
Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers: how to apply

Guidance for training providers, employers and employer-providers on organisations that are eligible to receive government funding to train apprentices.

This guidance was withdrawn on

The register of apprenticeship training providers is now part of the apprenticeship provider and assessment register (APAR).

There is information on applying to the APAR as an apprenticeship training provider.

Applies to England

What is the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP)

The Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP) is a record of organisations that are eligible to receive government funding to train apprentices.

All organisations currently registered on the RoATP must adhere to the conditions of acceptance.

You can join the RoATP if you are:

  • a training provider (under certain conditions)
  • a levy paying employer-provider

How training providers can join the register

The Department for Education (DfE) manages applications to the register to make sure new training providers meet a gap in provision or are providing training in an area we want to grow.

You can apply to join the register if you can demonstrate one or more of the following:

  • if you are an employer that pays the levy and wants to train your own workforce or apprentices, you can apply to join the register as an employer-provider
  • if you are a provider nominated by an employer that has successfully evidenced a gap in the existing apprenticeship provision offer
  • if you are a provider that delivers provision we want to grow or where there are known capacity issues (as identified by the DfE), you can either request to join the register directly or request an invitation to apply to join, depending on your level of regulation

Employers looking for training for apprentices

If you are an employer, you can find training for your apprentices using the find apprenticeship training service. You can use this online service to search through over 1600 registered training providers to find training that meets your needs.

If you cannot find a provider that meets your needs, you can nominate a provider to join the register (Application Route 1: Gaps in provision), or apply to join yourself if you are a levy-paying employer (Application Route 2: Join the register as an employer-provider).

Application route 1: Gaps in provision

This route is suitable if you are an employer and have used the find apprenticeship training service and have found:

  • there is no training for the skill you need
  • training is available, but the provider is unable to deliver it - for example, it may not be available in the location you need or by the delivery mode you require (such as block or day release)

Once you are sure there is a gap in provision, you need to register your interest using the find apprenticeship training service to advertise your training need and alert registered providers.

You need to keep this alert live for one calendar month to allow providers time to respond.

After a month, if you have not been able to find a suitable provider, you will need to provide DfE with evidence of:

  • any communications with providers who have declared interest
  • all contact you have made with providers currently advertising for the specific apprenticeship standard, and reasons why they are not suitable

Once you have completed these steps and provided evidence that you cannot find the right training for your apprentice, you can nominate a preferred provider.

You can do this by completing the [WITHDRAWN] Employer business case form (MS Word Document, 68.1 KB).

Use this form to explain the training gap you need to fill and provide the name of your preferred training provider. We will ask you to evidence why this training gap cannot be met by existing training providers.

Send your completed form via email to

If your application is successful, we will contact your preferred training provider with details of how to apply to join the register.

When a training provider receives our invitation to apply, they have 30 calendar days to apply to join from this date.

Growing capacity

A gap in provision does not need to be demonstrated where there are capacity issues or known gaps in provision, or where the DfE wants to grow capacity to support specific sectors, employers or the wider economy.

The sector will be notified of priority areas and information on eligible providers will be made available.

To support the growth of higher and degree apprenticeships and teaching apprenticeships, a gap in provision does not need to be demonstrated for Office for Students (OfS) registered providers and initial teacher training (ITT) providers (ITT accredited),

Eligible providers can [WITHDRAWN] request an invitation to apply to the RoATP (MS Word Document, 28.5 KB) without demonstrating a gap in provision. This includes OfS registered providers without degree awarding powers and initial teacher training providers (ITT accredited). This is because these providers cover occupational areas where we want to expand apprenticeship provision.

In recognition of the current level of DfE regulation, certain providers can [WITHDRAWN] request to join the RoATP directly (MS Word Document, 29.5 KB), including OfS registered providers with degree awarding powers.

Eligible providers can download and submit the relevant form via email to

Exception for training and testing for a driving licence

For a limited time, in response to supply issues for driver training and testing in the transport sector, we have introduced a temporary flexibility to support training providers to increase their capacity to deliver training and testing for a driving licence.

This exception is restricted to the mandatory driving licence required as part of the large goods vehicle (LGV) driver C + E level 2 apprenticeship.

Under this exception supporting providers, also known as subcontractors, exclusively supporting apprentices to obtain a driving licence, do not need to be on the RoATP.

This exception will end on 31 December 2023. This will allow time for:

  • providers and supporting providers to support existing learners
  • supporting providers to apply to the register

Lead providers must download and submit the [WITHDRAWN] RoATP temporary exception application form (MS Word Document, 63.7 KB) to DfE to gain approval before subcontracting to providers not on the RoATP.

Providers already delivering the apprenticeship standard via the exception will be invited to apply to the register without requiring an employer to evidence a gap in the market.

From July 2023, approved providers under this exception are expected to apply to the register before December 2023 if they wish to continue delivering and supporting apprentices after this date.

The apprenticeship funding rules reflect this change.

All enquiries relating to this exception can be directed to

Application route 2: Join the register as an employer-provider

If you are an employer that pays the levy and you are considering training your own workforce or apprentices, you can apply to join the register as an employer-provider. You can apply to be an employer-provider, a main provider, or a supporting provider.

As you start to plan, you will need to think about:

  • the long-term skills needs of your apprentices
  • your sustainability and financial viability to deliver apprenticeship training

Guidance is available for you, on whether this option is right for your organisation. You can email Our account managers will discuss your plans with you to allow a well-informed decision to be made before applying.

When you are ready to apply, complete the [WITHDRAWN] Levy paying employer-provider form (MS Word Document, 50.3 KB).

Submitting the form does not guarantee you will be accepted on to the register. Success at this stage gives you the opportunity to submit a formal application.

Application process

If you have been invited to apply to the RoATP, or if you have been invited to re-apply to the RoATP due to a change in your organisation’s circumstances, you can apply using the RoATP application service.

An organisation can only apply once in a 12-month period.

If you have any questions, contact

The register of apprenticeship training providers lists organisations eligible to receive government funding to train apprentices.

There is more information about becoming a registered apprenticeship training provider.

Guide for apprenticeship training providers

The provider guide to delivering high-quality apprenticeships gives step-by-step advice on how to deliver high quality apprenticeships and should be followed by all apprenticeship training providers.

As well as setting out the minimum requirements for new providers, the guide supports experienced providers by highlighting good practice and continuous improvement. It also links to detailed guidance on specific topics such as off-the-job training and end-point assessment.

Removing an apprenticeship training provider from the register

Any provider that has not actively delivered within a 6-month period may be removed from the register, subject to any appeal. No active delivery means no active eligible apprentices within a 6-month rolling period. This is to ensure employers and apprentices have confidence that providers on the register are active deliverers of good quality training.

We will remove a training provider if they no longer meet our requirements. Ofsted inspection outcomes for apprenticeship provision may trigger intervention by DfE. Refer to your own funding agreement or contract for services to understand how this will affect your apprenticeship funding and your eligibility to be on the register.

Updates to this page

Published 14 March 2017
Last updated 7 July 2023 show all updates
  1. The exception for training and testing for a driving licence has been extended until 31 December 2023.

  2. Updated to reflect policy changes and amendments to criteria for Application route 1: Gaps in Provision.

  3. Clarification has been added on the application routes and the application forms have been updated.

  4. Email address updated on main webpage and within Employer business case - gaps in provision guidance from to

  5. Employer business case - gaps in provision exception form has been updated.

  6. Updated the application form for temporary exception for supporting providers (subcontractors)

  7. Updated the Application form for a temporary exception to Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (ROATP).

  8. Added new information and the application form for the temporary exception to joining RoATP for supporting providers (subcontractors) delivering training and testing for a driving licence.

  9. Removed critical worker eligibility criteria as it ended on 15 August 2021; updated the section on removing an apprenticeship training provider from the register.

  10. Updated the Case for Exceptional RoATP Application with the correct file

  11. Removed information relating to covid-19 special measures as they no longer apply Updated information relating to who can join the register

  12. Added new section called: New guide for apprenticeship training providers, with links to new provider guides.

  13. The page is now shorter, contains updated guidance and links to 2 application routes.

  14. Changing Conditions of acceptance for training providers (until 9 May 2021) from a PDF to HTML document.

  15. Condition 6 has been clarified in the conditions of acceptance document effective from 10 May 2021.

  16. Page updated to reflect changes to the register of apprenticeship training providers.

  17. Updated conditions of acceptance.

  18. Updated to include information relating to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

  19. Updated conditions of acceptance.

  20. Added further detail on removing a training provider from the register. Added updated application guidance.

  21. We have updated the application guidance.

  22. We have updated the application guidance.

  23. The register of apprenticeship training providers is open. We have published guidance to help you with the application process.

  24. Updated guidance about applying to the register of apprenticeship training providers.

  25. Added information about removing an apprenticeship training provider from the register.

  26. The register of apprenticeship training providers will close for applications at 5pm on Friday, 3 November.

  27. The register of apprenticeship training providers (RoATP) is now open for applications and closes at 5pm on Friday, 27 October.

  28. Added details about the register of apprenticeship training providers opening for applications.

  29. First published.

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