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Part 2 – Appendix 7 - Notification of Further Penalty Charges – VO 6155

Appendix 7 - Notification of Further Penalty Charges – VO 6155

Property Address: * [property address]

Non-domestic rating: request for information

You are liable to further penalty charges

On * [date FOR issued] I sent you a notice asking for information about the above property.  I have not yet received your reply.

Despite having been sent a Penalty Notice on * [Penalty Notice PN1 date], you have failed to supply the requested information within the 21 days specified in that Penalty Notice.  As a result you are accruing penalties.

These consist of a further penalty of £100 and an additional £20 for every day that the fully completed form remains unreturned subject to a maximum total penalty of *[£….. the current RV of the hereditament if more than £500, or if there is no RV or if the RV is less than £500, insert the phrase “the greater of £500 and the Rateable Value of the property”].

If you need a copy of the form you can access an online one at  Alternatively, you can contact my office to request another copy.  The type of form you need to complete is * [FOR form number].  If you need any help in completing the form, ask a member of staff for assistance.

If you have challenged the imposition of the penalties by making an appeal to *[VT name] Valuation Tribunal, *[VT address], I expect that they will arrange a time and date for a hearing in due course.


Valuation Officer



VO 6155