Submitting Event Reports using the managing pension schemes service
Compile and submit Event Reports on the service and find out how to make payments and amend earlier reports.
Compile, save and submit an Event Report
You can compile and save your Event Report on the service and return to submit it later. It will stay on the service until you’ve completed the declaration and submitted it.
You must use the managing pension schemes service to submit any new Event Reports for the tax year 2023 to 2024 onwards.
If the pension scheme has a pension scheme tax reference beginning with ‘0’, you’ll need to have migrated your pension scheme to the managing pension schemes service to be able to do this.
If the pension scheme has wound up, you must report this to HMRC within 3 months of the scheme wind up completing.
Compiling an Event Report
When compiling an Event Report on the managing pension schemes service, for certain events, you can choose to either:
- manually enter the data
- upload a CSV file directly on to the service to populate the report
The function for uploading a CSV file is available for the tax year:
- 2023 to 2024
- Event 1
- Event 6
- Event 22
- Event 23
- 2024 to 2025 onwards
- Event 1
- Event 22
- Event 23
- Event 24
For all other events, you’ll need to enter the details manually.
Uploading a CSV file
You’ll need to upload files in CSV format. The CSV file templates are available on the service. You’ll need to upload a different file for each event.
You should use one CSV file to report all members for each event.
If you upload more than one file for the same event, the original file will be overwritten.
You can manually add more entries for the same event after you’ve uploaded a file for the event. You cannot manually enter members details first and then upload a file. If you do, the manual entries will be overwritten for that event.
Amend an Event Report
You can amend the latest version of a compiled or submitted Event Report.
You can make further changes to a report that you’ve already submitted. You’ll need to do this manually, on the managing pension schemes service. You’ll not be given the option to upload a CSV file.
Once you’ve submitted your amendments, you’ll be able to see what’s changed from the previous submitted version of the report.
If you submit an amended report for Event 1, which increases the charge amount, you’ll receive a new charge notification in the post. You’ll then be able to see the new charge reference on the ‘payments and charges’ screen.
View and search submitted Event Reports
To view any submitted report on your pension scheme’s record, select ‘View or change past Event Reports’.
Making Event Report payments
A charge reference will not be created as soon as you submit an event report that includes Event 1. Once the charge has been created you’ll receive a notification in the post, this will include a charge reference. You should use the charge reference when making a payment so that the payment is properly allocated. You’ll find the charge reference and other financial information in the ‘payments and charges’ screen for your scheme.
If you need to make a payment prior to receiving a charge reference, you must use your pension scheme tax reference and contact us so we can make sure the payment is properly allocated.
Request a refund or reallocation of payments
If you’ve made an Event Report payment for a submitted report, you can ask for a refund or reallocation.
Submit or amend historic Event Reports
If your pension scheme was registered through the managing pension schemes service, the earliest Event Report you’ll be able to compile and submit using the service is for the tax year 2023 to 2024.
If you need to file or amend an earlier report for a scheme with a pension scheme tax reference beginning with ‘2’, you should send an email to:, putting ‘Event Report — Managing Pension Schemes’ in the subject line.
Updates to this page
Updated the list of the events where you can upload an Event Report on the managing pensions scheme service for tax 2023 to 2024, and tax year 2024 to 2025.
You must tell HMRC if a pension scheme has wound up within 3 months of the scheme wind up completing. This information has been added to the compile, save and submit an Event Report section.
First published.