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Part 2 - Appendix 6 - Penalty Notice – VO 6154

Appendix 6 - Penalty Notice – VO 6154

Property Address: * [property address]


On * [date FOR issued] I sent you a notice asking for information about the above property and although a reminder was sent to you on * [date of reminder] and a warning on * [date of warning], my records show that it has still not been received.

You have failed to supply the information within the 56 day period as required by law.  As a result, you are liable to pay a penalty of £100.

Please send payment for this penalty to: Financial Operations Unit, Valuation Office Agency, New Court, 48 Carey Street, London WC2A 2JE.  Cheques should be made payable to ‘Valuation Office Agency’.  On the back of your cheque, you should write the reference number that begins with FOR, which appears at the top of this Penalty Notice.

To avoid additional penalties, you must complete and return the original form to me within 21 days of this Penalty Notice.  If you fail to do this, you will be liable to a further penalty of £100 and £20 for every day that the fully completed form remains unreturned, subject to a maximum total penalty of *[£….. the current RV of the hereditament if more than £500, or if there is no RV or if the RV is less than £500, insert the phrase “the greater of £500 and the Rateable Value of the property”].

The enclosed ‘Civil Penalty Notices’ leaflet provides further details of the penalties that you could be liable to if there is further delay in the return of this information.

If you need a copy of the form you can access an online one at  Alternatively, you can contact my office to request another copy.  The type of form you need to complete is * [FOR form number].  If you need any help in completing the form, ask a member of staff for assistance.

You can challenge the imposition of this penalty by appealing to * [VT name] Valuation Tribunal, * [VT address] within 28 days of this Penalty Notice being served on you.  Further details on the appeal process are contained within the enclosed ‘Civil Penalty Notices’ leaflet.


Valuation Officer



VO 6154