
Report the amount of EEE you place on the market

When you must report the amount of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) you place on the market and how to do it.

If you produce electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) you must report how much EEE you place on the market.

You must report your data annually if you are a small producer registered directly with your environmental regulator.

If you are registered with a producer compliance scheme (PCS) you must report your data to your PCS. They will submit your data for you. You must report your business to consumer (B2C) EEE quarterly. You can report your business to business (B2B) EEE annually.

Check your product is covered by the waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) regulations and select the correct category for your EEE.

What ‘place on the market’ means

EEE is placed on the market the first time it becomes available for distribution or use in the UK.

This is when there is a transfer of ownership from a:

  • UK manufacturer to a UK distributor
  • UK manufacturer to the final UK consumer or user
  • manufacturer outside the UK to an importer in the UK or the person responsible for distributing the item in the UK
  • manufacturer outside the UK, or formal representative, direct to the final user or consumer

Transfer of ownership can be by:

  • sale
  • loan
  • hire
  • lease
  • gift

You are the person that places on the market if you are the first person in a supply chain professionally making EEE products available for supply or sale in the UK. You do not have to receive payment.

It is not the act of supplying or selling the EEE products that determines if it has been placed on the market. It is making the product available for supply or sale. The person placing on the market may be:

  • an individual
  • a corporate body such as a company
  • a not-for-profit organisation such as a public body or charity

Placing on the market does not include EEE products that are:

  • made in the UK and then exported without being placed on the UK market
  • imported and then exported without being placed on the UK market
  • imported where there is evidence that the products were always destined for export, such as those with non-UK voltages, specifications, packaging or instruction booklets

How to record and report your data

You need to keep accurate records to report the amount of EEE you have placed on the market.

You may only use your sales data for reporting if it is broadly equivalent to the tonnage of EEE products you placed on the market. For example, where you manufacture products to order. You and your PCS must keep a record to explain how your sales dataset is broadly equivalent to the EEE you placed on the market. You must make these records available to the environmental regulator on request.

If you are a small producer who has registered directly with your regulator, you must use the WEEE online service to report your data.

If you are a small or large producer who has registered with a PCS, you must provide your data directly to the PCS who reports the data to your regulator.

When you can deduct exported EEE from placed on the market data

If you place EEE onto the UK market and then export that EEE within the same compliance period, you can deduct the exported EEE from the total amount placed on the UK market.

If you are a small producer registered on the WEEE online service, you can report this directly by 31 January in the year after the relevant compliance period.

If you are registered with a PCS, you should resubmit your data to your PCS for the quarter that the EEE was originally reported as placed on the market, minus the exported EEE.

You cannot deduct EEE products that are placed on the UK market in one compliance period and exported in a later compliance period.

Each quarter you must keep a record of the EEE tonnage and category you:

  • placed on the UK market
  • exported

Keep evidence of this, for example with:

  • invoices
  • delivery notes
  • export documentation like bills of lading, customs documents and receipts

You must make these records available to your PCS and environmental regulator on request.

Your PCS is also responsible for checking that your records are correct and keep an audit trail. Your PCS must make these records available to your environmental regulator on request.

Contact your environmental regulator


Producer Responsibility Regulatory Services (PRRS)
Environment Agency
Quadrant 2
99 Parkway Avenue
Parkway Business Park
S9 4WF
Telephone 03708 506 506



Producer Compliance and Waste Shipment Unit
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
Strathallan House
Castle Business Park
Telephone: 01786 457700


Northern Ireland

Producer Responsibility Unit
Northern Ireland Environment Agency
Klondyke Building
Cromac Avenue
Gasworks Business Park
Lower Ormeau Road
Telephone 028 9056 9338



Producer Responsibility Unit
Natural Resources Wales
Rivers House
St Mellons Business Park
St Mellons
Telephone 0300 065 3000


Updates to this page

Published 6 July 2023
Last updated 8 January 2025 + show all updates
  1. In the 'How to record and report your data' section, replaced the link to the National Packaging Waste Database with a link to the WEEE online service.

  2. First published.

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