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9. Potential new measures

This section describes and links to the potential additional programmes of measures.

It is unlikely that existing funded measures and new initiatives currently in development will be sufficient to achieve all the environmental objectives of the river basin management plans. The potential additional programmes of measures spreadsheet  presents potential new measures that could help achieve the environmental objectives of the plans. They include:

  • additional measures that could happen by 2027 if interested parties work together to secure the necessary commitments and funding

  • additional measures which it is unlikely can be developed and implemented by 2027 – these potential new measures will need significant support from interested parties and/or additional resource

The potential new measures listed do not necessarily represent current commitments or plans and many would require extensive development work or further funding. It will also need to be decided whether and how each one is taken forward. For example, some might need a change in legislation. However, some of the potential new measures could be delivered sooner if partners work together, commit resources, and take action.