Risley Prison
Risley is a prison for men in Warrington, Cheshire, including men convicted of a sex offence.
Applies to England and Wales
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Book and plan your visit to Risley
Due to limited space in the visitors centre, visitors are asked to attend for their visit no earlier than 15 minutes before the start time. Morning visits start at 9am and afternoon visits start at 2pm.
Due to limited space in the gate area visitors will be taken to the prison in groups of 10.
There are no restrictions on who can visit a prisoner as long as they are on the prisoners approved visitors list.
Visitors are restricted with a maximum of 5 people including children.
To visit someone in Risley you must:
- be on that person’s visitor list
- book your visit in advance
- have the required ID with you when you go, this includes children
At least one visitor must be 18 or older at every visit.
There may be a limit to the number of visits a prisoner can have. You can check this with Risley.
Contact Risley if you have any questions about visiting.
Help with the cost of your visit
If you get certain benefits or have an NHS health certificate, you might be able to get help with the costs of your visit, including:
- travel to Risley
- somewhere to stay overnight
- meals
How to book family and friends visits
You can https://www.gov.uk/prison-visits booking system or by email to SocialVisitsRisley@justice.gov.uk
You can also call the booking line: 01925 733285 or 01925 733284
Find out about call charges.
The booking lines are open:
- Monday to Thursday, 9am to 3:15pm
- Friday at 9am to 2pm.
Visiting times:
- Monday, 2pm to 4pm
- Tuesday, 2pm to 4pm
- Wednesday, 2pm to 4pm
- Thursday, 2pm to 4pm
- Saturday, 9am to 11am and 2pm to 4pm
- Sunday, 9am to 11am
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday afternoon sessions alternate weekly between Wing A and all other wings.
The visitor centre is on Warrington Road next to the prison.
The Visitor centre is open:
- Monday to Thursday, 11:45am to 4:45pm
- Saturday 8am to 4:30pm
- Sunday 8am to midday
Telephone: 01925 733 063
On entering the prison all visitors will be expected to walk through our enhanced gate security metal detector and will be given a pat-down search (including children). You will be asked to put all belongings in a tray to be searched/x-rayed (this includes watches and jewellery).
Please arrive 15 minutes before your visit starts.
How to book legal and professional visits
The easiest way to book a professional visit is via email: LegalVisits.Risley@justice.gov.uk
Bookings can also be made over the phone:
01925 733284 or 01925 733285
Phone lines are open Monday to Friday: 9am to 11:30am and 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Legal visits start at 9am. Visiting times are:
Week 1:
- Tuesday morning: DS,E,G
- Thursday morning: A,B,C,DN
Week 2:
- Tuesday morning: A,B,C,DN
- Thursday morning: DS,E,G
Due to limited space in the visitors centre, visitors are asked to attend for their visit no earlier than 15 minutes before the start time. Morning visits start at 9am and afternoon visits start at 2pm.
Due to limited space in the gate area visitors will be taken to the prison in groups of 10.
Each visitors group will then be allowed to enter the prison with cash to the total value of £40 where a hot/cold menu will be available.
Getting to Risley
Risley is about 6 miles from Warrington Central and Warrington Bank Quay railway stations. From the stations, use buses going to Leigh or take a taxi.
There is a visitor’s car park next to the prison. There are additional spaces for Blue Badge holders next to the visitors centre.
To plan your journey by public transport:
There is a visitors car park next to the prison. There are additional spaces for Blue Badge holders next to the visitors centre.
Entering Risley
All visitors, aged 16 or older must prove their identity before entering the prison. Read the list of acceptable forms of ID when visiting a prison.
All visitors will need to go through our enhanced gate security metal detector or wanded down with a hand held metal detector. All visitors will be given a pat-down search, including children. You may also be sniffed by security dogs.
Visitors should dress sensibly. You may be turned away if you are wearing items like vests, low-cut tops, high-cut shorts or dresses. You may be asked to store expensive items of Jewellery and watches in the visitor lockers which is done so at your own risk.
There will be refreshments available during your visit.
You will not be permitted to take anything into the prison with you, except your ID. Lockers are available in the visitors centre/Enhanced gate search area for all other items.
The rules will be explained by an officer at the start of your visit. If you break the rules, your visit could be cancelled and you could be banned from visiting again.
Visiting facilities
There are no refreshment facilities available in the visitors centre. There are refreshments available in the Visits Hall, with a limited menu, there is also the opportunity to purchase a “Special Pack” for £10 for a prisoner to take back to his wing.
There is a small crèche facility available but children must not use this area unless a member of POPs staff is present.
Family days
Family days are advertised in the visits centre, visits hall, on the prison Residential units and on our POPS Facebook page.
Keep in touch with someone at Risley
There are several ways you can keep in touch with a prisoner during their time at Risley.
Secure video calls
To have a secure video call with someone in this prison you need to:
- download the Prison Video app
- create an account
- register all visitors
- add the prisoner to your contact list
How to book a secure video call
You can request a secure video call with someone in this prison via the Prison Video app.
You will receive a notification when your request has been accepted.
Phone calls
In-cell telephony is now available in all cells.
Prisoners can phone anyone named on their list of friends and family.
You can also exchange voicemails using the Prison Voicemail service.
Officers may listen to phone calls as a way of preventing crime and helping keep people safe.
All phone calls are recorded (except for legal and so on)
You can send emails to someone in Risley using the Email a Prisoner service.
You might also be able to attach photos and receive replies from the prisoner, depending on the rules at Risley.
You can write at any time.
Include the person’s name and prisoner number on the envelope.
If you do not know their prisoner number, contact Risley.
All post apart from legal letters will be opened and checked by officers.
Postal address:
HMP Risley
Warrington Road
Send money and gifts
You can use the free and fast online service to send money to someone in prison.
We do not accept any parcels that have been sent directly from families. Any exception to this will require an application to be approved by the Head of Operations.
The quickest way for a prisoner to receive clothing and so on is for their friends or family to send the prisoner money (ideally not cash), the prisoner can then purchase the items via the approved catalogues.
If HMP Risley receives parcels which have not been approved they will not be issued to the prisoner.
We allow underwear and socks through visits. The process will be:
visitors can purchase underwear and/or socks from the Remade with Hope shop situated next to the HMP Risley visitors centre
the items will be brought over to the visits hall and issued to the relevant prisoner at the end of the visits session
Gifts and parcels
You can use the free and fast online service to send money to someone in prison.
We do not accept any parcels that have been sent directly from families. Any exception to this will require an application to be approved by the Head of Operations.
The quickest way for a prisoner to receive clothing etc. is for their friends or family to send the prisoner money (ideally not cash), the prisoner can then purchase the items via the approved catalogues.
If HMP Risley receives parcels which have not been approved they will not be issued to the prisoner.
We now allow underwear and socks through visits. The process will be:
Visitors can purchase underwear and/or socks from the Remade with Hope shop situated next to the HMP Risley visitors centre.
The items will be brought over to the visits hall and issued to the relevant prisoner at the end of the visits session.
For the full list of approved retailers, you can read the HMPPS Incentives Policy, Annex F.
If HMP Risley receives parcels which have not been approved they will not be issued to the prisoner.
It’s important you’re made aware:
If an unauthorised item is found on the clothing or an indication by the drug dog:
the visit will be terminated and the bag will be confiscated as evidence—in some cases the visitor may be arrested and the police called. The visitor may also be banned.
if an indication occurs on a different day to the visits i.e. clothing which has been stored in reception until a dog handler is on duty; the bag of clothing will be sealed as evidence and later destroyed, the prisoner will be informed this has occurred. This information will be passed to the police and the visitor may be banned from visits.
in all cases in this section an IR will be submitted and placed on the prisoners security file.
Clothing like this through visits was allowed in the past however this was abused by a small minority where clothing was laced by illegal narcotics, when this came to light this privilege was removed.
Should we receive any intelligence and/or evidence that this is re-occurring this privilege will again be removed for all prisoners.
Life at Risley
Risley is committed to providing a safe and educational environment where prisoners can learn new skills to help them on release.
Security and safeguarding
Every prison at Risley has a right to feel safe. The staff are responsible for their safeguarding and welfare at all times.
For further information about what to do when you are worried or concerned about someone in prison visit the Prisoners’ Families helpline website.
Arrival and first night
When a prisoner first arrives at Risley, they will be able to contact a family member by phone. This could be quite late in the evening, depending on the time they arrive.
They will get to speak to someone who will check how they’re feeling and ask about any immediate health and wellbeing needs.
All prisoners will receive a 4 day induction at Risley where they will receive important information about life at Risley, help and support information.
They will meet professionals who will help them with:
- health and wellbeing, including mental and sexual health
- any substance misuse issues, including drugs and alcohol
- personal development in custody and on release, including skills, education and training
- other support (sometimes called ‘interventions’), such as managing difficult emotions
Everyone also finds out about the rules, fire safety, and how things like calls and visits work.
Underwear and socks can be purchased from the Rebuild with Hope shop situated next to the HMP Risley visitors centre.
Once purchased, the items will be brought over to the visits Hall by staff and issued to the relevant prisoner at the end on the visits session.
Over 1,000 prisoners live at Risley in mostly single cells.
Risley prison has a diverse, multi-faith chaplaincy team providing support to prisoners.
Education and work
Prisoners have access to a broad range of vocational training, including interior fitting, painting and decorating, plastering, bricklaying and cleaning. Risley is also part of the Prisons ICT Academy (PICTA) which helps prepare prisoners for work in information and communications technology (ICT) roles.
They can take classroom courses in subjects such as English, maths, art and design and IT. They can also train with the PE department as a gym instructor or take other sports-related qualifications.
Prisoners can work at Risley in contract services workshops as well the kitchens, laundry, gardens and waste management unit. They can also work in the braille workshop which is part of a restorative justice project (where prisoners meet with the victims of crime).
Support for family and friends
Partners of Prisoners (POPS) provide our family services. They can be contacted on 01925 733 063 on the days when social visits are running.
Concerns, problems and complaints
In an emergency
Call 01925 733023 if you think a prisoner is at immediate risk of harm. Ask for the Orderly Officer and explain that your concern is an emergency.
Contact category | Phone number | Additional information |
Non-emergency | 01925 733 007 | Call this number if you have concerns about a prisoner’s safety or wellbeing which are serious but not life-threatening or complete a safer custody contact form on the Prisoners’ Families Helpline website. |
Staff Integrity Hotline | 0800 917 6877 (24 hours answering machine) |
This number can be called anonymously. If you are concerned about a prisoner being bullied by a member of staff, you can use this number. As this line is managed separately from the prison, you can call this number anonymously. |
Prisoners’ Families Helpline | 0808 808 2003 | The Prisoners’ Families Helpline can provide confidential support, advice and guidance. |
Unwanted Prisoner Contact | 0300 060 6699 | If a prisoner is contacting you and you want them to stop, you can use the Unwanted Prisoner Contact Service. You can complete the Stop prisoner contact online form, email unwantedprisonercontact@justice.gov.uk or contact by phone. |
Problems and complaints
If you have any other problem contact Risley.
Contact Risley
Governor: Adam Dobson
Family and Significant Others Lead is the Head of Reducing Reoffending.
Telephone: 01925 733 000
Fax: 01925 733 001
Find out about call charges
HMP Risley
Warrington Road
Updates to this page
Updated visits booking information for family and friends.
Updated Governor.
Updated visiting guidance based on 1 April COVID rule changes
Added link to new safer custody information under Security and safeguarding.
Updated visiting information: Testing for visitors aged 12 and over.
Added link to information about testing for physical contact at visits.
Additional guidance about new COVID-19 variant in the Bolton and Blackburn areas.
New visiting times and booking information added.
Updated visit info
Updated visit info
Updated visiting information in line with new national restrictions in England.
Updated visiting information in line with coronavirus restrictions.
Updated video call info
Updated informatin about visiting for friends and family
First published.