
Solo and independent travel

How to plan and stay safe if you are travelling alone or independently.

All travel comes with risk. However, if you travel by yourself (solo travel), independent of a group or organised tour (independent travel), you can face additional challenges.

Plan your travel

Before you travel, research your destination:

  • check our country travel advice pages and sign up to receive email alerts when it is updated
  • read guidebooks and online forums
  • talk to friends or family who have been to the places you plan to visit
  • read the foreign travel checklist

Make sure you have appropriate travel insurance, even if you are visiting friends and family, or know the country well.

Leave an itinerary with someone at home and agree how regularly you will be in contact. You may also want to leave photocopies of important documents, such as your passport and insurance policy.

Have a plan in case things go wrong. For example:

  • make sure you know the address of where you are staying, in case your host or transfer company does not turn up to meet you
  • know what other accommodation is available in case your original option is not what you expected

Make sure you can access your money while abroad, including if you need to access funds quickly in an emergency.

Stay safe while you’re abroad

Solo and independent travel can be a rewarding experience. However, it may bring an increased risk of being a victim of crime or other risks to your personal safety.

If you are travelling by yourself, without other people or an organised group, consider how you will look after your safety. This is particularly important if you are travelling in a place that’s unfamiliar to you.

Be secure in your transportation


  • arranging airport transfers before you arrive
  • using only official, licensed and reputable taxis
  • travelling in busy carriages on a train
  • avoiding hitchhiking
  • avoiding carrying large amounts of money or wearing excess jewellery, and keeping valuables close to you
  • if walking alone, avoiding poorly lit areas, particularly at night

Be secure in your accommodation


  • booking accommodation before you travel, in particular your first night’s accommodation. You are at your most vulnerable when you first arrive in a foreign country as you are likely to be tired and unsure of your surroundings
  • researching accommodation options carefully, including checking the location and having alternative accommodation as back-up, or knowing where to find alternative accommodation
  • whether the accommodation has suitable health and safety standards:
    • fire safety: check there are smoke alarms and appropriate fire exits
    • carbon monoxide: badly fitted equipment such as water heaters or cookers, or poor ventilation can kill. Read NHS guidance on how to identify the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning. If you take your own safety equipment, such as a portable carbon monoxide detector, ensure you comply with the manufacturer’s instructions
  • never leaving your key where someone can note your room number
  • closing your windows, especially if your room is on the ground floor or has a balcony
  • locking your door when you are inside the room
  • using the spy hole or chain, if the door has one, before opening the door to visitors, especially if you’re not expecting anybody
  • bringing a door wedge to place behind your accommodation door

If you feel uncomfortable or in danger:

  • do not be afraid to draw attention to yourself by shouting and making a fuss
  • remember that being safe is more important than being polite
  • contact the local police if you are fearful for your safety or in danger

If you have been the victim of a crime, see the victim of crime abroad advice.

You may face other risks while travelling alone due to your identity. See our advice for women travellers, LGBT+ travellers and disability and travel abroad.

Rape and sexual assault is a risk to people of all genders worldwide. The local services and attitudes towards helping victims can vary widely by country. The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) takes any allegation of rape and sexual assault seriously. Read our advice on what to do if you have been raped or sexually assaulted abroad, which includes specific advice for the country or territory you’re in.

Organisations that can help

These organisations’ websites provide information about how to stay safe while travelling or working alone:


We welcome your views on the support we provide, to help us to identify what we do well and what we could do better. Contact us using our feedback contact form.

Alternatively write to us:

Consular Feedback Team
Consular Directorate
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
King Charles Street
London SW1A 2AH

Telephone +44 (0)20 7008 5000


Read the disclaimer relating to this guidance.

Updates to this page

Published 22 December 2023
Last updated 28 February 2025 show all updates
  1. Added information about the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning.

  2. First published.

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