
Dychwelyd i’ch hawliad ar gyfer y Cynllun Cymhorthdal Incwm Hunangyflogaeth

Gwiriwch faint a dalwyd i chi mewn grantiau SEISS a sut i ad-dalu grant a ordalwyd.

Dychwelyd i’ch hawliad

Defnyddiwch y gwasanaeth hwn i wirio:

  • statws eich taliad
  • faint a dalwyd i chi mewn grantiau SEISS
  • pam nad ydych yn gymwys

Mae angen arnoch Gyfeirnod Unigryw y Trethdalwr (UTR) ar gyfer Hunanasesiad er mwyn defnyddio’r gwasanaeth hwn.

Dechrau nawr

Gwirio arweiniad ar gyfer y pumed grant

Mae hawliadau ar gyfer y pumed grant bellach wedi cau.

Gallwch wirio beth oedd y rheolau ar gyfer cyflwyno hawliad o hyd, gan gynnwys:

Gallwch hefyd ddarllen arweiniad ar gyfer grantiau SEISS blaenorol ar wefan yr Archifau Gwladol.

Sut i ad-dalu grant a ordalwyd

Gallwch roi gwybod i CThEM ac ad-dalu’r grant cyfan neu ran ohono os ydych wedi cael:

  • grant ac nad oeddech yn gymwys
  • mwy na’r hyn yr oedd gennych hawl iddo

Cysylltu â CThEM

Os nad oes modd i chi gael yr help sydd ei angen arnoch ar-lein, cysylltwch â CThEM.

Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 20 October 2020
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 9 March 2022 + show all updates
  1. Added translation

  2. Claims for the fifth grant have now closed. The deadline has now passed for contacting HMRC if you think your grant amount is too low or to make a late claim. The related sections have been removed.

  3. New section added called ‘If you still need to make a claim’. If you’ve not been able to make a claim due to an HMRC error or other exceptional circumstances, you must contact us by 28 February 2022. If you think your grant amount is too low, you must also contact us by 28 February 2022.

  4. You can no longer update your bank details in the online service.

  5. Section added with links to guidance for the fifth grant and previous grants. A link to guidance on how to pay back a grant has also been added.

  6. This guidance has been updated with information about the fourth SEISS grant.

  7. Added translation

  8. First published.

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