The main mechanisms to protect and improve the water environment in each river basin district.
Part of the river basin management plan, updated 2022.
You can access each river basin district’s river basin management plan from River basin management plans: updated 2022.
This section introduces the Water Framework Directive Regulations and describes the range and use of mechanisms available to implement measures.
This section introduces other legislation, partnerships and approaches that protect water.
This section describes the mechanisms for the efficient and sustainable use of water.
This section describes the mechanisms protecting the quality or quantity of water used for drinking water supplies.
This section describes the mechanisms to control abstraction and impoundment of water, and mechanisms to protect water resources that are used for abstraction.
This section summaries mechanisms for controlling discharges and limiting or preventing pollutants entering the water.
This section describes mechanisms for agricultural and non-agricultural diffuse source pollution.
This section describes measures for a range of physical modifications as a result of different areas of activity and development to the water environment.
This section describes the mechanisms to conserve and protect fish populations.
This section describes the current situation, measures and mechanisms for non-native species.
This section describes how the Water Framework Directive (WFD) Regulations prohibit the direct discharge of hazardous substances into groundwater.
This section describes the range of mechanisms that control the use, reduction and cessation hazardous chemicals and priority substances.
This section describes the mechanisms to prevent or reduce the impact of accidental pollution incidents.
This section describes the mechanisms for assessing, monitoring, managing and taking action across our seas.
This section describes the mechanisms that control the collection, transport, treatment, storage and disposal of waste.
This section describes the statutory, business and third section mechanisms for micro and other plastics.