Reuse DVSA learning materials
How to get permission from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) to reuse its learning materials and the rules you must follow.
DVSA encourages licensed reuse of its learning materials. You need a licence from DVSA to use its:
- theory test revision question banks
- simulated hazard perception test clips
- photographs, images and graphics
- other intellectual property
Types of licence you can get
There are 5 different types of licence that you can get:
- royalty-based
- royalty-based translation
- education or research
- British Sign Language
- memorandum of understanding
The type of licence you’ll need will depend on how you want to reuse DVSA’s learning materials.
A royalty-based licence lets you reuse DVSA’s learning materials in an English-language product you plan to make and sell. It lasts for 3 years, but you can renew it.
You must pay DVSA royalties for every 3 months. Royalties are typically 13% of net sales revenue (licensee income after tax) made from your products which are typically (but not exclusively) web-based or downloadable mobile phone applications, CDs, DVDs or books. Sales can also include revenue from subscriptions.
Royalty-based translation
You need this licence for commercial products resulting from your translation of DVSA learning materials into a language other than English. A product might also include elements such as learning English for theory and driving tests, if you wish to include this.
You can promote your translated products made under the licence free of charge on the Safe Driving for Life website.
Education or research
You need this licence to use licensed materials for educational or research purposes if you’re:
- an educational establishment and you do not charge pupils for access to the material and there’s no commercial gain
- doing a research project or coursework and want to use its licensed material
You must confirm that the finished work is not copied, sold, published electronically or made available for sale.
British Sign Language
You need this licence if you want to translate DVSA’s material for the deaf or hard of hearing. You can produce and sell any type of product and do not have to pay DVSA royalties on your sales.
Memorandum of understanding
You need a memorandum of understanding to reuse crown copyright material if you’re a non-UK government or other UK government department.
Apply for a licence
Download and fill in the application form.
Save the application form on your computer.
Email the application form to
Reuse theory test revision questions
DVSA does not publish the actual multiple-choice questions and answers used in the theory test, but you can reuse the DVSA theory test revision questions.
You can get revision questions for these test types:
- car
- motorcycle
- large goods vehicle (LGV) and passenger carrying vehicle (PCV)
- approved driving instructor (ADI) part 1
You’ll need to download the revision questions and images. DVSA will send you details of how to do this when your application has been approved.
Knowledge and understanding text
DVSA theory test revision question banks include ‘knowledge and understanding text’ which:
- explains the context of a question
- must be included with every question in your product
- adds value to your product
Reuse hazard perception clips
You can get DVSA simulated hazard perception test clips. These clips are not used in the actual test, but look very similar.
DVSA offers 36 computer-generated imagery (CGI) clips that include:
- an introductory video explaining how to use the clips
- a scoring window time frames
The CGI clips all show potential hazards and hazards that develop into a situation that would make the user respond by changing speed or direction.
All the files are in MPEG-4 video file format.
Clip details
Number of clips | Price (without VAT) |
10 (clips 1 to 10) | £550 |
10 (clips 11 to 20) | £550 (£330 if you’ve already bought CGI clips 1 to 10) |
20 (clips 1 to 20) | £880 |
14 (clips 21 to 34 on weather conditions and vulnerable road users) | £330 |
36 (clips 1 to 36) | £1200 |
Email if you want to buy hazard perception clips and get an invoice.
Reuse The Highway Code
You can reuse The Highway Code on GOV.UK without asking for permission, but you need to follow the Open Government Licence.
How DVSA protects its copyrighted material
DVSA protects its material against unlicensed use and constantly monitors the use of its material. It will:
- pursue any case where material has been used without its permission
- take any necessary legal action in order to protect Crown copyright
You can report infringements to DVSA.
DVSA Crown Copyright
Intellectual Property Manager
Berkeley House
Croydon Street
How DVSA trades fairly
The Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 (PSI) provides a framework for making the reuse of information held by public bodies easier. PSI Regulations set out the rules that public sector bodies should follow when providing documents for reuse.
DVSA has a delegation of authority from the Keeper of The National Archives which enables it to license reuse of Crown copyright material the DVSA produces.
Complain about how DVSA trades
Contact the DVSA Intellectual Property Team if you’re unhappy and do not feel DVSA has followed the rules in the PSI regulations.
DVSA Crown Copyright
Intellectual Property Manager
Berkeley House
Croydon Street
If you cannot settle matters through DVSA’s complaints procedure complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Updates to this page
Updated the section 'Reuse hazard perception clips' with new costs and clips that are available.
Removed section on 'Reuse images and photography'
Updated the sample terms of DVSA Crown copyright licence agreement with the latest version, which has been written in plain English.
Updated information about the available hazard perception clips and contact details.
Updated information about how the revision theory test questions are supplied to you when your application has been approved.
Added 'DVSA Chief Executive commitment to information fair trading'.
Updated the prices for the FileMaker Pro versions of the revision theory test questions.
First published.