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6. Direct access scheme (DAS)

Rules for riders, how instructors qualify, and instructor to trainee ratios.

Direct access scheme criteria

6.1 An individual aged 24 or over can take their practical test on a motorcycle of at least 595cc, with a power output of 50kW or above and weighing at least 180kg.

6.2 Riders aged 19 or over can take their test on a motorcycle of at least 245 cc and between 20-35 kW (Category A2)

6.3 Riders aged 21 or over who have held a full A2 licence for two or more years can take their test on a motorcycle of at least 595cc, with a power output of 50kW or above and weighing at least 180kg.

6.4 All provisional licence holders training on a motorcycle of over 125cc and 11 kW are subject to the same restrictions as DAS training and can only be trained by a qualified DAS instructor.

Eligibility to deliver DAS training

6.5 Instructors wishing to provide DAS must successfully attend a half-day assessment at a DVSA training establishment. Instructors must already have successfully completed the two-day CBT instructor assessment.

6.6 Full details of the assessment, including the booking procedures, are available on Become a DVSA assessed CBT motorcycle instructor.

6.7 An ATB can submit an application on behalf of a person who fulfils the relevant criteria and has successfully completed the assessment. If their application is successful, a certificate of authority (CBT1D) will be issued allowing the instructor to deliver DAS and CBT courses as well as down-train other potential instructors.

6.8 Instructors cannot deliver DAS courses on behalf of an ATB until DVSA has received their registration application and issued their certificate.

Direct access ratios and requirements

6.9 Trainees may progress to riding a large motorcycle at different times. The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations 1999 (as amended) allow for a DAS instructor to supervise a DAS trainee and one other trainee riding a 125cc (or larger) motorcycle. Trainers should consider the riding ability and experience of the trainees before combining DAS and 125cc training. The maximum ratio of learners to instructor when a DAS trainee is present is 2:1.

6.10 It is not acceptable practice for instructors to carry a third trainee as a pillion passenger to keep within the 2:1 ratio during DAS training.

You can download the DAS guidance notes at Direct access scheme (DAS) motorcycle training guidance.