
Historic rates for Air Passenger Duty

Check which Air Passenger Duty rates apply for years earlier than the current year.

Air Passenger Duty rates for earlier years for flights starting from UK airports

Rates from 1 April 2023

Destination bands Reduced rate (for travel in the lowest class of travel available on the aircraft) Standard rate (for travel in any other class of travel) Higher rate (for travel in aircraft of 20 tonnes or more equipped to carry fewer than 19 passengers)
Domestic £6.50 £13 £78
Band A £13 £26 £78
Band B £87 £191 £574
Band C £91 £200 £601

Rates from 1 April 2022

Destination bands Reduced rate (for travel in the lowest class of travel available on the aircraft) Standard rate (for travel in any other class of travel) Higher rate (for travel in aircraft of 20 tonnes or more equipped to carry fewer than 19 passengers)
Band A £13 £26 £78
Band B £84 £185 £554

Rates from 1 April 2021

Destination bands Reduced rate (for travel in the lowest class of travel available on the aircraft) Standard rate (for travel in any other class of travel) Higher rate (for travel in aircraft of 20 tonnes or more equipped to carry fewer than 19 passengers)
Band A £13 £26 £78
Band B £82 £180 £541

Rates from 1 April 2020

Destination bands Reduced rate (for travel in the lowest class of travel available on the aircraft) Standard rate (for travel in any other class of travel) Higher rate (for travel in aircraft of 20 tonnes or more equipped to carry fewer than 19 passengers)
Band A £13 £26 £78
Band B £80 £176 £528

Rates from 1 April 2019

Destination bands Reduced rate (for travel in the lowest class of travel available on the aircraft) Standard rate (for travel in any other class of travel) Higher rate (for travel in aircraft of 20 tonnes or more equipped to carry fewer than 19 passengers)
Band A £13 £26 £78
Band B £78 £172 £515

Rates from 1 April 2018

Destination bands Reduced rate (for travel in the lowest class of travel available on the aircraft) Standard rate (for travel in any other class of travel) Higher rate (for travel in aircraft of 20 tonnes or more equipped to carry fewer than 19 passengers)
Band A £13 £26 £78
Band B £78 £156 £468

Rates from 1 April 2017

Destination bands Reduced rate (for travel in the lowest class of travel available on the aircraft) Standard rate (for travel in any other class of travel) Higher rate (for travel in aircraft of 20 tonnes or more equipped to carry fewer than 19 passengers)
Band A £13 £26 £78
Band B £75 £150 £450

From 1 April 2016

Destination bands and distance from London (miles) Reduced rate (for travel in the lowest class of travel available on the aircraft) Standard rate (for travel in any other class of travel) Higher rate (for travel in aircraft of 20 tonnes or more equipped to carry fewer than 19 passengers)
Band A (0 to 2,000 miles) £13 £26 £78
Band B (over 2,000 miles) £73 £146 £438

From 1 April 2015

Destination bands and distance from London (miles) Reduced rate (for travel in the lowest class of travel available on the aircraft) Standard rate (for travel in any other class of travel) Higher rate (for travel in aircraft of 20 tonnes or more equipped to carry fewer than 19 passengers)
Band A (0 to 2,000 miles) £13 £26 £78
Band B (over 2,000 miles) £71 £142 £426

Air Passenger Duty rates for flights originating in Northern Ireland

You do not pay duty on direct long-haul flights departing from airports in Northern Ireland. A flight is a ‘direct long-haul flight’ when:

  • the passenger’s journey begins from an airport in Northern Ireland
  • the first part of the journey is to a destination not in the UK or in band A
  • that part of the journey is direct and does not connect elsewhere beforehand

You do not need to declare these flights. Instead you’ll need to give the relevant information on a quarterly basis in a separate spreadsheet to the Central Assurance Team.

Contact the Central Assurance Team by email if you think this applies to you.

You’ll still need to complete returns for domestic flights, band A flights and indirect flights to band B and C destinations.

Rates from 1 April 2023

Destination bands Rates (reduced, standard or higher) Direct Indirect
Domestic Reduced £6.60 £6.50
Domestic Standard £13 £13
Domestic Higher £78 £78
Band A Reduced £13 £13
Band A Standard £26 £26
Band A Higher £78 £78
Band B Reduced £0 £87
Band B Standard £0 £191
Band B Higher £0 £574
Band C Reduced £0 £91
Band C Standard £0 £200
Band C Higher £0 £601

Rates from 1 April 2022

Destination bands Rates (reduced, standard or higher) Direct Indirect
Band A Reduced £13 £13
Band A Standard £26 £26
Band A Higher £78 £78
Band B Reduced £0 £84
Band B Standard £0 £185
Band B Higher £0 £554
Band C Reduced £0 £91
Band C Standard £0 £200
Band C Higher £0 £601

Rates from 1 April 2021

Destination bands Rates (reduced, standard or higher) Direct Indirect
Band A Reduced £13 £13
Band A Standard £26 £26
Band A Higher £78 £78
Band B Reduced £0 £82
Band B Standard £0 £180
Band B Higher £0 £541

Rates from 1 April 2020

Destination bands Rates (reduced, standard or higher) Direct Indirect
Band A Reduced £13 £13
Band A Standard £26 £26
Band A Higher £78 £78
Band B Reduced £0 £80
Band B Standard £0 £176
Band B Higher £0 £528

Rates from 1 April 2019

Destination bands Rates (reduced, standard or higher) Direct Indirect
Band A Reduced £13 £13
Band A Standard £26 £26
Band A Higher £78 £78
Band B Reduced £0 £78
Band B Standard £0 £172
Band B Higher £0 £515

Rates from 1 April 2018

Destination bands Rates (reduced, standard or higher) Direct Indirect
Band A Reduced £13 £13
Band A Standard £26 £26
Band A Higher £78 £78
Band B Reduced £0 £78
Band B Standard £0 £156
Band B Higher £0 £468

Rates from 1 April 2017

Destination bands and distance from London (miles) Rates (reduced, standard or higher) Direct Indirect
Band A (0 to 2,000 miles) Reduced £13 £13
Band A (0 to 2,000 miles) Standard £26 £26
Band A (0 to 2,000 miles) Higher £78 £78
Band B (over 2,000 miles) Reduced £0 £75
Band B (over 2,000 miles) Standard £0 £150
Band B (over 2,000 miles) Higher £0 £450

From 1 April 2016

Destination bands and distance from London (miles) Rates (reduced, standard or higher) Direct Indirect
Band A (0 to 2,000 miles) Reduced £13 £13
Band A (0 to 2,000 miles) Standard £26 £26
Band A (0 to 2,000 miles) Higher £78 £78
Band B (over 2,000 miles) Reduced £0 £73
Band B (over 2,000 miles) Standard £0 £146
Band B (over 2,000 miles) Higher £0 £438

From 1 April 2015

Destination bands and distance from London (miles) Rates (reduced, standard or higher) Direct Indirect
Band A (0 to 2,000 miles) Reduced £13 £13
Band A (0 to 2,000 miles) Standard £26 £26
Band A (0 to 2,000 miles) Higher £78 £78
Band B (over 2,000 miles) Reduced £0 £71
Band B (over 2,000 miles) Standard £0 £142
Band B (over 2,000 miles) Higher £0 £426

Updates to this page

Published 29 January 2018
Last updated 4 April 2024 show all updates
  1. Air Passenger Duty rates for 2023 added to the guidance.

  2. Air Passenger Duty rates for 2022 added to the guidance.

  3. Air Passenger Duty rates for flights starting from UK airports from 1 April 2021 have been corrected.

  4. Air Passenger Duty rates for 2021 added to the guidance.

  5. Air Passenger Duty rates for 2020 added to the guidance.

  6. Air Passenger Duty rates for 2019 added to the guidance.

  7. Air Passenger Duty rates for 2019 added to the guidance.

  8. Air Passenger Duty rates for 2018 added to the guidance.

  9. We've added the 2017 air passenger duty rates to this guidance.

  10. First published.

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