Register to make an entry summary declaration in Great Britain
Use the S&S GB service if you import goods into Great Britain and need to make an entry summary declaration.
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Use the Safety and Security GB (S&S GB) service if you import goods into Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and need to make an entry summary declaration.
Before you register
You’ll need your:
- business date of establishment
- email address
- business or trading name
- business Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) if you are registered in the UK for tax purposes
- business address
- EORI number starting GB — if you do not have one you can apply for an EORI number when you register
How to register
To register to make an entry summary declaration in Great Britain, you need a Government Gateway user ID and password. If you do not have a user ID, you can create one when you register.
Online services may be slow during busy times. Check if there are any problems with this service.
After you have registered
You can submit entry summary declarations by either:
- purchasing compatible software
- employing the services of a Community System Provider
To submit an entry summary declaration of imports into Great Britain, you will need to know the S&S GB location code for the port of entry.
Purchasing compatible software
You need to purchase compatible software from software developers. Find out which software developers provide customs declaration support.
You’ll need a Government Gateway user ID and password — if you do not have a user ID, you can create one when you register.
Employing the services of a Community System Provider
You can employ the services of a Community System Provider.
What to do if the S&S GB service is unavailable
Economic Operators and Community System Providers should continue to send messages to the S&S GB service until HMRC confirms it is available again. These messages will be queued until the system is restored.
If you cannot send messages to the S&S GB service during the outage, you should send an entry summary declaration retrospectively when the S&S GB service is restored.
Updates to this page
To submit an entry summary declaration of imports into Great Britain, you will need to know the S&S GB location code for the port of entry.
Information has been added about what to to if the S&S GB service is not available.
First published.