
Standard individual export licences (SIELs)

You can use a SIEL to make shipments of specified military or dual-use items to a named consignee and/or end user.


A standard individual export licence (SIEL), issued by the Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU), permits the export of certain strategic controlled items.

A SIEL is specific to an exporter and allows shipments of a stated quantity of specified items to a named consignee or end-user. A consignee is an entity who first receives the items. The end-user is the entity who uses the items or incorporates them into another product. You will need appropriate supporting documentation to get a SIEL.

Other potential entities in an export

A third party is any other entity or individual associated with the export, including agents and parent companies. This usually excludes freight forwarders.

An ultimate end-user is the entity that uses the final product which the exported goods are installed or incorporated into. The end-user and ultimate end-user may be different entities.

Check if your items are controlled

Check if your items are controlled and find the appropriate control entry using:

You may need a licence under end-use controls or if your export is subject to trade sanctions or embargoes even if your items are not described by the consolidated list.

Check the military and dual-use guides for further information about end-use controls.

Check if your export is subject to trade sanctions, arms embargoes, and other trade restrictions.

When to use a SIEL

A SIEL might be the right licence for you if:

If you cannot supply supporting documentation ECJU will not be able to grant you a SIEL.

SIELs for permanent exports are generally valid for 2 years or until the quantity specified has been exported, whichever occurs first.

If you are likely to be exporting similar items regularly to the same customer in the future, you should consider an open individual export licence (OIEL).

It is a criminal offence to export controlled goods without the correct licence. Check information on penalties which vary depending on the nature of the offence.

SIELs for temporary exports

You may need a SIEL specifically for temporary export if you are exporting on a temporary basis where the product will be returned to the UK. For example, for an exhibition, demonstration, trial, repair, maintenance or evaluation.

A SIEL for temporary export is generally valid for one year only. The items must be returned to the UK before the licence expires.

An end-user undertaking form is generally not required when applying for a SIEL for temporary export.

What you need to apply for a SIEL

To apply for a  SIEL you must:

  • be able to specify the items for export, their quantity, and their destination (consignee and/or end-user)
  • have the appropriate supporting documentation to submit with your application

If your organisation is based in the UK and is a commercial entity, you will need a:

If you are exporting as a private individual based in the UK, you will need a European Union registration and identification number.

What to include on your application

You must complete your application accurately and include all required details before submitting it. If you make any amendments to your application after submitting it, the processing time to provide a decision restarts.

When applying for a SIEL, you must ensure that you:

  • describe the items in detail, including model or type numbers where appropriate
  • include the quantity or amount of each type of item
  • include the value of each item or goods in pounds sterling (GBP), even if the value is nominal
  • specify the destination
  • give full details of the end-user and any consignee, ultimate end-users or third parties
  • give details about the end use of each item

Supporting documents for SIEL applications

Your application must include:

  • the unique technical specification of the items
  • an accurate and correct undertaking form, completed and signed by the end-user

When the customer is a foreign government, a copy of the government purchase order or contract may be accepted instead of an undertaking form.

Check additional supporting documentation requirements for SIEL applications when exporting firearms, ammunition and related equipment from Great Britain or Northern Ireland.

End-use undertakings

There are various types of undertaking forms. The one that you need to submit in support of your application, depends on circumstances.

You must complete and submit:

We will accept undertakings with digital/electronic signatures. You must retain the undertaking for your records. We reserve the right to request the original document, if necessary.

Applying for a SIEL

In most cases, you will use our new service to apply for a SIEL to export strategic goods, software or technology. This is on a separate platform to SPIRE. If you have not registered, it will prompt you to create an account.

Once you move to our new system, you will still be able to access SPIRE to view old SIEL applications.

You cannot apply for some types of SIEL licences using this service. Email if you need access to SPIRE.

When not to use this service

Use SPIRE to apply:

You must also use SPIRE to export goods, software and technology with the control list entries in the table below:

Category Control list entries
Software 2D352, 3D006, 3E003H
Marine 8A002o4
Technology 9E003a2e, 9E003k
List of capital punishment and torture goods annex II 1.1 to 1.4, 2.1 to 2.8, 3.1 and 3.2, 4.1 and 4.2
List of capital punishment and torture goods annex III 1.1 to 1.3, 2.1 to 2.3, 3.1 to 3.6
List of capital punishment and torture goods annex IV 1.1

Read further guidance on how to use SPIRE.

To provide standalone services, including professional and business services, to sanctioned destinations, apply for a licence to provide sanctioned trade services.

Exporter responsibilities

It is your responsibility to:

  • have the right licence in place before you export
  • comply with all terms and conditions of the licence
  • submit the undertaking and covering letter ensuring they are:
    • completed legibly, in English and signed by an appropriate responsible official
    • attached as a copy to the licence application
    • retained as in your records

How licences are assessed

We assess all licence applications on a on a case-by-case basis against the Strategic Export Licensing Criteria. The Criteria provides a thorough risk assessment framework. We will not grant a licence when it is inconsistent with the Criteria. Applications for countries subject to sanctions or embargoes are also considered against trade sanctions, arms embargoes, and other trade restrictions.

In reaching a decision on an application, the Department for Business and Trade receives advice from several departments, including the Ministry of Defence and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

Licence processing time

We aim to provide a decision on 70% of SIEL applications within 20 working days, and 99% within 60 working days. The processing time starts once you have submitted your application. If further information is requested by ECJU, the processing time pauses until a response is received.

Processing licences for sanctioned, embargoed or highly sensitive destinations is likely to take significantly longer than the standard 20 working day target.

Strategic export controls: licensing data provides information on decisions and processing times for licence applications.

Please ensure you accurately complete the application with all the required details before submitting to avoid delays.

Processing delays can occur if for example an exporter:

  • fails to provide a technical specification or undertaking
  • submits an incorrect or incomplete undertaking

If you make any amendments to your application after its original submission you will be required to resubmit it. This will result in you receiving a new application reference and it will be treated as a new application, meaning the processing time to provide a decision will restart.

Terms and conditions

You must read and follow the terms and conditions of your licence. You must maintain records of all transactions carried out under your licence.

Export licences are not transferable to another exporter.

Only ECJU can amend, suspend or revoke a licence.

Customs declarations when exporting outside the UK

SIEL conditions require you, the licensee, to submit a customs declaration before all exports to destinations outside the UK except if you are exporting from Northern Ireland to the EU customs territory.

This declaration must quote the export licence number.

You must quote the licence number to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) officials when items are presented for export. If the HMRC official has instructed you of any alternative arrangements, then you must comply with those.

Exporting from Northern Ireland to the EU customs territory

No pre-export customs declaration is required.

However, you must fulfil SIEL conditions which require that you:


ECJU has a statutory right to inspect export records to ensure the correct use of licences. Our compliance officers visit companies holding export licences. They ensure licence conditions are met in compliance with export control legislation.

See our compliance code of practice and find out more about compliance visits.

You will receive compliance visits if you hold SIELs for electronic transfers of software or technology.

Penalties and fines

Breaching export controls is a criminal offence. Penalties can vary depending on the nature of the offence.

They include:

  • revocation of licences
  • seizure of goods
  • issuing of a compound penalty fine
  • imprisonment for up to 10 years

If you receive a compliance warning letter you must comply with any conditions stated in the letter within the timescales provided, or your licence may be revoked. Serious cases of breaches or non-compliance may be prosecuted by HMRC. 

See how to report any licensing irregularities to HMRC voluntarily.

Subscribe to notices to exporters

Sign up to our notices to exporters email alert service to keep up-to-date with changes to export licences or legislation.

Contact ECJU

General queries about strategic export licensing

Export Control Joint Unit
Department for Business and Trade
Old Admiralty Building
Admiralty Place


Telephone 020 7215 4594

Updates to this page

Published 12 September 2012
Last updated 7 February 2025 + show all updates
  1. Updated requirements for applying for a SIEL, including specifying necessary details for commercial entities and private individuals. Clarified licence processing times and the impact of amendments on decision timelines.

  2. Control entries 1C353a1, 1C353a2, 1C353a3 (category 'Genetic elements’ and ‘genetically-modified organisms) were removed from the table in the 'when not to use this service' section.

  3. A new contact email was given for those who need access to SPIRE. Additional exceptions were added which need to be made in SPIRE. A table was added of specific control list entries which need to be applied for in SPIRE.

  4. New signposting was added to the 'Applying for a SIEL' section of the page for users who need to apply for licence to provide sanctioned services.

  5. 'Applying for a SIEL' section updated to better explain which SIELs should be applied for in SPIRE instead of the new Apply for a SIEL service.

  6. Instructions for applying for a SIEL have been updated. There is a new service for applying for SIELs in most instances. The update includes a link to the new service. It also explains which SIEL applications still have to made on SPIRE.

  7. Updated reference and link in 'How licences are assessed' from Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria to Strategic Export Licensing Criteria.

  8. Content restructured. Addition of new sections on when you can use a SIEL, what you'll need, how long it takes to get a licence, exporter responsibilities, customs declarations, compliance and legal obligations.

  9. First published.

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