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Part 4 - Appendix 4

Appendix 4

To:                      The Occupier

……………………………………………………………………… …..

Dear Sir or Madam

A member of my staff visited the above property today for rating valuation purposes, and to request your permission to inspect alterations comprising ……………………………

He/she will be in your locality again on ……………….. and will call at ………………..  If this is not suitable would you be good enough to contact this office to arrange a mutually convenient time and date for an inspection.

Please quote the reference shown at the top of this letter.

Yours faithfully Dear

Local Government Finance Act 1988

Property Address:- ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Dear Sir or Madam

In order to fulfil the duty specified in the provisions of the above Act, to prepare and maintain rating lists it is necessary for the above premises occupied by you to be inspected.  I shall be obliged therefore, if you will kindly permit ………………………., a member of this office to make the inspection.

On an earlier occasion a notice was sent to you stating that a member of my staff would be calling on ……………………. and although …………………… visited the premises he/she was not able to carry out an inspection.

Will you, therefore, please suggest a convenient date and time when an inspection may be made.

Yours faithfully Valuation Officer