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3. Approval of CBT sites

How to get your site approved for compulsory basic training (CBT), including planning permission, rules for using the site and inspections.

Site criteria and authorisation

3.1 All sites used for the practical training and riding elements of the CBT course (elements B and C) must be approved by DVSA.

3.2 Applications for new sites should be submitted on the ‘Request for site inspection for Compulsory Basic Training form’, also known as Form 2 which can be downloaded at Apply for motorcycle compulsory basic training (CBT) site approval.

3.3 The form must be sent to DVSA with the following:

  • a draft plan of the intended site or annotated satellite image
  • for re-inspection, a draft plan showing any changes to the original authorised site. ATBs should annotate the form to indicate the request is for a re-inspection and note the full site code

3.4 On receipt of the full application, DVSA’s local CBT Examiner will arrange an inspection of the site to assess its suitability. DVSA will then issue a site report to the ATB and, if it is considered suitable, a unique site code. A site cannot be used until such approval has been granted. This will include a statement on the maximum number of trainees permitted on each site for training.

3.5 DVSA aims to consider all applications within eight weeks of receipt of a completed application, including inspecting the site.

3.6 It is the ATB’s responsibility to ensure that the use of the site for delivering CBT meets and complies with any local planning constraints or permissions. DVSA will not become involved in any planning or other dispute regarding permission for the use of the site.

Use of site

3.7 All sites should be clear of obstacles and debris whilst training is taking place. If there is a possibility of vehicles or members of the public encroaching onto the area, the ATB should arrange for the site to be adequately secured. Any specific conditions imposed by DVSA on the site approval must be observed during training.

3.8 ATBs should ensure that their instructors are familiar with the site plan and any conditions attached to the site as imposed by DVSA.

3.9 The number of trainees for which a site is authorised is the total number allowed on site. It is not permissible to have trainees waiting around the perimeter of the site whilst other trainees are receiving training.

3.10 If the site is shared with another ATB, it is the ATBs’ joint responsibility to reach agreement between themselves and the site owner as to how and when each ATB will have access to the site.

3.11 ATB Authority Holders should advise DVSA immediately in writing or by email if a site is no longer used for CBT or if any alterations/additions are made to the area. DVSA will remove approval of any site if it becomes unsuitable for use for any reason.

3.12 DVSA re-inspects all training sites from time to time to make sure they still meet the required standard. You can be told in advance or the inspection can be without any notice.

3.13 DVSA can withdraw the site or your ATB’s authorisation if they find a training site has changed significantly and you did not report the changes.