Stamp Duty Land Tax online and paper returns
Find out about sending a Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) return, late filing penalties, amending a return and applying for a refund.
You must tell HMRC about most England and Northern Ireland land and property transactions. Use a Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) return. This must be within 14 days of the ‘effective date’ of the transaction, even if you do not owe any tax.
The effective date is usually the date the transfer completes, but it can be the date the contract is ‘substantially performed’ if this is before completion.
‘Substantial performance’ is when one of the following happens:
- most of the purchase price is paid — normally 90% and payment can be in cash or something else of economic value
- the buyer is entitled to possession of the property
- the first payment of rent is made
The payment deadline is the same as the return. You can pay any SDLT as soon as you’ve submitted the return.
You do not pay SDLT if you buy a property in:
- Scotland — you pay Land and Buildings Transaction Tax
- Wales — you pay Land Transaction Tax
Who must send a return
It’s your responsibility to tell HMRC and pay any SDLT you owe. Most people use a solicitor or legal conveyancer to act on their behalf.
Solicitors or legal conveyancers can submit your return online and pay any tax due once we:
- have their authority on record
- know the effective date of the transaction
If you’re not represented by a solicitor or legal conveyancer you must use the SDLT1 paper return.
Some land and property transactions do not need a SDLT return, including:
- transactions where no money or other payment changed hands
- property left to you in a will
- property transferred because of divorce or civil partnership dissolution
Find out more about which property transactions are exempt from SDLT.
Sending an online return to HMRC
If you’re a solicitor or legal conveyancer, log in to HMRC’s Stamp Taxes Online service to file your clients SDLT return.
You’ll need the Government Gateway user ID and password you used when you registered for Stamp Taxes Online or when you set up your online account.
You can use HMRC’s Stamp Taxes Online free service or SDLT commercial software providers.
After you submit the return, you’ll get an online SDLT5 certificate. You’ll also get a Unique Transaction Reference number (UTRN). You should send the SDLT5 certificate to HM Land Registry with the application for registration.
If you use the HMRC Stamp Taxes Online service, you must fill in and file the SDLT return electronically. We reject returns that are filled in electronically then printed and posted. We also reject electronic forms that are printed and filled in by hand.
Online transactions that need extra forms
The electronic SDLT5 certificate shows details of the first property address for any transaction.
If there are multiple addresses, or more than one seller or buyer, access the ‘view, print and store’ section of the online SDLT return and print a PDF version of forms:
Send these to HM Land Registry with a copy of the electronic SDLT5.
Save a copy of the return and the certificate and keep a record of the UTRN for every transaction.
If the transaction has a large number of properties or there are multiple sellers or buyers, you can still file the return online.
You can enter up to 99 entries (any combination of buyers, sellers or properties). When the system tells you that you cannot add any more, use a separate schedule for further entries. Include the details for each additional property, seller or buyer and enter the UTRN.
Send your schedule to the Stamp Duty Land Tax office.
How to send paper returns to HMRC
If you need to send HMRC a paper SDLT1 return and your transaction is straightforward, such as a simple residential conveyance, use the SDLT1.
You can order the SDLT1 online or by phone.
Send the completed SDLT1 to us. The most secure way to pay any SDLT is electronically, but you can also send payment with the SDLT1. Do not include any other correspondence with the SDLT1 return as it may delay us sending you the SDLT5 certificate.
Each SDLT1 form and payslip has its own UTRN printed on it, so you can only use it for that transaction.
You cannot use photocopies of the SDLT1 return for different transactions.
Use the SDLT1 guidance notes to help you fill in the paper return and forms.
You must include a valid local authority code or we’ll reject your return.
Allow at least 3 working days for your return to reach us.
Send the SDLT1 return and any tax due to us within 14 days of the effective date of the transaction, to:
BT Stamp Duty Land Tax
HM Revenue and Customs
Only use this address to submit your SDLT1.
If there are multiple addresses or more than one seller or buyer your paper transaction may need extra forms.
Paper transactions that need extra forms
You may have to fill in extra forms as well as the SDLT1 return.
SDLT2 — more than 2 buyers or sellers
Use the SDLT2 form if there are more than 2 buyers or sellers.
If the number of additional sellers or buyers combined is more than 99, complete a separate schedule for the rest.
The schedule should include all the details asked for on the SDLT2 form.
SDLT3 — transaction involves more than one property
Use the SDLT3 form when the transaction involves more than one property. Fill in the SDLT1 for the first property and a SDLT3 form for each additional property.
If there are more than 100 properties, complete a separate schedule for the rest.
The schedule should include all the details asked for on the SDLT3 form.
SDLT4 — complicated leases, commercial transactions and some residential situations
Use the SDLT4 form for complicated leases, commercial transactions and some residential situations.
As well as the SDLT1 you should fill in the SDLT4 form, if any of the following apply:
- the land or property transaction is part of a business sale agreement
- the buyer is a company
- you’ve asked HMRC for advice on on how the law applies to the transaction, using the Non Statutory Clearance Service or another route
- any part of the consideration is dependent or uncertain
- arrangements have been made with HMRC under the deferment provisions
- there are mineral rights reserved
You may need to fill in this form if the transaction:
- is the grant of a new lease or exchange of missives of let
- relates to the grant of multiple leases
Fill in an extra form for each lease. If the transaction involves more than 100 properties, complete a separate schedule for the rest of the properties.
The schedule must include all the details asked for on the SDLT4 form and SDLT4 guidance notes.
If your submitted return is correct and complete, HMRC will send you a SDLT5 certificate. Send it to HM Land Registry with your application for registration.
You can order forms SDLT2, SDLT3 and SDLT4 online or by phone.
Mistakes in your paper returns
HMRC will check your paper SDLT1 return. If anything is missing, wrong or unclear, we’ll send you form SDLT8 asking for the correct or missing information.
We’ll not send you the SDLT5 certificate until we receive this information.
Pay your SDLT
Pay your SDLT using the reference number shown on your payslip.
The UTRN for the transaction is in the ‘reference’ box on the payslip. You’ll need it:
- to pay your SDLT
- so HMRC can trace your SDLT return and payment if you have a query
Penalties if you file or pay late
You’ll pay an automatic fixed penalty if you do not file your return by the filing date. The amount of the penalty depends on how late you file your return.
You’ll pay a fixed penalty of:
- £100 if you file your return up to 3 months after the filing date
- £200 if you file your return more than 3 months after the filing date
You’ll pay a tax-based penalty as well as the fixed penalty if you do not file your return within 12 months after the filing date. The tax-based penalty can be up to the full amount of the tax due on the return.
Appeal against a penalty
You can appeal against a late filing penalty. You can do this if you could not file your return by the deadline because of an unusual event. The event must have been either unforeseeable or beyond your control. HMRC will only accept a reasonable excuse for not meeting the deadline if this event stopped you from either:
- filing the return yourself
- making arrangements for someone else to file it
Interest charges
You must pay any SDLT due within 14 days after the effective date of the transaction. If you pay the tax late, you’ll pay interest from the day after you should have paid it until the day you pay it.
If you do not pay, HMRC will write to both you and your agent to tell you how much tax you’ve underpaid and how much interest we’ve charged you so far.
You should pay the tax and the interest as soon as possible.
We use the official rate of interest set by HM Treasury to work out how much interest you’ll have to pay. Find out more about the current HMRC late payment and repayment interest rates.
We charge interest if:
- we’ve not received your payment of the tax due
- there’s no evidence to show beyond reasonable doubt that you sent your payment when you filed your return
You cannot appeal against a late payment interest charge
Interest charged on tax is not a penalty so you cannot appeal against it. It’s a charge to compensate HMRC for not having the money when we should have, so you must pay it.
If you think we caused your late payment, explain in writing why you think that our actions caused the late payment. Include any supporting evidence with your letter.
If you do not think you should pay interest, have been charged too much, or want a full interest breakdown, write to:
BT Stamp Duty Land Tax
HM Revenue and Customs
United Kingdom
How to amend a return
You’ve 12 months from the filing date to amend your return. The filing date is 14 days after the effective date of your transaction.
You can amend your return to apply for a refund online. If you cannot do this online, you can write to HMRC.
You can correct minor errors by phone if they do not result in a refund.
To make more substantial changes to your return, you’ll need to write to HMRC. In some cases HMRC will ask you to submit a new SDLT return.
Amend by phone
You can make minor changes to your return by calling the Stamp Duty Land Tax helpline. These include:
- vendor details
- buyer details on either questions 59 or 70 of the SDLT1 paper return
- some spelling errors in the property address
- question 26 or 72 of your paper return if you’ve received a SDLT8 showing you’ve made a mistake
- wrong title number
- correcting the purchase price or other tax details
You can also change the effective date of the transaction. You cannot change it to a date that would mean HMRC received the return before the completion date. If this applies you’ll need to:
- send us a new SDLT1 return
- write to the Stamp Duty Land Tax office explaining why you need to change the effective date and ask them to cancel the wrong return
When you call you must tell us:
- the UTRN for your transaction
- details of the changes you want to make
If there is more than one buyer named on the return, the caller will need to confirm that all of the buyers want to make the changes to the return.
If we cannot make the change, we’ll tell you what to do next.
If the change means you have not paid enough tax, you must pay this amount right away.
Amend by post
You need to write and send a copy of the contract to the Stamp Duty Land Tax office for changes that include:
- adding a title number
- adding or removing a buyer
- adding a property
If there is more than one buyer named on the return, or you are adding or removing a buyer, you’ll need to confirm in writing that all the buyers are making the amendment. All the buyers should sign the letter to confirm this.
HMRC will tell you if you need to take any further action.
Substantial errors
Examples of substantial errors are:
- you need to change the name of the buyer — except for a spelling mistake
- you need to change the property details — except for a spelling mistake in the address
- the new effective date is after the date HMRC received the return
For substantial errors you must:
- submit a new SDLT return with the correct information
- write to the Stamp Duty Land Tax office, including the UTRN for the incorrect and correct returns, and explain the reasons for the new return
HMRC will tell you if you need to do anything else.
Amending a return when HMRC opens a compliance check
You can still amend your return after HMRC has started a compliance check. Your amendment cannot take effect until after we’ve finished the check.
When HMRC finish the check, they may tell you in the closure notice if your amendment has been taken into account or if they have concluded it is incorrect. If the closure notice does not refer to the amendment, then it takes effect from the date of the closure notice.
If you’ve sent a return in error or sent a duplicate return
Write to the Stamp Duty Land Tax office and explain if you sent either:
- a return for a transaction that does not need a return
- a duplicate return
You must include:
- the UTRN
- whether you’ve used the SDLT5 certificate to register the transaction with HM Land Registry
If you think you do not need to send a return for the transaction, you should explain the reason why.
If you sent more than one return for the same transaction, you should include:
- the UTRNs for all the returns
- whether the returns are the same or not
If you’ve filed an unnecessary or duplicate return, you may have received a penalty charge. If you want to appeal against the penalty, you should appeal in writing. This must be within 30 days of the date on the penalty notice.
Mistakes on your SDLT return that are more than 12 months old
HMRC Stamp Taxes can make minor corrections to a buyer’s name, for example a spelling mistake, but cannot make any other changes to a return more than 12 months after the filing date.
To make a minor correction to a return older than 12 months you should send a copy of your original return to the Stamp Duty Land Tax office explaining:
- what the error is
- how it arose
You’ll need to submit a new return if you want to change to either the:
- underlying identity of any buyer
- property details
You may still be able to claim a refund if the mistake means you’ve paid too much SDLT.
If you’ve underpaid SDLT
You must tell HMRC as soon as you realise you’ve underpaid SDLT by calling the Stamp Duty Land Tax helpline . You should pay the additional SDLT as soon as possible quoting the UTRN of the transaction.
If you do not, you may have to pay a penalty. You’ll have to pay interest on any SDLT that you pay late.
How to apply for a refund
If you think you’ve overpaid SDLT, you can apply for a refund online. If you cannot apply online, you can write to HMRC.
To process refunds quickly, HMRC will ordinarily make the payment without checking eligibility. We reserve the right not to do so for revenue protection reasons.
This means that even after a repayment has been made, we have not agreed that the refund is due. We have up to 9 months to make a compliance check on your amended return or claim.
If you pay an agent to claim for you, you are still responsible for checking that your claim is correct. If you receive a repayment where the amount you claimed was not due, you must pay it back along with any interest due. If penalties apply, you must also pay them. Read more about penalties.
Amending your return
If you are within 1 year of the filing date for your SDLT return, you can apply for a refund by amending your SDLT return, for example where you want to:
- change the amount you paid for the property
- change from the residential rates to non-residential rates of SDLT
- make a claim for a relief, such as charities relief or group relief
You can apply for a refund online.
If you cannot apply online, you can write to HMRC to apply for a refund. Your letter should include:
- the UTRN
- the full name of each of the buyers
- reason why you think you’ve overpaid
- the parts of the SDLT return which are wrong
- revised figures and confirm the amount of refund due
- the contract for the land transaction (if appropriate)
- the instrument (if any) by which the transaction was effected — this is generally the relevant transfer document (such as a TR1), the lease or similar document
If you do not send all of the information and documents needed with your amendment, then HMRC may reject it as invalid.
So that we can make any repayment, you must also provide your:
- bank name
- account number
- sort code
- name of account holder
HMRC will pay any refund to you unless you give permission to pay it to someone else (for example, your solicitor or agent).
Overpayment relief
If it’s been more than a year since the filing date of your SDLT return, but no more than 4 years since the effective date of transaction, you can make a claim for overpayment relief.
You can apply for a refund online.
If you cannot apply online, you can write to HMRC to make your overpayment relief claim. You should include:
- the UTRN for your SDLT return
- reason why you think you’ve overpaid
- the parts of the SDLT return which are wrong
- revised figures and confirm the amount of refund due
- supporting information and documents relating to your claim
You must include a signed declaration from each buyer on the SDLT return that the information given in the claim is correct to the best of the claimant’s information and belief.
If you do not send all the information and documents needed with your claim, then HMRC may reject it as invalid.
So that we can make any repayment, you must also provide your:
- bank name
- account number
- sort code
- name of account holder
HMRC will pay any refund to you unless you give permission to pay it to someone else (for example, your solicitor or agent).
Higher SDLT rates for additional properties
If you sell or give away your previous main home in the 3 years after you buy your new home, you can apply for a refund of the higher rate part of your SDLT bill.
You must do this by whichever date is the later of:
- 12 months of the date of sale
- 12 months after the filing date of the SDLT return for your new main home
If you sell or give away your previous main home, you can apply for a refund of the higher rate of your SDLT bill. You can only do this if it’s within 3 years of buying your new home.
You cannot get a refund if:
- you or your spouse or civil partner still own any part of your previous home
- the higher rates still apply for another reason
SDLT rates for non-UK residents
If you meet certain residence requirements after your transaction you may be able to apply for a refund of the 2% surcharge for non-UK residents. You’ll need to make a claim within 2 years of your purchase for a refund.
You cannot get a refund if any of the purchasers:
- were not individuals, such as a company
- do not meet the SDLT residence tests
Refund requests from a solicitor or agent
If you’re a solicitor or legal conveyancers and you are making a refund request on behalf of your client, you should include a letter of authority from all of the buyers on the SDLT return.
If you want HMRC to pay any refund due to your client, you need to write to the Stamp Duty Land Tax office to confirm this.
We can only pay refunds to the purchasers, unless you send a letter signed by the purchasers confirming who we need to repay. A general form of authority may not be enough for us to process the refund.
Register land or property with HM Land Registry
Solicitors and legal conveyancers with access to HM Land Registry’s Business Gateway or portal can send the SDLT5 certificate and other SDLT forms to HM Land Registry online with the application to register land or property.
If you have not used a solicitor or legal conveyancer, you must send the SDLT5 certificate and other SDLT forms by post to the HM Land Registry’s standard address with the application for registering the land or property.
Updates to this page
You can apply for a refund of Stamp Duty Land Tax online. Amendments to returns and refund claims must be made by all the purchasers.
Information about how HMRC treats applications for refunds of overpaid Stamp Duty Land Tax has been updated.
Information about checks, repayments and paying back amounts not due, has been added to the 'How to apply for a refund' section.
Information added for non-UK residents about when you may be able to apply for a refund of the 2% surcharge, and how to register land or property with HM Land Registry.
In section 'When you amend your return' more information about details you must provide when writing to request a repayment has been added.
The SDLT payments and returns time limit has been changed from 30 days to 14 days of the 'effective' transaction date.
First published.