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Updates: Rent Officer Handbook: general matters related to all Rent Officer work


4 February 2022 published amendments

Other: procedures

Judicial Review guidance has been omitted.


15 September 2020 published amendments

Other: data information

Two new sections have been added.

Other: procedures

The Judicial Review guidance section has been updated.


4 April 2018 published amendments

Other: data information

A new row has been added to the update log.

Other: procedures

Section added: Redaction – when to redact

23 March 2018 published amendments

Other: procedures

Added section: Case Notes in VICTER

Other: data information

Case Notes in VICTER added to update log

7 March 2018 published amendments

Other: data information

The update log has been updated to reflect the new page: File naming for VICTER attachments and the update to the page: Equality Act – making our service as accessible as possible

Other: procedures

File naming for VICTER attachments page has been added.

Equality Act – making our service as accessible as possible page has been updated.

15 February 2018 published amendments

Other: data information

This manual section has been updated to include the new page: Lettings Information – Data Security.

The creation of the new page - Lettings Information – Data Security has been included in the update log.

8 February 2018 published amendments

Other: data information

7 February 2018, Students – Halls of Residence, page updated
24 November 2017, Quality Assurance - Minimum Data Standards, page updated
24 November 2017, Scarcity, page updated
3 November 2017, Services – Excluded Items, page updated
3 November 2017, Services – Included Items, page updated
3 November 2017, Natural Justice, page updated
3 November 2017, Closed markets, page updated
7 September 2017, Consultations, Page Updated
22 March 2017, Guidance , Page Updated
20 March 2017, Lettings Information – 12 month renewals, New page
15 March 2017, Housing benefit – Size Criteria, Page Updated
15 March 2017, Housing benefit – Carers and Size Criteria, Page Updated
15 March 2017, Equality Act, Page Updated
15 March 2017, LHA Capped Rates, Page Updated
1 March 2017, LHA General Information, Page Updated
20 January 2017, Caravans excluding Site Rents, Page Updated


10 November 2017 published amendments

Other: glossary of terms

Updated definitions for:
• Agricultural Tenancy (Residential)
• Determination
• Disrepair
• Dwelling
• Effective date
• Exceptionally High Rent
• Fair Rent
• Full Repairing and Insuring (FRI)
• Health education recreation banking and shopping (HERBS)
• Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)
• Joint Tenant
• Local Reference Rent
• Mutual Exchange
• Protected Tenancy
• Redetermination (RD, or ReDet)
• Register of Fair Rents
• Rent Officer determination
• Secure Tenancy
• Services
• Shared Ownership
• Single Room Rent
• Tenant's improvements
• Tenure
• Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber)
• Withdrawal

6 November 2017 published amendments

Other: procedures

Update to "potentially violent people" section. Now named "Risks to staff and warning markers."

27 March 2017 published amendments

Other: procedures

'Equality Act – making our service as accessible as possible' has been updated.
'Gudiance' has been updated

2 March 2017 published amendments

Other: glossary of terms

A new version to the glossary of terms previously held in - Tenancy information.

22 February 2017 published amendments

Other: data information

New section added.

Other: procedures

New section added.