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11. Business practices

Book and manage riding tests for your pupils, use DVSA motorcycle manoeuvring areas for training, offer introductory assessments prior to CBT, and train members of the public to become down-trained instructors.

Trainer booking

11.1 The trainer booking facility enables ATBs to book and pay for motorcycle test appointments prior to the submission of candidate/bike details. ATBs can therefore arrange training programs for their pupils culminating in a driving test appointment.

11.2 ATBs can apply to register as a trainer booker by contacting DVSA.

Use of DVSA motorcycle manoeuvring areas (MMA)

11.3 ATBs are able to use DVSA motorcycle manoeuvring areas (MMA) for preparing their trainees for the motorcycle module 1 test. ATBs need to be registered for the trainer booking facility and need to return a completed MMA user agreement to DVSA.

11.4 The user agreement can be found on the service to book and manage driving and riding tests for your pupils

11.5 The use of a DVSA MMA is provided to allow for the pre-test familiarisation of trainees who are already at an appropriate level of competence understand the layout and ‘feel’ of the area. It should not be used to teach trainees the basic skills required to complete the required exercises.

Introductory assessments prior to CBT

11.6 Some ATBs offer an introductory assessment, which effectively represents training prior to attending a CBT course.

11.7 Any such introductory assessment given prior to CBT is only acceptable if:

  • it is a stand-alone course
  • it does not take place on public roads
  • it should not negate the need to complete a full CBT course
  • any subsequent CBT course must follow the full statutory syllabus

11.8 Items from the CBT syllabus cannot be omitted under any circumstances, even if they have formed part of an introductory lesson.

Training of members of the public to become down-trained instructors

11.9 Only a DVSA assessed CBT instructor can provide down training. Under no circumstances should instructor training be provided by other down-trained instructors.

11.10 Until an appropriate level of knowledge and competence is attained, training must be restricted to role-play scenarios only. The involvement of ‘live’ trainees is not permitted.

11.11 Once a trainee instructor has reached an appropriate level of knowledge and competence, they may be permitted to assist in the delivery of ‘live’ CBT courses providing:

  • a DVSA assessed CBT instructor is present at all times, directly supervising the delivery of the course. If the DVSA assessed CBT instructor has to move away or leave the group or training site for any reason (even momentarily) all training must stop immediately
  • the supervising DVSA assessed CBT instructor will be considered responsible for all training taking place both on and off road
  • the supervising DVSA assessed CBT instructor cannot be engaged in any other activities (for example, conducting a separate CBT course on a different part of the site or working with a different group of trainees within the same course)
  • Element E training may only be conducted using ‘live’ trainees when the trainee instructor has reached an appropriate level of competence in the delivery of elements A-D
  • during Element E, the supervising DVSA assessed CBT instructor must be in radio contact with the whole group at all times and able to intervene as required
  • the supervising DVSA assessed CBT instructor must sign off all DL196 certificates on completion of the course. Under no circumstances should a trainee instructor sign off DL196 certificates

11.12 An application to become a down-trained instructor should only be submitted when the individual has reached a sufficient level of competence to deliver a full CBT course without assistance to the standards set by DVSA.

11.13 ATBs should be aware that a DVSA standards check may be requested at any time following the date of issue of the down-trained certificate.