Submit a research report to MOD
Find out how to submit your research to Athena, Dstl's central repository of MOD-sponsored scientific and technical research reports.
Athena will add any newly published science and technology (S&T) research reports produced in support of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) S&T programme into the Athena report collection free of charge as long as reports meet the following criteria:
- all material must have an S&T focus
- all material must be technically reviewed
- all material must include a completed report documentation page (see below)
Reports sent to Athena that don’t meet this criteria will not be added to the collection.
Report documentation page
The report documentation page is a 2-page form that must be attached to the end of each report, regardless of whether the report template used is a Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) template, MOD template, industry template or a customer-specific template.
The report documentation page is comprised of a number of fields. This allows the author to provide a range of information about the report, for example, its classification and its intellectual property conditions (such as copyright conditions and who the report can be released to). This information helps Athena to manage the report appropriately. It also enables effective search and retrieval of the document from the Athena report collection.
Read this guidance before completing the form.
Defence research report specification
outlines requirements for the presentation, format and production of scientific and technical reports prepared for MOD. Its aim is to standardise the format and content of all reports supplied under contract to MOD. It provides a template report cover page, guidance on completing the , explains the sections that are expected to feature in a MOD report, includes guidance on writing abstracts and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) statements for use in MOD reports.Athena collection management policy
For more information on the types of documents accepted into the Athena report collection, please read the
.More information
If you have any questions about submitting a report to Athena, please email
Updates to this page
Published 1 July 2014Last updated 21 February 2025 + show all updates
Updated report documentation page (form)
Updated defence research report specification and report documentation page: guidelines for use (open document format).
Updated reporting document.
Updated report documentation page guidelines, defence research report specification and Athena collection management policy.
New collection management policy added.
New version of report documentation page added
Defence research report specification document updated
Updating Defence research report specification guide
First published.