Rye Harbour: passage, pilot and mooring information for boaters
Navigation, passage planning, pilotage service, mooring details and charges for boaters using Rye Harbour.
Applies to England
Navigation and passage planning
The port of Rye is a fully operational commercial harbour with a large fishing and leisure fleet. There are a number of navigation aids in place to assist you.
Regulation of vessels underway
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions At Sea (COLREGs) operate throughout the harbour. Pay attention to keeping a good lookout, especially astern.
A maximum speed limit of 6 knots is enforced throughout the harbour. Boats should manoeuvre at dead slow when passing moored boats.
VHF radio channels
Boats fitted with VHF radio are advised to monitor VHF channel 14 while manoeuvring in the harbour or its approaches:
- Rye Harbour VHF channel 14
- Lydd firing range VHF channel 73 or 13
East Pier foghorn
One short blast every 7 seconds.
International Port Traffic Signals
International Port Traffic Signals are regularly operated in the harbour. You must comply with these signals when they are switched on. They are located on the East Pier and three quarters of a mile (1km) inland, near the harbour master’s office.
These are only switched on when there are commercial traffic movements. When a cargo vessel is being piloted in the harbour:
- lights will show on the signal masts by the harbour office
- amber lights will flash on the harbour office roof
All vessels must keep clear of the entrance and the main channel during this time.
Contact Rye Harbour radio (VHF channel 14), before entering the harbour.
Navigating the harbour
Navigating Rye Bay
(Admiralty Charts Nos. 2451 536 1991)
In strong on-shore winds, the seas in Rye Bay can be very rough, often breaking well off-shore. Take care when you approach the harbour entrance in on-shore winds greater than force 6.
If you approach from the west, keep at least 2 miles off-shore in a depth of no less than 6 metres. When Rye Fairway Buoy is sighted (Spherical R.W.Fl every 10 sec), position 50 54 04N 00048 02E-149 degrees true X 1.8 nautical miles from the harbour entrance.
There are numerous anchored gill nets in the bay. These are usually marked at each end by dan buoys and have a minimum depth of water over them of 2 metres.
Lydd firing range
The Ministry of Defence operate the Lydd Firing Range to the east of Rye Harbour. It extends 3 miles along the coast with prohibited areas to seaward varying in distance from 1.5 nautical miles to 2.5 nautical miles.
When firing is taking place there are range safety patrol boats to give advice to mariners (VHF channel 73 or 13). To find out about firing times call the harbour master’s office on 01797 225225.
Rye Harbour approaches
The easiest approach to the entrance is from the Fairway Buoy, on a rhumb line course of 329 true, keeping the port and starboard entrance markers wide open. The harbour entrance is 42 metres wide and is marked by a red painted tripod beacon (this flashes red every 8 seconds) 30 metres seaward of the West Groyne, approximate position 50°55’.55N 000°46’.65E.
Harbour entrance
The west side is marked by a red tripod beacon. The light flashes red every 8 seconds positioned 30 metres seaward of the West Groyne. Do not attempt to pass between the tripod and the West Groyne. There may be strong eddies inside the West Groyne during the flood stream. Mariners should be prepared to apply correcting helm (usually to starboard) when passing the West Groyne.
The East Pier, which is submerged at high water springs, is a further 240 metres inland. It has a green square steel structure with a green board at the top which flashes white every 15 seconds. The seaward face of the green board is illuminated at night. The East Pier also has 4 unlit starboard hand beacons.
Main channel
Once inside the piers there is good shelter in all conditions. The channel narrows to 30 metres and runs straight (329 true) for half a mile with:
- Rye Harbour village on the west bank
- the Harbour Master’s office on the east bank
Pay attention to the west training wall which submerges at high water but is well marked by port hand beacons and lights. The east training wall is sloping and is marked by starboard hand beacons and lights. The River Rother has a maximum flood stream of 5 knots on spring tides and reaches this maximum velocity between high water and 1 hour.
All new arrivals must stop at the visitor’s jetty and report to the harbour office for berthing instructions and further navigation information.
Rye Harbour dries out completely at low tide. Boats should not approach the harbour more than 2 hours before high water and more than 3 hours after high water.
Boaters without good local knowledge wishing to berth in the soft mud near the town of Rye should not arrive at the entrance to the harbour later than 1 hour after high water.
Navigation fees
For details about how to pay to navigate Rye Harbour, read Rye Harbour charges.
Pilotage direction and services
Pilotage is compulsory for all ships over 30 metres long navigating in any part of Rye Harbour. Requests for specific pilotage services must be made to the harbour master, with 24 hours notice. Less notice may be accepted in specific circumstances.
Any ship navigating to Rye Harbour and liable to pilotage in the harbour should establish radio contact with the harbour master to notify their position. Do this when no more than 5 and no less than 2 nautical miles from the number 2 red light tripod beacon. Ships should not proceed closer without the harbour master’s direction.
Any ship navigating to or from the harbour and liable to pilotage in the harbour should board or land a pilot no less than 1 nautical mile from the number 2 red light tripod beacon.
Pilotage direction does not apply to:
- ships that are less than 20 metres long
- fishing boats that are less than 47.4 metres long
Public slipway
Rye Harbour public slipway is open all year round. It is next to Rye Harbour lifeboat station in the village of Rye Harbour. To use the slipway you must buy a disc from the harbour office or from Rye Harbour Marine.
Harbour dues
There are different fees depending on if you’re a visiting boat or if you have an annual mooring. All vessels using the harbour must first pay for a harbour dues disc from the harbour office.
VAT is chargeable on all fees. Fees related to the carriage of cargo are zero-rated.
Find out what harbour dues you need to pay to use your boat in Rye Harbour.
If you’re visiting Rye Harbour with your boat, you must go to the harbour office to register your boat and pay your harbour dues.
Annual harbour dues
To use a boat at Rye Harbour for a year or more, you must register your boat with the harbour authority and pay an annual harbour dues fee.
The annual fee is for the period of 1 April in any year to 31 March in the following year.
The harbour master will:
- let you know when your boat is registered
- send you an invoice to pay your harbour dues
- issue a harbour dues disc for you to display in your boat once you’ve paid
You must display your harbour dues disc clearly on your boat, preferably on a forward-facing window.
Annual harbour dues are for the period of 1 April in any year to 31 March in the following year.
Insuring your boat
To register a boat with an engine (known as a powered boat), you must have third-party liability insurance.
Boats that do not have an engine such as canoes and rowing boats do not need insurance. The Environment Agency strongly recommend that you take out an insurance policy for all boats.
The harbour master will ask for the insurance policy details including the:
- name of the insurance provider
- address of the insurance provider
- expiry date of your policy
If your policy expires before you receive your harbour dues disc, you must renew it or get a new insurance policy that covers the boat. You do not need to tell the harbour master when you renew the policy.
The harbour master may carry out insurance policy checks of registered boats every month.
If you are visiting the harbour with a powered boat from another waterway, the harbour master will ask you to sign a declaration that you have a valid policy.
Visitor moorings
The visitor moorings at Strand Quay are currently closed for refurbishment until winter 2024.
No visitor berths are available during this closure.
Contact the Rye Harbour office for more information:
- by email: rye.harbour@environment-agency.gov.uk
- by telephone: 01797 225225
Annual moorings
If you keep, or mainly use, your boat in Rye Harbour you must have a proper mooring. This is somewhere to put your boat when you are not cruising, such as a marina berth.
The harbour authority offer mooring on an annual basis at the following locations:
- Admiralty Jetty
- Rye Harbour Pontoons
- Simmons Quay
- Strand Quay West
- Strand Quay Pontoon
Our moorings at Rye Harbour are only suitable for boats up to 15 metres long. If the boat is longer than this, contact the harbour master to discuss your options.
There are also several private operators offering long-term moorings along the rock channel.
To use one of the moorings operating by the harbour authority, you must:
If you need help applying for a mooring, contact the harbour office by emailing rye.harbour@environment-agency.gov.uk or calling 01797 225 225.
Mooring locations
There are 5 Environment Agency owned mooring locations.
Admiralty Jetty
Postcode: TN31 7QS
Mooring details:
- vertical ladder access
- vessels dry to hard river bed
- not suitable for fin keel vessels
- minimum length of vessel: 8 metres
Pontoon Moorings
Postcode: TN31 7TE
Mooring details:
- vessels dry to hard river bed
- not suitable for fin keel vessels
- minimum length of vessel: 6 metres
- maximum length of vessel: 10 metres
Simmons Quay
Postcode: TN31 7HJ
Mooring details:
- commercial fishing vessels only
- vertical ladder access
- minimum length of vessel: 9 metres
Strand Quay West
Postcode: TN31 7AY
Mooring details
- mud berths
- ladder access
- minimum length of vessel: 6 metres
Strand Quay Pontoon
Postcode: TN31 7AY
Mooring details:
- not suitable for fin keel vessels with draft greater than 1.5 metres
- dries to soft mud
- walk ashore via a ramp
When selling a boat
If your boat is registered at Rye Harbour and you want to sell it, you must notify the harbour master using the change the owner of a boat registered at Rye Harbour form.
If you do not notify the harbour master about a change in the boat’s ownership, you’ll continue to be liable for the annual harbour dues.
When buying a boat
You must apply for a new mooring licence if you’ve bought a boat that:
- is currently moored at Rye Harbour and you want to keep it there
- will be moored on a mooring operated by the harbour authority
It’s an offence to moor a boat at Rye Harbour without a mooring licence or permission from the harbour master. If you do not have a mooring licence:
- the harbour master may instruct you to remove your boat immediately
- you could receive a penalty fine
Contact Rye Harbour
Harbour Master: James Bateman
Deputy Harbour Master: Karl Sandercock
Rye Harbour Office
New Lydd Road
Camber, East Sussex
TN31 7QS
Email: rye.harbour@environment-agency.gov.uk
Telephone: 01797 225 225
Fax: 01797 227429
VHF Channel 14
Updates to this page
You can now use an online form to tell the Rye Harbour Authority when you buy or sell a boat that's registered at Rye Harbour.
Strand Quay visitor moorings are currently closed.
Updated with the safety plan for marine operations 2023 to 2026.
We have provided updated information about the Strand Quay visitor moorings.
Updated the details for the visitor moorings (Strand Quay) as they will be open from April to October.
Updated the 'Moorings' section. The visitor moorings in the Strand Quay are closed October 2022 to late March 2023.
Updated the pilotage direction and services section with information about boats that are exempt.
Updated charges for visiting boats and added information about the harbour marine safety plan.
First published.