Social Housing Quality Resident Panel: data on membership
These charts below provide a breakdown of the panel membership.
Applies to England
We want the membership of our Social Housing Quality Resident Panel to represent the diversity of the country’s social housing population. The members of the panel have been selected with the aim of having a good mix of residents who live in different housing types covering England with representation from across a range of demographics and protected characteristics.
Panel membership by Gender

- Male 43%
- Female 52%
- Prefer not to say 5%
Panel membership by Age group

- 18-24 years 2.4%
- 25-34 years 18%
- 35-44 years 19.6%
- 45-54 years 21.6%
- 55-64 years 20.8%
- 65+ years 17.2%
- Prefer not to say 0.4%
Panel membership by Type of landlord

- Housing Association, 80.4%
- Local Authority 19.6%
Panel membership by Geographical region

- West Midlands 11%
- Yorkshire and Humber 12%
- South West England 11%
- South East England 11%
- North West England 12%
- North East England 11%
- East of England 11%
- East Midlands 11%
- London 11%
Panel membership by Disability status

- Disabled 36%
- Not disabled 23%
- Prefer not to say 41%
Panel membership by Ethnicity

- White 53%
- Mixed / Multiple ethnic 6%
- Asian / Asian British 6%
- Black / African / Caribbean / Black British 8%
- Other ethnic group 5%
- Prefer not to say 22%