Senior mental health lead training
How to access senior mental health lead training.
Applies to England
Senior mental health lead training grants
This grant scheme is now closed.
Training grants for senior mental health leads were offered to all state schools and colleges in England between October 2021 to December 2024.
Promoting and supporting mental health and wellbeing in schools and colleges contains a list of senior mental health lead training courses.
What training for senior mental health leads should cover
promoting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
has information about what courses should cover. Outcomes should align with the principles of a whole school or college approach toSenior mental health lead roles
Schools and colleges decide who is best placed to take on the role of senior mental health lead. Every setting’s circumstances are different.
Identifying your senior mental health lead
Your lead could be a:
- headteacher
- deputy headteacher
- member of the senior leadership team (SLT)
- member of staff who can develop and oversee your setting’s whole school or college approach to mental health and wellbeing
If your senior lead is not a member of your SLT, consider whether they have the authority, capacity and support to influence and lead strategic change.
You will need to make sure your senior mental health lead has sufficient time and capacity to:
- complete training
- meet the learning outcomes for training
- develop and implement a new approach to mental health and wellbeing
Existing mental health leads
Existing mental health leads might wish to access training to:
- develop or refresh their knowledge and skills in specific priority areas
- get more advanced training
- get a relevant qualification
Mental health support teams (MHSTs)
If you are already working with an MHST, your nominated senior lead can also be:
- your MHST coordinator
- responsible for liaising with the team
- a different member of staff
Resources for senior mental health leads
The mental health lead resource hub was developed by DfE in partnership with education representatives and mental health experts to help mental health leads in their role. It includes evidence-based practical resources and tools for schools and colleges.
The targeted support toolkit is a practical guide and tool to help schools and colleges review, refresh and develop effective targeted support for learners with mental health or social and emotional wellbeing needs.
Payments for successful applicants
For successful applicants who applied before the grant application deadline, we will make payments on a quarterly basis. When you receive your grant will depend on when you completed application form 2.
Most settings will get their payments on the last working day of:
- March 2025
Academies will get their payments on the sixth working day of:
- April 2025
Maintained schools and maintained alternative provision settings will receive payment via their local authority. All other settings will receive payment directly.
We will make this payment alongside your regular funding. It will appear as a separate line on that remittance.
Updates to this page
Updated to clarify that grant funding ended on 31 January.
Existing applications for the senior mental health lead training grant need to be completed by 31 January 2025. The application window to apply for the grant closed on 31 December 2024.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
We have added deadlines to complete and submit application forms. We have updated the dates when academies will get payments.
Updated information on how to claim a senior mental health lead grant for the financial year 2024 to 2025. Also added an updated version of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated the training commencement deadline from 31 March 2024 to 31 July 2024.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Information has been added on applying for a second grant.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updates have been added for the financial year 2023 to 2024.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Applicants now gain immediate access to the form for the second stage of their application after completing the first stage. Updated the ‘Applying for a grant’ section to reflect this.
Training start date extended from 31 March 2023 to 31 July 2023.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
The list of training courses was updated to remove those no longer quality assured by the Department for Education (DfE).
The list of training courses was updated to remove those no longer quality assured by the Department for Education (DfE).
List of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses has been updated.
List of of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses has been updated, including additional course information relating to the level and delivery mode.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Added 'DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses: July 2022'.
Added an extra resource to the section 'What the training covers' and clarified eligibility in the section 'Who the training is for'.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated for the 2022 to 2023 financial year to include revised information about the application process, links to both application forms and additional information about payments.
Added a new date for submitting the second part of the grant application under 'Claiming your grants and payments'.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated for the 2022 to 2023 financial year.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated to reflect that grants can now be reserved by schools and colleges who want to undertake training in April and May 2022.
Updated the list of DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated content to reflect that grants are now available to those on the waiting list in this financial year.
Updated the list of DfE-assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated as we have allocated all available grant funding for the 2021 to 2022 financial year.
Updated the list of DfE-assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Added information about how successful applicants need to provide evidence of booking DfE quality assured training to receive the grant funding.
Updated the list of 'DfE assured senior mental health lead training courses' with courses SMHL072 to SMHL084.
Updated 'How do I apply for a grant' section.
Updated the list of DfE-assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated with latest information on how to apply for a grant.
Updated list of DfE-assured senior mental health lead training courses.
Updated ‘Who is the training for’ section and added new sections on ‘How do I access DfE quality assured training' and ‘How do I apply for a grant’. Published the list of quality-assured courses, grant terms document and links to a contact details form and an online tool to help select the most suitable course.
Added 'Learning outcomes for senior mental health lead training' document in 'Outcomes' section and a new section 'Actions school and college leaders can take now'.
First published.