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1. ATB authorisation and responsibilities

The law about providing compulsory basic training (CBT), applying to register as an approved training body (ATB), and making changes to your ATB.


1.1 ATBs must be authorised by the Secretary of State to provide approved training courses, CBT and DAS. Applications should be made to the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) on the form ‘Application to be authorised to provide approved training courses for motorcyclists (Compulsory Basic Training)’, also known as Form 1. Form 1 can be downloaded at Apply to provide compulsory basic training (CBT) courses.

1.2 When authority is granted to the Authority holder(s) they are responsible for all regulated training provided by the ATB. They are also responsible for the activity and training provided by all instructors who are registered on behalf that ATB. Instructors found in breach of any conditions imposed could result in the ATB authority being withdrawn.

Conditions of appointment

1.3 The conditions on which an application will be approved are listed at Annex 1.

1.4 ATB Authority Holders must notify DVSA immediately in writing or by email if they should cease to comply with any of the conditions for any reason. They must not provide any further training courses until they are once again fully compliant and DVSA has been notified.

1.5 ATBs found to be in breach of these conditions may have their authorisation withdrawn.

Changes of ATB details

1.6 The Authority Holder at an ATB must notify DVSA of any changes to their ATB details as soon as possible and in writing or by email. If an ATB should change their name or address all of its instructor certificates will need to be replaced. Instructors may continue to use their old certificates until they receive the replacements. The old certificates must then be returned to DVSA. ATBs should make sure that they always include the full and correct title by which their ATB is registered.