
Safety Public Assessment Reports

These reports explain our assessment of the scientific evidence used to lead to regulatory decisions on the safety of medicines or medicines classes.

How Safety Public Assessment Reports work

The Safety Public Assessment Reports (PARs) cover medicines safety issues assessed at a national level by the Commission on Human Medicines (CHM) or its advisory groups. We prioritise the publication of PARs that relate to major national regulatory action.

The reports show the evidence that was available at the time we made the regulatory decision, showing a ‘snapshot’ of the clinical landscape at the time. They are not intended to provide clinical advice.

Since 2012, most safety issues are assessed at an EU level. Reports for these issues can be found on the European Medicines Agency (EMA) or Head of Medicines Agency websites.

We publish updates and prescribing updates on a wide range of medicines in our monthly Drug Safety Update

We also publish standard Public Assessment Reports.


Modified Release Opioids and Treatment of Post-operative Pain

Valproate: Managing reproductive risks in male patients under 55


Valproate: Paternal exposure to valproate and risk of neurodevelopmental disorders and congenital malformations in offspring

Topiramate: review of safety in pregnancy

Finasteride: review of safety data and expert advice on management of risks

MHRA Public consultation on the proposal to make Codeine Linctus available as a prescription-only medicine (POM)


Valproate: review of safety data and expert advice on management of risks


Chloramphenicol eye drops containing borax and boric acid buffers: review of the use in children under 2 years

Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, in combination with macrolide antibiotics: review of epidemiological data for cardiovascular safety


Public Assessment Report: safety of macrolide antibiotics in pregnancy: a review of the epidemiological evidence

Antiepileptic drugs: review of safety of use during pregnancy

Topical steroid withdrawal reactions: a review of the evidence

Review of the use of haloperidol in elderly patients with acute delirium


Public Assessment Report of over-the-counter stimulant laxatives: benefit-risk review


Yellow fever vaccine - benefit-risk and risk minimisation measures (21 November 2019)


Oral lidocaine products: risk minimisation measures for use in teething (13 December 2018)


Pseudoephedrine and ephedrine managing the risk of medicines misuse (PDF, 62.5 KB, 12 pages) (20 June 2017)


Pseudoephedrine and ephedrine managing the risk of medicines misuse 2015 (PDF, 99.5 KB, 12 pages) (9 September 2015)

Reclassification of Nexium Control 20mg Gastro-Resistant Tablets (PDF, 104 KB, 8 pages) (27 January 2015)


Review of isotretinoin and psychiatric adverse reactions (2014) (PDF, 501 KB, 38 pages)


Aqueous cream contains sodium lauryl sulfate which may cause skin reactions, particularly in children with eczema (PDF, 181 KB, 21 pages) (20 March 2013)


Cervarix HPV vaccine safety update at end of 4 years routine use in HPV immunisation programme (PDF, 342 KB, 27 pages) (5 December 2012)

Pseudoephedrine and ephedrine managing the risk of misuse - 2012 review (PDF, 111 KB, 11 pages) (29 October 2012)

0.18% saline or 4% glucose IV solution safety risks in children (PDF, 144 KB, 24 pages) (29 October 2012)

Atomoxetine effects on heart rate and blood pressure (PDF, 194 KB, 23 pages) (25 May 2012)


Liquid paracetamol for children revised UK dosing instructions introduced (PDF, 381 KB, 36 pages) (14 November 2011)

Reboxetine review of benefits and risks (PDF, 116 KB, 16 pages) (14 September 2011)

Fluoxetine in pregnancy slight risk of heart defects in unborn child (PDF, 108 KB, 12 pages) (10 September 2011)

Tamoxifen reduced effectiveness when used with CYP2D6 inhibitors (PDF, 124 KB, 19 pages) (1 September 2011)

Pseudoephedrine and ephedrine managing the risk of misuse 2011 review (PDF, 109 KB, 11 pages) (30 August 2011)

Combined oral contraceptives (the pill) when to start taking the pill, and missed pill advice (PDF, 121 KB, 18 pages) (1 May 2011)

Nicobrevin withdrawn from UK market as risks outweigh benefits (PDF, 179 KB, 24 pages) (1 April 2011)

Swine flu vaccines and antiviral medicines UK post-pandemic safety review (PDF, 249 KB, 41 pages) (1 February 2011)


Seasonal flu vaccines no evidence of an increased risk of febrile convulsions in children (PDF, 74.5 KB, 11 pages) (23 December 2010)

Oral liquid cough medicines containing codeine should not be used in those aged less than 18 years (PDF, 200 KB, 22 pages) (11 October 2010)

Cervarix (HPV) vaccine update on UK safety in the first 2 years of the HPV immunisation programme (PDF, 246 KB, 31 pages) (1 October 2010)

Calcium gluconate 10% in 10 mL glass containers risk of aluminium exposure (PDF, 124 KB, 13 pages) (15 September 2010)

Pseudoephedrine and ephedrine managing the risk of misuse – July 2010 update (PDF, 248 KB, 11 pages) (30 July 2010)

Nicotine replacement therapy harm reduction in smokers (PDF, 64 KB, 9 pages) (1 February 2010)

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) cardiovascular risks (PDF, 382 KB, 33 pages) (1 January 2010)


Warfarin changes to safety information (PDF, 157 KB, 19 pages) (3 December 2009)

Finasteride risk of male breast cancer (PDF, 288 KB, 27 pages) (3 December 2009)

Statins update to product safety information (PDF, 313 KB, 32 pages) (3 November 2009)

Vigabatrin brain MRI abnormalities and movement disorders (PDF, 134 KB, 15 pages) (1 November 2009)

Orciprenaline sulphate (Alupent) withdrawal from UK market after a risk-benefit analysis (PDF, 259 KB, 13 pages) (1 November 2009)

Codeine and dihydrocodeine minimising the risk of addiction (PDF, 58.5 KB, 16 pages) (1 September 2009)

Pseudoephedrine and ephedrine managing the risk of misuse - 2009 update (PDF, 141 KB, 18 pages) (1 July 2009)

Risk of venous thromboembolism associated with antipsychotics (PDF, 608 KB, 37 pages) (1 June 2009)


Efficacy of progestogens in the maintenance of early pregnancy in women with threatened miscarriage or recurrent miscarriage (PDF, 151 KB, 20 pages) (1 February 2008)

Recombinant human erythropoietins (epoetins): new prescribing advice (01 December 2007)

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) safety update (PDF, 668 KB, 45 pages) (3 September 2007)

α-1 adrenoceptor antagonists and intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) (PDF, 151 KB, 17 pages) (1 May 2007)

Gadolinium-containing MRI contrast agents nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (PDF, 239 KB, 24 pages) (1 February 2007)

Dopamine agonists pathological gambling and increased libido (PDF, 340 KB, 20 pages) (1 November 2006)

Neuroleptics and cardiac safety (PDF, 59.2 KB, 5 pages) (1 July 2006)

Black cohosh and liver injury (PDF, 100 KB, 8 pages) (1 July 2006)

Updates to this page

Published 4 January 2019
Last updated 12 March 2025 show all updates
  1. Added PAR for 'Modified Release Opioids and Treatment of Post-operative Pain'

  2. Added Public Assessment Report for 'Valproate: Managing reproductive risks in male patients under 55'.

  3. Added new guidance for Valproate: Paternal exposure to valproate and risk of neurodevelopmental disorders and congenital malformations in offspring

  4. Added 'Topiramate: review of safety in pregnancy' to 2024 Public Assessment Reports.

  5. Added 'Finasteride: review of safety data and expert advice on management of risks' to 2024 reports

  6. Added 'Finasteride: review of safety data and expert advice on management of risks' to 2024 reports.

  7. Added public assessment report 'Valproate: review of safety data and expert advice on management of risks'

  8. Addition of PAR for Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, in combination with macrolide antibiotics: review of epidemiological data for cardiovascular safety

  9. Addition of PAR for Chloramphenicol eye drops containing borax and boric acid buffers: review of the use in children under 2 years

  10. Addition of the Public Assessment Report on our review of the risks of using haloperidol for the acute treatment of delirium in elderly patients.

  11. Added a link to the new Public Assessment Report: safety of macrolide antibiotics in pregnancy: a review of the epidemiological evidence

  12. Added links to the Antiepileptic drugs: review of safety of use during pregnancy and the Public Assessment Report of over-the-counter stimulant laxatives: benefit-risk review

  13. First published.

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