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Part 2: Valuation Officers and local authorities

The Valuation Office Agency's (VOA) technical manual for the rating of business (non-domestic) property.

1 Introduction

1.1 Valuation officers (VOs) have a statutory duty to compile and maintain Rating Lists for each billing authority area. Billing authorities (BAs) are responsible for the calculation and collection of rates payable. The statutory rights and obligations around these duties result in the necessity for a good working relationship between VOs and BAs.

1.2 The purpose of this section is to set out the relationship between VOs and BAs. Although much of the content will apply equally in England and Wales, the Rates Retention Scheme, Renewable Energy Projects and Enterprise Zones relate solely to England.

2 The Rates Retention Scheme

2.1 The Local Government Finance Act 2012 (LGFA 2012), which received Royal Assent on 31 October 2012 and took effect in England from 1 April 2013, further encouraged local authorities (LAs), both BAs and precepting authorities, and VOs to work effectively together. LGFA 2012 is part of the government’s Localism Agenda and introduces the Rates Retention Scheme. The scheme means that LA budgets will be directly affected by increases and falls in rates collected. This has not been the case since prior to 1990 and increases the need for LAs and VOs to work effectively together.

2.2 Under the Rates Retention Scheme, LAs are required, for budgeting purposes, to forecast changes to the rates collection over the forthcoming year. LAs will require information from VOs to assist with their understanding of potential risk and likely growth and will want to proactively assist VO’s in their statutory duty to maintain a fair and accurate list.

2.3 To develop and foster good working relationships with all LAs, the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) has appointed Relationship Managers who form part of the VOA Rates Retention team. Relationship Managers will:

  • Build and manage strong working relationships with LAs, usually with finance departments; providing information that will feed into strategic decisions that local authorities will be making over their budgeting and spending.

  • Promote engagement and support from LAs in helping VOs maintain accurate lists. For example, by encouraging use of e-BARS (electronic BA reports), provision of occupier lists, schedules of rents, BA reference numbers and serving of completion notices.

2.4 To further support LAs, a dedicated webpage on the VOA corporate website provides links and pointers on the information and assistance that is available to authorities including a dedicated Rates Retention team inbox for enquiries –

2.5 This section examines the relationship between VOs and LAs, with particular reference to statutory obligations on both parts. Whilst the scheme only applies to England, any caseworkers in Wales involved in settling appeals in England will also need to be aware of the Rates Retention scheme and Renewable Energy Certificates.

3 VO and provision of information

3.1 All enquiries from local authorities received by VOs in connection with the Rates Retention Scheme, particularly in relation to outstanding proposals or appeals, should be directed to the Local Authority Relationship Manager via the Rates Retention inbox ( The appropriate Relationship Manager will then liaise with the Business Unit in order to respond to the enquiry.

3.2 Under s18(1) of the Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Act 2005 (CRCA), the VOA, as an executive agency of the HMRC’s, is required to treat all ratepayer specific information (including information about their property) as confidential unless (s18(2)) disclosure relates to one of the VO’s statutory functions. Supply of information to LAs about specific proposals or appeals or other ratepayer information must comply with CRCA along with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and Data Protection Act 1998, where appropriate.

3.3 Requests for information from LAs dealt with by the VOA Rates Retention team generally fall into the following categories:

3.3.1 Anticipated changes in RV – it is important that VOs do not speculate about possible changes in RV. The possibility and extent of alterations to a list should not be discussed with local authorities, or any other third parties, until the VO has made a written offer to settle a proposal, whether by agreement or withdrawal, to the ratepayer or their agent. This equally applies where the alteration may or may not be carried out by VO notice.

3.3.2 Specific details of a proposal or appeal – a broad description of a proposal or appeal can be provided such as the general grounds of appeal including information contained within the proposal as this is a public document available for inspection on request. Much of this information is already available via the Rating List on the VOA corporate website. However opinions of possible RV reduction or any evidence provided by the ratepayer or their agent, including the ratepayer’s valuation, cannot be disclosed.

3.3.3 Request for programming information – formal programming details (excluding draft or holding programmes) relating to individual proposals or appeals may be provided, such as start and target dates and what these dates represent. General information about VOs formal programmes may also be provided, but not lists of the proposals included within the programmes.

3.3.4 Requests for statistical information (such as counts of proposals and appeals, average changes to rating lists, average time taken to clear) – VOA statistical data is the responsibility of VOA Analytical Services and is regulated by the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. Official statistical are published on the VOA corporate website. Requests for statistical information beyond that already published should be referred to Analytical Services via the Statistics inbox It is important that statistical information is supplied through the proper channels and not from ad hoc downloads from operational databases.

3.3.5 Requests for data (such as rating lists and summary valuations) - should be referred to the Information Management and Disclosure Team via their inbox

3.4 This is by no means an exhaustive list of possible enquires. As a general rule, if there is any doubt whether the enquiry could be Rates Retention Scheme related or what can be disclosed in response, the enquiry should be forwarded to the Rates Retention team via the Rates Retention inbox

4 BA duties to assist in maintaining rating lists

4.1 BAs have statutory obligations to assist VOs in maintaining a fair and accurate list for their authority area. The following sets out these responsibilities:

4.1.1 Billing Authority Reports (BARs) – Schedule 9 (1) (6) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 (LGFA 1988) states that ‘if in the course of the exercise of its functions any information comes to the notice of a billing authority which leads it to suppose that a list requires alteration it shall be the authority’s duty to inform the valuation officer who has the duty to maintain the list.’ This duty is exercised by issuing BARs to the VO.

4.1.2 Completion Notices - Schedule 4A para 1(1) LGFA 1988 states that ‘if it comes to the notice of a billing authority that the work remaining to be done on a new building in its area is such that the building can reasonably be expected to be completed within 3 months, the authority shall serve a notice under this paragraph on the owner of the building as soon as is reasonably practicable unless the valuation officer otherwise directs in writing.’ This applies to a whole building or part of a building and to existing buildings converted into different units of occupation.

4.1.3 Forms of Return – Under LGFA 1988 Sch 9, para 5(1) a VO may serve a notice on a person who is an owner or occupier of a hereditament requesting the supply of information which the VO reasonably believes will assist him in carrying out functions conferred or imposed on him by or under this Part.

Where a LA occupies or is the landlord to a number of hereditaments, the information required by the VO can be supplied under the Valuation Office Rating Contact scheme (VORC). This allows the information to be provided electronically and by schedule rather than via individual forms.

4.1.4 Occupier Lists – Para 5H, schedule 9 LGFA 1988 allows for the provision of occupier information by BAs to VOs in connection with Forms of Returns and associated penalty notices.

4.2 There is no reciprocal provision that allows VOs to provide occupier information to BAs. Provision of such information is prohibited by CRCA s18(1) – see 3.2 above.

5 Informing Billing Authorities of receipt of Proposals

Under regulation 9(4) of the Non-Domestic Rating (Alteration of Lists and Appeals) (England) Regulations 2009 On receipt of a proposal the VO must provide the relevant authority with the following information;

1) The identity of the hereditament

2) The date the proposal was made in relation to the hereditament

3) The rateable value of the hereditament shown in the list on the date the information is given to the relevant authority

4) The proposed rateable value

5) The date from which the proposer asserts that the proposed rateable value should have effect


6) Whether or not the proposal has been determined

This information must be sent within the period of 6 weeks beginning with the date on which—

(a) the VO receives the proposal; and

(b) the proposal is determined.

On receipt of this information, the relevant authority may provide the VO with evidence relating to the proposal, and if it does so, the VO must provide a copy of that evidence to the proposer; and the proposer may provide the VO with further evidence in response to that evidence.

6 BA rights to make Proposals

6.1 A BA is able to make a proposal to alter the rating list where they are an ‘interested person’; that is, that they have an interest in the hereditament such as being the occupier or landlord.

6.2 A BA is a ‘relevant authority’ if the hereditament is situated within the BA’s area. In these circumstances the BA has limited rights to make proposals to alter the list. Grounds on which Billing Authorities (BAs) may make proposals as a ‘relevant authority’ are covered in RM7:1para3.4

6.3 For the 2017 rating list (in England) whilst a BA may still make a proposal where they are an ‘interested person’ the regulations have been amended whereby the limited rights for a BA to make proposals as a ‘relevant authority’ have been removed.

7 VO and estimates of Rateable Value

7.1 General

Estimated assessments for proposed new non-domestic properties, or for alterations, part demolitions or improvements to existing properties , may be provided by VOs to local authorities although there is no statutory obligation to provide such estimates.

Following the introduction of the Rates Retention scheme, requests for valuation estimates may be received from local authorities to assist with forecasting future revenue. Before providing estimates, the VO must be satisfied that the person making the request is the relevant billing, or relevant precepting authority.

Requests for estimated assessments should be made in writing and accompanied by sufficient information to allow an estimate to be provided. The information required will include plans.

7.2 Need for Caution

Clearly the better the information the more reliable the estimate will be. An estimate must not be given if the VO considers that insufficient details upon which to make a reliable valuation estimate have been supplied.

Valuation advice and estimates should not be made verbally or in response to verbal requests.

Equally, VOs should not engage in any discussion about the possible different ways in which a site might be developed to obtain the best rental income or the highest or lowest rateable value i.e. there should be no development advice.

(For public sector bodies and other government departments, the VOA’s Property Services is able to provide development advice.)

7.3 Timeliness

It is anticipated that valuation estimates generally will be provided within no more than 28 days of receipt. Requests of a more complicated nature, involving specialist property or several potential units of assessment, may require longer to ensure proper consideration is given but those making request should be kept informed of progress.

7.4 Scope

The VO may provide estimated assessments for potential new hereditaments or for potential developments to an existing hereditament within the ambit of 7.1 above. This might include a change of use, reconstitution or part demolition, for example.

7.5 Additional Requirements

7.5.1 Plans

Estimates cannot be provided without a plan. If a plan is not supplied at the time of the request, the applicant must be asked for the supply or loan of a plan. Ideally, the plan will have been drawn up by an architect or similar to support a planning application. However, a self-drawn plan may be adequate if it includes sufficient information and measurements.

It should be made clear to the applicant that the VO is unable to incur any charge or fee for the loan or the supply of plans.

Where required, advantage should be taken of the Electronic Line Drawing Application (ELDA), electronic survey sheet (ESS) or Cadopia.

7.5.1 Other Information

The VO should ask for any additional information that would enable better provision of an estimated assessment, including the proposed use of the property if it appears likely to be different from its existing use. Where available, requests for passing or proposed rental information, purchase price and letting terms should be made.

7.6. Basis of Estimates

7.6.1 General

The estimated assessment must be based solely on the information and plan(s) provided by the applicant, and any relevant data contained in the VO’s existing records. No inspection of the property should normally be made.

7.6.2 Accuracy and Case Remarks

The VO should endeavour to provide as accurate an estimate as possible. Adequate case remarks should be made showing how the estimate was calculated. Such remarks will be crucial in defending the estimate if it is challenged or becomes the subject of a complaint. These case remarks may also be useful when and if the alterations do take place, and a list alteration is required.

7.7. Supplying the Estimated Assessment

7.7.1 Basis and Assumptions (Caveats)

The estimate letter (VO7106) should always be used. The standard letter explains that the estimated assessment is an informal expression of opinion, without prejudice to any list alteration that may eventually be made, and has been arrived at without inspection of the property.

Details of the evidence provided and upon which the estimate is based, the basis of assessment and any particular assumptions made should be included.

Additionally any other caveats which are individual to the estimate provided should be included in the letter.

7.7.2 Calculating the Estimate

It is important that the request for a valuation estimate is allocated to the appropriate caseworker or referencer at the earliest opportunity. This will be determined by the nature and location of the property and could fall within the responsibility of the local maintenance, appeal or specialist team or, on occasions, NVU.

7.7.3 Approval of Estimate

Estimates should be reviewed and approved by a Team Leader.

7.7.4 Confirmation in Writing

All estimates are to be confirmed in writing using the template (VO7106) which is in the EDRM case folder. Subject to the usual data security requirements, the estimate can be emailed or sent by post to the applicant. Where an estimate is emailed, it should first be converted to a PDF.

Where an estimate is provided to a local authority, the Rates Retention team should be notified of the figures provided. The Rates Retention team are responsible for liaising with the BAs and will need to be made aware of the estimate provided.

7.7.5 Return of Plans

Any plan(s) loaned to the VO should be returned to the applicant, after making any necessary copy, unless permission has been given for their retention and that no charge or fee is incurred.

7.8. Refusing a Request

If the VO is unable to give an estimated assessment, due to insufficient details having been supplied, or, for any other reason, the applicant should be advised accordingly in writing. The Rates Retention team must also be notified.

7.9. Registration and Case Procedures

Instructions on registration and processing of requests for estimated assessments are set out in the NDR Procedures Manual

8. Section 44A Certificates – Apportionment of Rateable Value for a partly occupied hereditament

8.1. Legislative Background

Section 44A of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 provides that where a hereditament is shown in a local non-domestic Rating List and it appears to the Billing Authority that part of the hereditament is unoccupied but will remain so for a short time only, the Authority may require the VO:-

a) to apportion the rateable value for the hereditament between the occupied and unoccupied parts; and

b) to certify the apportionment to the Billing Authority.

The apportionment of rateable value by the VO is conclusive, not subject to appeal and does not have to be agreed with the Billing Authority or the occupier.

The rateable value to be apportioned is that shown in the list for the day under consideration as stated in the Billing Authority’s request and is a reference to the rateable value shown under section 42(4) reflecting the physical circumstances existing on that day.

8.2. Apportionment of Rateable Value

A Billing Authority’s request to the VO for an apportionment of the rateable value of a hereditament which is only partly occupied must be made in writing and should include:-

a) the occupier’s name;

b) the Rating List details of the hereditament; and

c) details of the accommodation, which the authority regard as unoccupied.

In practise the ratepayer and Billing Authority may agree the parts of the hereditament that are unoccupied and the VO should not normally question the units or date for which the apportioned figures are required. However, if there is immediately available to the VO clear indication that an error has been made in the information provided, or other matters, the BA should be advised of such concerns and given the opportunity to confirm the instruction or revise the application.

The apportionment of the rateable value (reflecting rateable plant and machinery where appropriate) between the occupied and unoccupied parts should be made, without inspection of the premises, by reference to the recorded valuation for the assessment appearing in the Rating List in respect of the whole hereditament for the day of the apportionment.

8.3. Register Request

All requests for the VO for an apportionment of the rateable value of a hereditament should have a Valuation Officer Report (VOR) case created on RSA ensuring that ‘Section 44A’ is selected from the list of values available in the Special Process Code field on the Case Details’ screen.

The report reason code should be 11 – Other(Alteration) – Enter ‘Request for Section 44A’ in the reason description box.

Where an acknowledgement is to be issued a user should ensure that a ‘tick’ is inserted in the ‘Print Ack’ field on the Contact/Parties screen.

All ‘Section 44A’ cases should be allocated to a nominated caseworker to prepare the ‘Certificate of Apportionment’ immediately following registration.

8.4. Certificate of Apportionment

The certified apportionment should be issued to the Billing Authority on form VO 7060 within two weeks of receipt of the BA’s request.

The VO’s copy of the Certificate, together with the originating BA request, should be filed in EDRM.

8.5. Clear Case

All ‘Section 44A’ cases should be cleared as ‘No Action’ on RSA using No Action Code 8 – Aborted.

The date of issue of the certificate should be recorded in the ‘Resp Date’ field and the appropriate ‘Resp Type’ selected from the list of values available on the ‘Contact/Parties screen.

Case remarks recorded should include the Apportionment figures.

8.6. Further Action

Where it is suspected that the present survey or valuation is incorrect as a result of the information contained in the Billing Authority’s request, the certificate should still be issued, within the time limits specified, on the basis of the VOs file information. As a matter of good practice where the VO is aware that a revision may be required, the first certificate ought to be noted to that effect.

To ensure that billing authorities and ratepayers may quickly receive accurate information upon which to base rates liability, after issue of the certificate a further VOR should be raised immediately, this VOR should be cross referenced to the original request case – but no Special Process Code is required. The property should be inspected, and action to alter the list taken at the earliest opportunity, within the normal time limits for dealing with internally raised reports. Should the survey on which the apportionment was based be inaccurate, or the list is altered see paragraph 7.

8.7. Revision of a Certificate

Where the VO becomes aware that a certificate has become inaccurate, either due to incorrect survey information or following subsequent changes to the list entry, the VO should revise the inaccurate certificate without further prompting from either the Billing Authority or the ratepayer. A request from the Billing Authority is not required for a revised certificate.

A new certificate should identify the earlier certificate and advise the BA that it is a revision and replaces it.

A list alteration that has effect for the date of the apportionment for which the certificate is required may arise from:-

a) VO List alteration, or

b) settlement of a proposal

Alterations which have an effective date limited by Regulation 13A of The Non-Domestic Rating (Alterations of Lists and Appeals) Regulations 1993(SI 1993/291) may not cause the list to be actually altered for the day contained in the certificate request. Therefore, in most of these cases, a revised certificate will not be required nor issued.

However, where the factual information on which the certificate was based is shown to have been inaccurate for the day of the apportionment it may be necessary for the certificate to be revised. For example; whilst the correction of survey details may not, or cannot, affect the rateable value shown in the list, it may cause the apportionment of that rateable value to change.

For the avoidance of doubt, a change in the valuation approach to any class of property, as a result of litigation or policy change introduced after the date for which the certificate is required, will not require a revised certificate. Should a VO be approached by a BA for such a revision, which may result from a ratepayers request, the VO must seek further advice from the Technical Adviser.

8.8. Credit-Taking and Returns

Monitoring of work undertaken on requests for Section 44A certificates will be carried out via the CDB and SAS returns.

9. Renewable Energy Certificates (Applicable only in England)

9.1 The Non-Domestic Rating (Renewable Energy Projects) Regulations 2013 SI No. 108 permits a BA to disregard rate income from certain renewable energy projects in calculating the amount it needs to send to central government; it is, thereby, able to retain these sums for its own and precepting authorities’ use. They therefore retain all of the rates income from certain renewable energy projects.

9.2 The classes of hereditaments that qualify under the scheme are:

Class A: New renewable power stations entering a list on or after 1/4/13 (all the rates will be retained locally),

Class B: Existing renewable power stations (growth in rates post 31/3/13 will be retained in full locally)

Class C: Renewable power stations created from class B hereditaments (again growth in rates post 31/3/13 will be retained in full locally)

Class D: Energy from waste plants (the rates on any renewable energy plants which have been in use since on or after 1/4/13 will be retained in full locally)

Class E: Other hereditaments used (at least in part), for the purpose of generating electricity on or after 1/4/13 (the rates on new renewable energy plant parts will be retained in full locally)

Class F: Cables and sub-stations associated with off shore generating plants entering the list on or after 1/4/13 (all the rates will be retained locally).

9.3 Following consultation in the summer of 2011, the government decided that local authorities should be responsible for identifying qualifying projects. Therefore, VOs have no formal responsibility for identifying the projects falling within these classes. Nevertheless, the definitions used in the classes are based upon previous and existing rating regulations and it is recognised that VOs have considerable expertise in this area. Therefore, it is expected that the VOA will work with local authorities in helping to identify qualifying projects.

9.4 In addition to the usual responsibilities of a VO to value and enter hereditaments in the relevant rating list, there is now an additional responsibility to issue certificates for classes D and E when requested by the BA.

9.5 Class D: Energy from waste plants

9.5.1 These are hereditaments comprising land, plant or buildings where the sole or primary function is either:

(i) generating electricity where the primary source of power for that purpose is the burning of waste; or

(ii) burning waste, where the hereditament is also used for generating electricity and the primary source of power for that purpose is the burning of waste.

9.5.2 The certification required is to certify the proportion of RV which appears to the VO to be attributable to any part of the hereditament which is:

a) used or is intended to be used wholly or mainly in connection with the generation of electricity; and

b) has been in such use or intended for such use since on or after 1st April 2013.

9.5.3 Whilst the wording ‘since on or after 1st April 2013’ may appear a little ambiguous the wording is intended to mean certification will only apply to electricity generation use which started on or after 1st April 2013.

9.6 Class E: Other hereditaments used for the purpose of generating electricity

9.6.1 This class concerns hereditaments which have some plant and machinery (P&M) used for generating electricity from renewable sources but are neither primarily renewable power stations nor energy from waste plants i.e. do not fall in classes A-D. They comprise any hereditament that:

(a) includes separately identifiable rateable P&M used or available for use for the purpose of generating electricity and

(b) the rateable P&M uses as its primary source of energy –

i. wind;

ii. water;

iii. solar;

iv. the burning of biomass;

v. the burning of gas from biomass; or

vi. the burning of gas from a landfill site; and

(c) the rateable P&M started to use one of the above sources of energy to generate electricity on or after 1st April 2013.

9.6.2 The plant needs to be both separately identifiable and rateable.

9.6.3 The regulation permits P&M not actually used but available to be used to be certified and this will apply, for example, to any stand by plant which satisfies the definition of Class E or such plant in vacant hereditaments.

9.6.4 The certification required is to certify the proportion of the hereditament’s RV which appears to the VO to be the separately identifiable impact on the RV attributable to the Class E plant and machinery and to any associated land and buildings.

9.7 Plant and Machinery

9.7.1 The P&M therefore needs to be both separately identifiable and to have a separately identifiable impact on the rateable value.

9.7.2 The Government’s summer 2012 consultation on rates retention recognised that many small scale or integrated renewable technologies had no impact on rateable values and that the renewable retention scheme was, in this respect, focussed on larger separately identifiable projects on other hereditaments. It said:

‘5.8 Renewable technologies spread much wider than renewable power stations. In many cases, small scale renewable technologies installed on conventional properties will not result in any increase in their business rates bill. This is because the value of the micro generation is generally de-minimis in comparison to the rateable value of the property. However, in some cases, a large installation of renewable technology on a property used for other purposes could increase the rateable value and, therefore, rates bill on that property.

5.9 The Government proposes that where a new renewable technology has had a separately identifiable impact on the rateable value of a property then the Valuation Officer should certify the proportion of the total rateable value which is attributable to the renewable technology and any associated land and buildings.’ (Local Government Resource Review: Proposals for Business Rates Retention. Technical paper 8: Renewable energy.)

The resulting wording of the regulations, again subject to consultation, followed from this.

9.7.3 Where P&M is separately valued as part of the VO’s valuation calculations it will have a separately identifiable impact on the rateable value: where the particular P&M is treated as reflected or included in the overall value per M2 of the valuation it will not have a separately identifiable impact.

9.7.4 A wind turbine capable of generating 100KW/hr installed at a factory on or after 1 April 2013 may require an addition to the rateable value to reflect it being an improvement to the existing hereditament. The P&M is rateable and will be both separately identifiable and have a separately identifiable impact on the rateable value. In contrast an office building erected with special exterior panels which comprise the exterior skin of the building as well as also being capable of generating 100KW/hr but where the building is simply valued on a £/M2 basis by comparison with other Grade A office buildings in the locality will neither have separately identifiable P&M nor P&M having a separately identifiable impact on the rateable value.

9.7.5 Equally where a small micro-generation plant is added to a hereditament but it is found, when the notional RV is added to the existing arithmetical total of rateable value, the additional amount is not sufficient to justify increasing the actual rateable value due to the effect of ‘rounding’ then there will not be a separately identifiable impact on the rateable value because the RV has not changed. This does not mean that with a new hereditament the micro-generation can be ignored if its value is less than the rounding of the whole. The point only applies where the RV is not altered as a result of the addition of the plant.

9.7.6 In practice, for non-separately assessed power generators very little P&M installed to generate electricity on or after 1 April 2013 will immediately come within Class E. This is as a result of Regulation (2A) of The Valuation for Rating (Plant and Machinery) (England) Regulations 2000 SI No 540, as amended, which applies to any plant and machinery installed on or after 1 October 2008 which has “microgeneration capacity”. This requires any value attributable to the microgeneration capacity (50 KW) of a hereditament’s P&M to be ignored until the next revaluation (or when the capacity ceases if earlier). Rateability will only apply to P&M which exceed the limits of microgeneration. As this P&M is not included in the rateable value of the hereditament it cannot be apportioned out.

9.8 Associated Land and Buildings

9.8.1 For some generating plant there will be associated land and buildings. This might be the land upon which a free standing wind turbine stands forming part of the hereditament or the sub-switching station building associated with the turbine.

9.8.2 What is and is not ‘associated’ will depend on the facts of the case but the wording also requires the ‘associated land and buildings’ to have a ‘separately identifiable impact on the rateable value’ and so it is not a simple matter of apportioning the value of a building which has other uses. Either there needs to be a separate addition to the value of the land or buildings for the use in association with the P&M or the land and buildings need to be solely so used for there to be a value to certify.

9.8.3 In most cases the rateable value placed on the electricity generating equipment, (solar photo voltaic or wind turbine), will be calculated using a receipts and expenditure method. The value attributable to any associated land and buildings will not therefore have a ‘separately identifiable impact’.

9.9 Certificates

9.9.1 The VO is required to certify the values as soon as reasonably practicable after receiving the request.

9.9.2 Whilst the need to certify follows a request, VOs should be conscious of this and ensure potentially certifiable buildings and P&M are identified during inspection.

9.9.3 Class D Energy from Waste plants will need certification if they are not wholly used for generating electricity. VOs should identify these (in association with the NSU Mineral Valuer) and be ready to respond to requests from BAs following 1 April 2013.

9.9.4 The certificate has effect from the date the circumstances requiring the certificate first arose until it is replaced or superseded by a later certificate due to changed circumstances.

9.9.5 Unlike a transitional certificate, which relates to a set date, a renewable energy certificate has effect from the date the circumstances requiring the certificate first arose until it is replaced or superseded by a later certificate due to changed circumstances

9.9.6 The actual certificate must be retained by the VO and a copy sent to the BA. There is neither requirement nor need for a copy to be sent to the occupier or ratepayer as the certification has no effect on liability for rates.

9.10 No applicable renewable energy to certify

If a request for a renewable energy certificate has been received and the VO considers there are no items which meet the requirements of the regulations VO 7348 (found within the EDRM case folder) should be used to explain the reason for no certification.

9.11 Replacement certificates

9.11.1 If the VO forms the opinion a certificate is now inaccurate then a fresh certification should be made. This might be because the rateable value of the hereditament is corrected following discussions on a proposal. The new certificate replaces the old one and will have the same effective date as the original.

9.11.2 The only two exceptions to this are where the reduction is in relation to an MCC and there is a direct value effect on the P&M, in this case the date of the reduction should be used. Secondly where the item of certified renewable energy has been removed; in this instance the VO should issue a nil value certificate from the date the item(s) were removed.

A copy must be sent to the BA.

9.12 Revaluation

9.12.1 New certificates will be needed following a general revaluation. The billing authority will need to request these.

9.13 Billing Authority Requests

9.13.1 BAs should only request certificates where they reasonably believe there to be separately identifiable P&M used for generating electricity or a need for a Class D apportionment. The responsibility is with the BA to identify relevant hereditaments. A blanket request for a certificate for all new hereditaments should not be entertained; requests need to be made individually with details. The BA needs to identify both the hereditament and P&M in its request otherwise the request should be returned.

9.14 Form of certificate Certificates should be issued using VO 7344 (Class D) or VO 7346 (Class E) both can be found within the EDRM case folder.

9.15 Recording of certificates A record should be kept of certificates issued or not required by adding remarks to the RSA case.

9.16 Retention of certificates/letters Certificates or letters should be retained in the case file on EDRM.

Partly Occupied Hereditaments - APPENDIX 1 - VO 7060

To: The Clerk to the Charging Authority

Your reference

Our reference

Please ask for

Date A Valuation Office Inland Revenue

Partly Occupied Hereditaments Certificate of Apportioned Rateable Value

Address ————————————————————————– ————————————————————————– ————————————————————————–

Assessment number ————————————————————————–

I refer to your request dated———————— for my apportionment of the rateable value of the above property for the purposes of Section 44A of the Local Government Finance Act 1988.

I certify the apportionment is as follows:-

Occupied part = £—————— rateable value

Unoccupied part = £—————— rateable value

Valuation Officer

VO 7060