Rye Harbour: closures and restrictions
Closures and restrictions affecting boaters at Rye Harbour.
Strand Quay: visitor moorings closure
The visitor moorings will be open from 1 April to 2 October 2023.
A limited number of visitor berths are available.
You should arrange a mooring in advance by contacting the harbour office.
Contact the harbour office
Email rye.harbour@environment-agency.gov.uk.
Call the Rye Harbour office on 01797 225225.
Updates to this page
Removed information about a channel that was obstructed by a shingle bank.
Added information about a channel that's obstructed by a shingle bank.
Updated the information as the moorings will be open April to October 2023.
The visitor moorings in Strand Quay are closed October 2022 to late March 2023.
Removed old restriction
Restrictions removed.
New restriction added.
new notice for Rye Harbour
Added new notice.
Old notice removed.
New notice added.
New notice added.
Old notice removed.
New notice added.
New notices added.
New notice added and old notices removed.
New notices added on 16 April 2014.
First published.