your organisation’s experience and capabilities
- submit the completed application
We will then assess your application and you’ll be notified of the outcome through the online service.
How contracts are placed
The R-Cloud tasking process is managed through https://rcloud.dstl.gov.uk/ and it’s fully online - no hard copy paperwork is issued.
We publish task details on the R-Cloud online service using the R-Cloud tasking form, which contains all the information you’ll need to respond to an opportunity.
You will only see opportunities that are relevant to your organisation, because:
- when suppliers join R-Cloud, you select which research areas are of interest to your organisation
- when MOD adds new opportunities or ‘tasks’ to R-Cloud, we select the relevant research areas
- R-Cloud matches your areas of interest with our opportunities to create a shortlist of suppliers who will be invited to respond
About R-Cloud
R-Cloud is run by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) on behalf of the MOD, and it’s just one of a number of ways to sell to or work with us.
Suppliers can apply to become R-Cloud members for any or all of the key capability areas at any time. You will need to meet the required technical and commercial requirements, and accept the R-Cloud standard terms and conditions.
All contracting opportunities placed using R-Cloud will be fundamental and applied research tasks covering Technical Readiness Levels (TRLs) 1 to 6.
Intellectual property rights reside solely with the supplier, with Dstl and the Ministry of Defence having full user rights.
Since 2018 almost 1,000 contracts valued in excess of £164 million have been awarded via R-Cloud and usage and spend are increasing. Our suppliers are from across industry and academia, both UK and internationally based, and more than 70% of R-Cloud suppliers are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
New for 2023, R-Cloud+ is an optional addition to R-Cloud, which will open up more opportunities to participate in UK government R&D contracts.
Buyers have the option to require all or part of the intellectual property rights (IPR) under a contract to vest in the Crown with R-Cloud+.
Find out more about R-Cloud+ on our supplier guidance page.
Contact us
Dstl R-Cloud
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
Porton Down
Email dstlrcloud@dstl.gov.uk
Contact form https://rcloud.dstl.go...
Updates to this page
R-Cloud is now available again following essential maintenance.
R-Cloud is currently not available to suppliers while we carry out maintenance work. This will take between 3 and 4 weeks, starting from 29 November 2022.
Fully updated R-Cloud information with details of benefits and processes.
Updated URL from https://rcloud-v4.dstl.gov.uk to https://rcloud.dstl.gov.uk/
Added link to R-Cloud portal (beta).
First published.