
Report a bus or coach service or driver

Report a bus or coach service or driver for turning up late, not stopping or breaking safety or accessibility rules.

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

There’s different guidance about reporting a heavy goods vehicle (HGV) driver or company.

Report bus driver rudeness

Complain directly to the bus or coach operator if their driver was rude to you. If you’re not happy with their response:

Report buses arriving late, early, not stopping or not turning up

In England (outside London) and Wales

You can report a bus arriving late, early, not stopping or not turning up to DVSA if the bus service was in England (outside London) or Wales.

You can choose whether or not to give your name and contact details when you report the problem.

You need the:

  • date and time it happened
  • bus or coach service number (route number)
  • name of the stop where you got on or wanted to get on
  • name of the stop where you got off or wanted to get off
  • name of the company running the bus or coach service (if you know it)

In London

Complain to Transport for London (TfL) about scheduled bus services in London arriving late, early, or not turning up at all.

In Scotland

Complain to Bus Users Scotland about scheduled bus services in Scotland arriving late, early or not turning up at all.

Report problems with features or help for disabled people

You can report a bus or coach service to DVSA if you think it broke accessibility rules. This includes problems with: 

  • help getting on and off a bus or coach
  • ramps and lifts
  • using a wheelchair
  • travelling with an assistance dog
  • priority seats (buses only)
  • seat armrests (coaches only)
  • steps and stairs
  • handrails, poles and handholds
  • floors and aisles
  • ‘stop’ or bell buttons (buses only)
  • route and destination displays

Check the guidance on bus and coach features and help for disabled people to find out what the law says.

Report the problem online

You can choose whether or not to give your name and contact details when you report the problem.

You need the:

  • date and time it happened
  • bus or coach service number (route number)
  • name of the stop where you got on or wanted to get on
  • name of the stop where you got off or wanted to get off
  • name of the company running the bus or coach service (if you know it)

Report a bus driver speeding, drink-driving or driving while disqualified

Contact the police to report a bus or coach driver drink-driving, speeding or driving while disqualified.

Report an unsafe bus or coach

You can report a bus or coach driver or the vehicle operator to DVSA if you think they’re:

  • using vehicles that are not safe to drive
  • breaking drivers hours rules

You can report them anonymously or give your details - check what this means before you make your report.

Email or call DVSA to make a report. Include as much information as possible about:

  • why the vehicle was unsafe
  • the journey you were trying to make (for example the bus route number or where you were travelling to and from)
  • the name of the company providing the bus or coach service
  • the date it happened
  • the time it happened 

DVSA Intelligence unit
Telephone: 0800 030 4103
Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 6pm
Find out about call charges

Find out what happens after you have made your report to DVSA.

Reporting something to DVSA anonymously

If you call or write anonymously:

  • you will never be asked for your name or to provide contact details
  • your call will not be traced
  • you will not have to make a statement or be called as a witness
  • you will not have to appear in court

Depending on the incident you’re reporting, it might be possible for the driver or company to work out that you reported it - even if you report it anonymously.

Example You report a bus driver on a service that you use at the same time each evening. The incident you report happened when you were the only passenger on the bus. The driver would likely be able to work out that you reported them.

If you do give your contact details

You can ask to remain anonymous if you give DVSA your contact details. However, you might:

  • be contacted for more information
  • be asked to provide a statement
  • have to act as a witness and appear in court

Read the privacy notice for reporting a lorry, bus or coach driver or company to find out more about how your details are stored and used.

What happens after you have reported something to DVSA

DVSA will review the information you sent. They will decide what to do next, which could include:

  • asking DVSA examiners to investigate the case
  • asking you for more information if you did not make the report anonymously
  • working with other government departments and agencies or the police

Make sure you stay safe

For your own safety, do not:

  • tell anyone that you’ve given the information to DVSA
  • try to get more information about the offences you’ve reported or about any other criminal activity
  • encourage anyone to commit a crime so that you have more evidence

Getting feedback on what happened

If you ask DVSA to give you feedback on what happened, you’ll get it when:

  • any investigation and criminal or other official proceedings have ended
  • a decision has been made if the person appeals against their verdict

DVSA cannot give feedback on an ongoing case. Criminal investigations can take time.

Updates to this page

Published 24 May 2024
Last updated 17 February 2025 show all updates
  1. Added link to report buses arriving late, early, not stopping or not turning up online.

  2. First published.

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