
Remove information from Companies House

How to remove information that should never have been delivered to Companies House.

The registrar’s approach to the removal of information is changing.

We’ll remove information where the registrar is satisfied that:

  • information in a document is false
  • a document has been sent without the company’s knowledge or authorisation
  • a document records a transaction that never occurred

Contact Companies House if you believe:

  • your details have been used without your knowledge or authorisation
  • a filing has been made in respect of your company without its authority
  • a filing reflects a transaction that did not occur

You’ll need to provide details of the information you want us to remove.

To help us make our decision, you’ll need to provide as much information and supporting evidence as possible. The registrar will consider each case on its merits. 


If there’s a disagreement between 2 or more interested parties (for example, 2 people who insist they are the sole director), the registrar may not be able to reach a decision.

In these circumstances, the parties will be advised to apply to the court for a declaration of fact. For example, an order confirming that person A is the director and person B is not.

The registrar will act on that declaration to remove false or unauthorised information.

Complex facts

The registrar may request that the matter be determined by the court where:

  • the parties wish to remove documents recording a complex transaction
  • it’s not clear if a transaction was effective in law
  • the removal may affect third party (for example investor) rights

This could either be by a declaration (in the case of false information or information recording a transaction that never occurred) or by an order to remove the information under s1096 of the Companies Act 2006 where appropriate.

We’ll work with you to seek to agree the form of any declaration or order.

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Published 4 March 2024

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