Regional Fisheries Groups
Regional Fisheries Groups (RFGs) are a way for the fishing industry to come together to share views with organisations such as the MMO, Defra, Cefas, and IFCA.
What are Regional Fisheries Groups?
There are five Regional Fisheries Groups:
Below you can find more information on RFG’s, including the dates of our next meetings and the notes from previous meetings, relevant to each region.
Contact Details
If you would like to attend a Regional Fisheries Group meeting, comment on previous minutes or contribute in any other way please contact the MMO Regional fisheries Mailbox:
Winter 2024 edition
Autumn 2023 edition
Summer 2023 edition
Winter 2022 edition
Autumn 2022 edition
Where did RFGs originate?
These groups exist to give local fishers a chance to be part of the decision-making process for managing fisheries and share their expertise.
In December 2020, Defra and the MMO organised a workshop for the inshore fishing fleet. The aim of the workshop was to foster collaborative working and address regionally specific issues.
Participants at the workshop discussed cross-sector working, identified priorities, and shared their preferences for local areas. By the end of the meeting, there was agreement on the concept of Regional Fisheries Groups and the approach.
Aim of the RFGs
Our aim is to give a formal route for fishers to share their views and experience in decisions affecting their livelihoods. We want to build stronger working relationships between people who regulate the industry and the fishing community. By doing this, everyone involved in fisheries management can have a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by the fishing industry regionally.
RFGs will do this by…
- Providing a formal method of engagement predominantly for inshore fishers and others who may feel they are not represented by a wider national group.
- Building more collaborative and trusting working relationships between policy makers, regulators, and the fishing sector at a regional level, and recognising the knowledge they hold.
- Giving industry an active role in regional fisheries management decision making and provide an opportunity for them to influence regional decisions.
- Working together to better understand the challenges and opportunities facing the industry at a regional level so the government can help them to take advantage of opportunities for the future of the industry.
- Formal meetings are held up to three times a year.
- The RFG team visit ports and fishing locations in person encouraging one to one conversations with fishers.
- The RFG team is available during the working hours of 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday to answer calls, texts or emails.
If you’re interested in attending an RFG meeting or contributing in any other way, contact the team at:
Additional Information
Useful links
Catch Recording – 0300 0203 788
IVMS – 01900 508618
Fishing Vessel Licensing -
Monthly catch limits -
Funding – 0208 026 5539
The MMO is working with Cefas and other organisations to develop a scientific investigation into the impacts increased fishing in Lyme Bay is having on sole populations, the marine environment, and the potential socio-economic impacts on fishers. This work involves the use of MMO data from logbooks, the Catch App and from observers, to analyse catches as well as other possible work to look at the wider sole population.
Updates to this page
Published 25 August 2021Last updated 31 December 2024 + show all updates
Update 2025
Video added of what are regional fisheries groups
RFG Newsletters Winter 2024 editions published.
Linked to winter edition newsletters added.
Added anonymous reporting form
Update of page content to improve quality of information and accessibility .
RFG Newsletter Winter 2022 published.
Lyme Bay Social Findings
Regional Fisheries Groups Winter 2022 Newsletter published.
Update with meet the team
Code of Conduct - update
Page updated with 4b & 7a meeting notes
updated RFG group minutes
South Update
Page updated with RFG Meeting Notes North East 16.11.2021
NW notes
First published.