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What compulsory basic training is, who can deliver it, information about this manual.

Compulsory basic training (CBT) was introduced in December 1990 to promote road safety amongst new motorcyclists, a particularly vulnerable group of road users.

CBT can only be delivered by certified instructors working for an approved training body (ATB). ATBs must be authorised by the Secretary of State to provide CBT and direct access scheme courses (DAS).

Information about registering as an ATB and a certified instructor is available at Set up and run a motorcycle approved training body (ATB). All necessary forms can be downloaded from this site.

The legislation governing the provision and delivery of CBT and DAS courses is contained within The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations 1999 as amended.

This manual provides detailed information for ATBs and instructors about the processes and what they must do to ensure that they meet the legal requirements and properly meet their responsibilities as authority holders and instructors.

The content of this document must be made available to all instructors within every organisation and should be read in conjunction with the conditions of appointment under which ATBs are authorised. This document, which is sent to all ATBs as a PDF document, is the definitive version of the ATB manual, an online version is published as a guide on If there are differences in the two versions this ATB manual shall take precedence. If you require this manual in an alternative accessible format please let us know using the contact details at the end of the document.