Section 62A Planning Application: S62A/22/0000002 Former Friends’ School, Mount Pleasant Rd, Saffron Walden CB11 3EB
Overview of case details, documents, key dates and how to make a representation.
Applies to England
Type of application
Application for Planning Permission and conservation area consent for demolition in a conservation area
Applicant name
Chase (SW) Ltd (Chase New Homes Ltd)
Site address
Former Friends’ School, Mount Pleasant Rd, Saffron Walden CB11 3EB
Description of the proposed development
Conversion of buildings and demolition of buildings to allow redevelopment to provide 96 dwellings, swimming pool and changing facilities, associated recreation facilities, access and landscaping.
Case Officer
Major Casework Team
Key dates
Date | |
Date application validated | 21 April 2022 |
Date by when representations must be made | 25 May 2022 |
Hearing date and venue | 10.00am on 25 August 2022 at the Council Chamber, Uttlesford District Council, London Road, Saffron Walden, CB11 4E |
Decision | 11 October 2022 |
Hearing Documents
Make a representation
The application can be inspected under the application plans and documents heading below.
You will be able to comment on this application until 25 May 2022.
Please base your comments on planning matters. Please avoid the use of inflammatory, discriminatory or abusive comments.
All representations made in connection with the development proposal will be made publicly available on the website shortly after the end of the representation period. The name of the individual author or organisation will be published however addresses, signatures and contact details will not be published. We advise you not to include any other personal information about yourself or others.
Our Customer Privacy Notice sets out how we handle personal data in accordance with the law.
Please send your comments via email to
or write to
The Planning Inspectorate, Major Casework Team,
Room 3J Kite Wing,
Temple Quay House,
2 The Square,
Bristol, BS1 6PN
Please include the application reference number and site address.
This application will be determined by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. Shortly after the close of the representation period the Planning Inspectorate will consider whether a hearing is necessary. In the event that a hearing is scheduled, and you would wish to speak at the hearing, you must make this request at the time you submit your written representations.
Where the application is to be considered at a hearing, notice of the date, time and venue for the hearing along with the name of the person holding the hearing, will be published on this website at least two weeks before the date of the hearing.
Application plans and documents
Documents received from the applicant on 17 June 2022, 1 and 3 August 2022
Questionnaire and supporting documents
Interested Parties
Planning Inspectorate correspondence
Uttlesford D C - documents submitted in response to letter of 30 May 2022
Documents received after the Hearing
Updates to this page
Published 25 April 2022Last updated 11 October 2022 + show all updates
Decision notice and statement of reasons dated 11 October 2022 added
7 documents added under 'Documents received after the Hearing'
New document added to ‘Documents received after the Hearing’ titled 'Place Services - Ecology'
Saffron Walden Town Council document added
Highways CIL compliance and Historic England 2 documents added
New document added to 'Documents received after the Hearing' titled NATS 8 Sept 2022
Added 2 documents under 'Documents received after the Hearing' from Sport England
New document added under 'Documents received after the Hearing' - Calum Ewing
UDC response 5 Sept 2022 document added
Documents received after the Hearing added
Live stream information removed as hearing has ended
Link to YouTube live stream added
Hearing Agenda, Draft Conditions and Issues Report added
Former Friend's School FVR FOR ISSUE 080822 document published
Further representation from Andrew under interested parties
Supplementary Bat & Ecology Note July 2022 added
Hearing date and venue information added
SWNP Assessment revised 29.07.22 document added
Essex County Council Highways re-consultation response 29 July 2022 added
Tom Plant document added
Saffron Walden T C Neighbourhood Plan update 21 July 2022 published
C Ewing Submission to PINS - FINAL - CE200722 (2nd response) and Essex C C Place Services (ecology) Former Friends School S62A220000002 20.07 (2nd response) published
6 documents added under the application plans and documents heading
Margaret Brinkworth document added
New document from Richard Stark
Sport England 2nd response document added
Andrew Chattaway document added
Nicola Edwards document added
Essex County Council Development and Flood Risk Environment and Climate Action 2nd response 27 June 2022 and Sheila Rush 2nd response posted.
Documents received from the applicant on 17 June 2022 and additional consultees comments added
New document published under 'Consultees' titled 'MAG Response 2022-131'
Uttlesford D C - documents submitted in response to letter of 30 May 2022 added
Essex County Council 2nd response dated 31 May 2022 added
Letter to local planning authority dated 30 May 2022 from the Planning Inspectorate document added
Andrew C and Letter to applicant dated 30 May 2022 from the Planning Inspectorate documents added.
9 additional consultees documents and 9 additional interested parties documents added. Procedure has been confirmed as a hearing.
Consultees and Interested Parties comments added
Questionnaire and supporting documents added to the case information
Walden School accommodation schedule added to document list
Applicant name updated to Chase (SW) Ltd (Chase New Homes Ltd)
First published.