Snooker halls and clubs

This publication is intended for Valuation Officers. It may contain links to internal resources that are not available through this version.

1. Scope

This section deals with the valuation of Snooker halls / clubs.


Snooker halls / clubs are found in a variety of premises, often converted from alternative uses, many being situated above secondary shops or in converted cinema premises. They tend to be located in poorer, lower value locations where there may be limited competing demand from alternative uses.

The snooker hall itself may have no natural light and any windows are likely to be covered by heavy curtains or blacked out. There will often be a licensed bar ancillary to the hall, and there may be limited eating or restaurant facilities.

It is unlikely that a snooker club will offer the same range or quality of ancillary facilities as other leisure attractions such as bowling alleys, bingo halls, skating rinks and cinemas, except where the snooker club forms part of a larger leisure complex.

2. List Description & Special Category Code

Special category Code 253 should be used. As a Generalist Class the appropriate suffix letter should be G.

3. Responsible Teams

This is a Generalist Class.

4. Co-ordination

The Class Co-ordination Team has overall responsibility for the co-ordination of these classes. You can find contact details here VP and CCT Members. The team are responsible for the approach to and accuracy and consistency of valuations. The team will deliver Practice Notes describing the valuation basis for revaluation and provide advice as necessary during the life of the rating lists. Caseworkers have a responsibility to:

  • follow the advice given at all times

  • not depart from the guidance given on appeals or maintenance work, without approval from the co-ordination team

  • seek advice from the co-ordination team before starting any new work

Other than planning and adherence to provisions under the Licensing Act 2003 there is no specific legal framework for this class of property.

6. Survey Requirements

Snooker halls and clubs should be measured to Gross Internal Area (GIA) in accordance with the VOA Code of Measuring Practice.

7. Survey Capture

Where appropriate rating surveys should be captured on the Rating Support Application (RSA) and in all cases plans and surveys should be stored in the property folder of the Electronic Document Records Management (EDRM) system.

8. Valuation Approach

Basis of Valuation

Snooker halls and clubs should be valued by using a comparison basis and applying a value/values per square metre.

Due to the type of building and location usually occupied by snooker halls and clubs, there is likely to be few competing higher value alternative uses. Nevertheless regard should be had to any alternative uses identified provided this is consistent with the two limb rule of rebus sic stantibus, as defined in the Court of Appeal decision of Williams (VO) v Scottish and Newcastle Retail Limited and Another (RA/41/2001). This is where any alterations needed to facilitate the alternative use can be viewed as minor, and rental evidence suggests a hypothetical tenant wishing to use the property in the same mode or category as a snooker hall and club would pay a rent at a similar level to that of the alternative use.

Valuation Considerations

Values may vary according to the type of property, for example whether a snooker hall is located above a shop in a secondary shopping location or situated within a former cinema. Valuation judgments on the extent of any difference should be made in the light of evidence from within the Unit or adjoining Units.

Lack of natural light is not necessarily a disadvantage to a snooker hall or club, although it may preclude bids from tenants envisaging alternative uses.

Many snooker halls or clubs will not have private car parking facilities, and thus the absence of parking within the hereditament will be the norm. If car parking is available for sole use of players it should be valued and included in the assessment (if one hereditament). Shared car parking should be reflected in the value per square metre adopted.

The presence, or lack of, on-street parking or public car parks in the vicinity will be reflected in the rental evidence, as may the quality of public transport links. These factors should be taken into account when analysing rents and comparing hereditaments.

9. Valuation Support

  • Rating Support Application (RSA)

  • Survaid

  • Class Co-ordination Team

Practice note: 2023 - snooker halls and clubs

1. Market appraisal

Whilst snooker remains one of the most popular sports in the UK and growing on the global stage participation remains limited. Snooker clubs continue to face challenges within the leisure industry, from the 2007 smoking ban, legislation restricting the size of jackpot from gaming machines and the popularity for on-line gambling. Working men’s clubs, often the bedrock of snooker teams facilitating a number of leagues in any one town or city, are also in decline thus impacting participation in the sport.

Some snooker clubs have adapted in the face of these challenges, many replacing some or all of their snooker tables with pool, which is often viewed as a more accessible sport and is growing in popularity. Others have installed the likes of darts lanes and bowling alleys where snooker tables once stood. Some clubs have even gone as far as converting snooker rooms into poker clubs. In some situations those clubs that have been unable or failed to adapt have unfortunately closed down.

The COVID-19 pandemic also had a major impact on participation leading to prolonged periods of closure until Step 3 of the Roadmap for England permitted the opening of indoor entertainment venues on 17 May 2021. The situation in Wales, both leading up to and after the AVD, was similar although not identical. Details of the various restrictions implemented by statute in response to the pandemic, and of the vaccination rollout, can be found online.

2. Changes from last practice note

No changes from the practice note for the 2017 Revaluation.

3. Ratepayer discussions

There have been no 2023 List discussions on this class of property.

4. Valuation scheme

Rental evidence from within regional valuation units should be analysed in terms of rent per square metre. This should enable comparison to be made between halls, clubs and similar properties, thus enabling a judgement to be made as to the correct level of value for the differing types of buildings and locations.

Snooker halls and clubs will normally include a licensed bar and may have limited catering/restaurant facilities. Income from the bar may form a significant part of the total income obtainable from the hereditament. Valuers must ensure that the valuation produced adequately reflects the additional income generated.

It is intended that for the 2023 Revaluation snooker halls and clubs will be subject to a scheme of valuation undertaken by the Centralised Valuation Team enabling greater coordination and consistency.

Practice note: 2017 - snooker halls and clubs

1. Market Appraisal

A number of factors have hit UK snooker clubs hard. The smoking ban 2007, by all accounts, has had a negative on business, and recent legislation on the size of the jackpot from gaming machines has left clubs unable to compete with betting shops and casinos.

Coupled with the recession in general, people’s discretionary spending on leisure activities has reduced markedly.

The time when snooker clubs could rely solely on their table takings are long gone. Many have replaced some or all of their snooker tables with pool, which is growing in popularity and is a more of a social game.

Others have installed the likes of darts lanes and bowling alleys where snooker tables once stood. Some clubs have even gone as far as converting snooker rooms into poker clubs. Those clubs that have failed to adapt have unfortunately closed down.

2. Changes From Last Practice Note

There was no Practice Note for the 2010 Revaluation.

3. Ratepayer Discussions

There have been no 2017 List discussions on this class of property.

4. Valuation Scheme

Rental evidence from within Units should be analysed in terms of rent per square metre. This should enable comparison to be made between halls, clubs and similar properties, thus enabling a judgement to be made as to the correct level of value for the differing types of buildings and locations.

Snooker halls and clubs will normally include a licensed bar and may have limited catering/restaurant facilities. Income from the bar may form a significant part of the total income obtainable from the hereditament. Valuers must ensure that the valuation produced adequately reflects the additional income generated.