
Sell veterinary medicines on the internet

Legal requirements for the sale of veterinary medicines on the internet and the VMD Accredited Internet Retailer Scheme (AIRS).

As a vet, pharmacist or suitably qualified person selling veterinary medicines on the internet you must comply with The Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013 (, as amended.

You must:

  • be established in the UK
  • have an address within the UK
  • be registered with the VMD
  • sell only veterinary medicines authorised for sale in the UK
  • supply the medicines from appropriately registered or authorised UK premises
  • properly prescribe and supply the most appropriate medicine to treat the animal’s disease or condition
  • advise your customers on how to use the medicine safely and on any contra-indications or warnings

See the Retail of veterinary medicines guidance for more information about the retail sale of veterinary medicines.

Registration of online retailers

Internet retailers and online suppliers of veterinary medicines of the following distribution categories:

  • Prescription Only Medicine – Veterinarian (POM-V)
  • Prescription Only Medicine – Veterinarian, Pharmacist, SQP (POM-VPS)
  • Non-Food Animal - Veterinarian, Pharmacist, SQP (NFA-VPS)

must register with the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD).

An application for registration must be submitted at least two months before the sale of the veterinary medicines begins. Existing internet retailers and online suppliers have until 17 July 2024 to register with the VMD.

The VMD will publish and maintain a Register of Online Retailers of veterinary medicines.

You do not need to register to sell medicines of the distribution category ‘Authorised Veterinary Medicine – General Sales List’ (AVM-GSL) and products covered under Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMR) Schedule 6 online.

Whilst we set up the Register of Online Suppliers of veterinary medicines, the Accredited Internet Retailer Scheme (AIRS) will continue to exist in parallel, but we will not consider further applications to be added to the AIRS.


To register, you must complete and return the Registration form to Retail Veterinary Medicines Online (ODT, 51.3 KB) to the address given on the form.

We will check that the form has been correctly completed and contact you within 10 working days if there is any missing information. We may return an incomplete form to you, which would mean you are not registered and therefore must not supply POM-V, POM-VPS or NFA-VPS medicines online.

The form requires the following information:

  • full name, address and details of the proposed registration holder
  • website(s) you are applying to register
  • type of retailer; veterinary practice premises, pharmacist, SQP retailer
  • details of where the medicines are stored and dispatched from
  • declaration


As a registered online retailer, you must make available on each part of your website where POM-V, POM-VPS or NFA-VPS medicines are offered:

  • the statement “registered internet retailer of veterinary medicines”
  • the contact details of the Secretary of State
  • a link to the published register

Accredited internet retailer scheme (AIRS)

The VMD previously accredited UK-based retailers of veterinary medicines who met the AIRS criteria. Most of the criteria reflect legal requirements for selling veterinary medicines but there were some additional criteria, such as having links to your professional body’s website on your website so that your customers can verify your details.

The scheme is voluntary and free.

Other legislative requirements

Other legislative requirements may apply to the sale or supply of VMPs over the internet, such as:


You must comply with the advertising requirements of the current Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013, as amended.

Further guidance

For further guidance on what the VMD would consider to be a model internet retailer please use the contact email address below.



Updates to this page

Published 3 November 2014
Last updated 17 May 2024 show all updates
  1. Updated in line with the VMR, as amended.

  2. Updated contact email

  3. First published.

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