
Register to report a cross-border arrangement

Find out what you'll need and how to register to tell HMRC about a cross-border arrangement (DAC6).

This guidance was withdrawn on

This page has been withdrawn because it is out of date. From 28 March 2023, you should use Mandatory Disclosure Rules to tell HMRC about a cross-border arrangement.

Find out how to check if you need to tell HMRC about a cross-border arrangement (MDR).

You can email: if you have any questions about your DAC6 disclosures.

The DAC6 service will close on 31 May 2023. To tell us about any reportable arrangements from 28 March 2023, use the Mandatory Disclosure Rules service.

You can still use the DAC6 service until 31 May 2023 to:

  • tell us about arrangements that became reportable before 28 March 2023
  • send additional information, replacements or deletions for previously sent disclosures

If you are involved in a cross-border arrangement, you may have to tell HMRC about it. This could include:

  • transfers of funds from an account in one country to an account in another country
  • payments from a resident of one country to a resident of another
  • putting funds in an offshore trust

You only need to report arrangements if they meet one of the hallmarks under category D.

Who should register

You should check if you need to tell HMRC about a cross-border arrangement.

You can register as:

  • an individual or a business
  • a limited company
  • sole proprietor
  • unincorporated association or trust

When to register

You must register before, or at the same time as, you tell us about any cross-border arrangement you are involved in. You only need to register once.

What you’ll need

To register on behalf of a business, you’ll need the:

  • Government Gateway user ID and password for the business
  • Unique Taxpayer Reference for the business, if it has one
  • registered name for your business on your incorporation certificate

Registration must be carried out with a user whose Government Gateway credentials are at administrator level.

Businesses which are also registered as agents should use their organisation credentials, not their agent credentials.

To register as an individual, you’ll need your:

  • Government Gateway user ID and password
  • National Insurance number, if you have one

Register to report a cross-border arrangement

Use the online service to register.

Register now

Online services may be slow during busy times. Check if there are any problems with this service.

After you’ve registered

Once you’ve registered you’ll get:

  • a DAC6 user ID
  • a confirmation email

You’ll need this DAC6 user ID to report your cross-border arrangements.

Once you’ve registered, you can report your arrangement at the same time or later.

Updates to this page

Published 29 December 2020
Last updated 12 April 2023 show all updates
  1. The DAC6 service will close on 31 May 2023. To tell us about any reportable arrangements from 28 March 2023, use the Mandatory Disclosure Rules service. You can still use the DAC6 service until 31 May 2023 to tell us about arrangements that became reportable before 28 March 2023, or to send additional information, replacements or deletions for previously sent disclosures.

  2. Information about when you may have to tell HMRC about a cross-border arrangement has been updated.

  3. Information about registering to report a cross-border arrangement has been updated.

  4. First published.

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