Research and design in government course
One-day GDS Academy course on the importance of research and design in government.
GDS Academy is no longer running this course.
Course summary
This GDS Academy course is for all staff who want to understand how we carry out research and design. You will get the chance to explore techniques such as interaction design and content design, and see how they work in an agile team.
You should not attend this course if you have attended GDS design training or the GDS Academy Foundation course.
Course aims and objectives
The aim of this course is to show how government carries out user-centred design to create inclusive services that are easy for people to use.
By the end of the course you will be able to explain:
- what user-centred design is
- why user-centred design is important
- how user-centred design is done in an agile team
- how the different disciplines in user-centred design work together
- Introduction to user-centred design
- User needs
- Disciplines in user-centred design
- Accessibility needs
- User research
- Designing simple services
- Prototyping
This course is open to any member of staff at any Civil Service grade.
The course takes 1 working day. It runs from 10am to 5pm.
Training locations and dates
GDS Academy is no longer running this course.
New course dates
We publish course dates around 4 times a year. Subscribe to our newsletter to know about new course dates, courses and programmes.
Book a place
You can book:
- for one person
- for several people
- a closed course (this is only for you and people you invite)
Email, with your
- name
- organisation
- mobile phone number
- course name, the number of courses, and the number of places
- course location
- course date
If you are booking a closed course, tell us:
- where you want to host the course (course location)
- when you would like to host the course (course date)
GDS Academy training locations
Find out how to get to our training locations in Leeds, London, Manchester and Newcastle.
Updates to this page
Published 14 December 2017Last updated 9 October 2018 + show all updates
Change to available dates
First published.